A Concise Introduction to Magic and Magical Training: Part II, by Virgil


The Importance of Magical Training Systems


As a student of magic, one of your goals is to become an adept – a master magician. To understand the process of becoming an adept, consider the following metaphor. 

Let’s say you are in a country called Magic Land. This land has many locations, including a city called Adepthood. In order to get from one location in Magic Land to another location Magic Land, you have to walk. In our world, walking represents doing something magic-related. If you are reading a book about magic, you are walking. If you are practicing a magical exercise, you are walking. If you are performing a magical ritual, you are walking.   


Here’s the thing – just because you are walking doesn’t mean you are walking in the right direction. Many people make the erroneous assumption that this is the case, when it is not true at all. Magic Land is filled with many aspiring magicians who want to reach Adepthood. Some of them are walking in the right direction – the direction of the city. Others are walking in the wrong direction. Many people are just walking in circles.  

Adepts have balanced personalities and excellent minds. They also have their lives together. The process of walking to Adepthood reflects a process of balancing your personality, developing your mind, and getting your life together. Those who intend to get to Adepthood and are walking in the right direction should be able to examine themselves objectively after a long period of magical training and notice that their personalities are more balanced, their minds are better, and their lives are more organized. Such people are in a much better situation than the misguided individuals who are walking in the wrong direction or walking in circles. The people who walk in the wrong direction end up very far from Adepthood. These are the people who unbalance their personalities, destroy their minds, and wreck their lives by practicing magical exercises incorrectly or using their magical abilities unwisely. The people who walk in circles don’t end up as demented or deranged, but they still end up in a pitiable situation. After decades of magical study and practice, they reflect back on their journey and cannot help but conclude that it has all been a gigantic waste of time. They lose their faith in magic and regret that they did not give up their studies years earlier.  

If you wish to become an adept, you must make sure you are walking towards Adepthood, and that you are not walking in the wrong direction or walking in circles. Most aspiring magicians are not walking in the right direction. They read whatever book about magic they want to read whenever they want to, they practice whatever magical exercise they want to practice whenever they want to, and they perform whatever magical ritual they want to perform whenever they want to. This is like walking north whenever you feel like walking north, walking south whenever you feel like walking south, walking east whenever you feel like walking east, and walking west whenever you feel like walking west. No one who does this will ever reach their destination. They will be wandering around forever.  

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If you want to ensure that you are always walking in the right direction, you need to pick a good magical training system and follow it through to the end. A good magical training system will provide you with the guidance you need to get from wherever you currently are to the city of Adepthood  

In the next chapter, I explain what magical training systems are and how to tell whether a magical training system is good or bad. I also list a few magical training systems that you can investigate and explore.  

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