
A Guide to Sphere Qabbalah: An Interview with Andre Consciencia


In an interview about his new book expanding on Franz Bardon’s Key to the True Kabbalah, the author describes A Guide to Sphere Qabbalah as unveiling hidden secrets within Bardon’s system. He explains advanced techniques like working with planetary elementals, creating soul mirrors on a cosmic scale, and bodily gestures linking to universal forces. While building on his previous books integrating topics from Alchemy to Tarot, this tome could serve as a “mystical companion” for adepts by fusing various metaphysical elements. He hints at further revelations related to Uranus and the collective consciousness but suggests the importance lies more in contemplation and experience rather than any ultimate importance within the occult mysteries explored.

Falcon Books Publishing: In the beginning of your new book you say: ‘A third book was now and unexpectedly in order, leaning over aspects of The Key to the True Quabbalah, the third book by Franz Bardon, and expanding upon them. It was a book divided in four, in which the candidate would have to be not only a capable magician, but also a ferocious theurgist and a learning quabbalist’.

Can we say then that this book does not require the reader to be familiar with your earlier books but it absolutely expects a high degree of skill. Can you here expand the phrase you used ‘a ferocious theurgist’.

Andre: Theurgy persuades occult powers or intelligences to do or refrain from doing something. If the magician is acquainted with the four or five elements he or she has mastered partially the elemental powers; if familiar with evocation or invocation, the intelligences. The planetary oscillations and cosmic letters are no different. A quabbalist in the Franz Bardon Tradition is necessarily a theurgist. 

Falcon Books Publishing: Another sentence I noticed ‘The Uranus sphere will not have any influence on the zone girdling the earth and on our planet before the next cycle of evolution takes place.’ I am sure it is limited what you can share on this but can you give us a glimpse of what you are referring to for those not as well versed in this knowledge.

Andre: The quote is from Franz Bardon, The Practice of Magical Evocation. And yet, I was familiar with what it is saying before having known the author. There is very much to expand and yet so little I can imagine myself saying without being misunderstood (and justly so). To start with, this is a mystery of the throat, and Nema has gone near it with her channeled key “by the same mouth”. It also has to do with the magic and quabbalah of the macrocosm. Now our macrocosmic magic is called science (macrocosmic theurgy) and technology (macrocosmic thaumaturgy). But we have no macrocosmic quabbalah, not consciously. This also implies the literal awakening of a collective conscious (the missing piece of the collective unconscious) and certain biological-technological changes, paired with the availability to everyone of intelligence forms that have so far only been accessed by highly skilled magicians and mystics throughout the ages. 

A major key for this topic will be delivered in A Guide to Stellar Magic, the next book in the series. But it will be more or less veiled still. There, you find how the 49 Judges of Saturn become the 42 Lords of Understanding. Still quabbalistically speaking, the Sphere of Venus takes the place of the sphere of Mercury in terms of proximity and functionality, the mind or mental organ being infused by it, and while Mercury fuses with the solar logos the barrier that seems to exist between the Earthzone and the Moonzone is obliterated. Some of what this all means is also addressed in my book The Path of Ipsos Vol II but only if the ears are there to hear. 

Falcon Books Publishing: The book goes into a great deal of detail, would you say that a student needs to be at a certain stage of training already with Franz Bardons Book The Key to the True Kabbalah (KTQ)? Would they need to have completed the Single Key training of KTQ or would the IIH and possible PME work be sufficient?

Andre: What is needed is a sense of working with the combination of light, sensation and meaning in the imagination, and doing it efficiently or learning to do it efficiently. IIH teaches this when you are working through the elemental fluids. PME teaches this with the planets (the corresponding incenses give a good clue about the sensation attached to each planet). In KTQ, a new system is introduced with the addition of sounds and, more particularly, tones. There are 10 tones given and these are the 10 planetary spheres of PME (I hope my book can clarify this subject). A Guide to Sphere Quabbalah supposes the reader has at least experimented with KTQ, but can also be a starting place for it. 

Falcon Books Publishing: You mention keys and other information that is placed within this book. What benefit would a current practitioner of KTQ gain from this book? How would it influence their work?

While offering a complete system, Franz Bardon left enough space for the others after him to reveal it. A system you can work with is also a system that can be worked. Imagine that you place PME on top of KTQ and the overlapping reveals a new item with hidden secrets and a whole new universe to explore. That is what I expect this book to be. 

Falcon Books Publishing: This book makes use of body postures ‘The book of Gestures’, how important is the practice of creating shapes and meaning with the body? Is this related to any other systems or something that has formed naturally from your own work?

Andre: It is often related to Hatha Yoga in this particular case, but not necessarily or not always. The body postures and gestures are in tune with the cosmic letters, formulas, rhythms, planets and the circulation of equivalent powers and qualities, and include the abstraction of the objective mind and the objectification of the abstract mind according to particular intentions and symbologies. I think to stress out the importance of it is to deviate from it. Pleasure and contemplation comes first. Importance is illusory. 

Falcon Books Publishing: How does this book fit into the vast amount of literature put out by you? You gave us an idea of how things are integrated in a previous interview with Perseus. Can you explain again for people how all these books work together?

Andre: For once, if you come from A Guide to the Elementals, at this time you are given the keys (I suspect this has not been given before) for working with planetary elementals. If you come from Through the Soul Mirror to the Sphere of the Sun, you now are given the keys to work with the elemental fluids of the planets while before you were limited to the scale and particular elements of the Earthzone, and you as well can create a new panorama of soul mirrors in this scale. 

If you are coming from The Dragon Tarot (The Inner Circle and the Triangle) you have become specialized in the creation of elementaries and conjuration. For this, you have worked with the four hermetic elements and the Hebrew cosmic alphabet, undergoing initiation, invoking and evoking each of these and creating corresponding servitors. Parallel to it, and in an exotic combination, you have experienced certain asiatic realms and light oscillations. You will be more than ready to come learn the letters of Franz Bardon and the western realms of light oscillation. 

If, however, you are coming from the trilogy The Way of Abrahadabra, The Path of Ipsos I and II, you have become a full adept. Particularly in The Path of Ipsos Vol II you have been led to a system very similar to KTQ that works with the periodic table, with more than a hundred functional letters and near 400 pages dedicated just to this aspect. If you are a scientist and an alchemist, you might as well have been given a very rare key to a first form of macrocosmic quabbalah. You might come to consider A Guide to Sphere Quabbalah your new mystical companion. In the Way of Abrahadabra you have also been given a different scale of elemental fluids for each of the central spheres. The hints on what the elemental beings are there will complete the notions given in A Guide to Sphere Quabbalah. 

Now if you are coming from The Inner Gateways of LAM (Esoteric Pillars), you might as well start looking at A Guide to Sphere Quabbalah from the perspective of Uranus. But I will go no further on explaining what that means. 

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