This book leans over aspects of The Key to True Quabbalah, by Franz Bardon, and expands them. It is a book divided into four parts that serve the magician, the theurgist and the learning quabbalist. 

The book is concerned with the operation of the triad regarding the human being, according to the teachings of Hermes, the patron of music.

The quabbalist leaves this work with his soul free from the illusion of the material world, his senses infinite, free of limitations. He starts to hear the eternal songs of praise inside all creatures, the music crystallized inside all shapes and architecture, divine melodies in everything. 

When the soul fully regains its original auditory sense of clairaudience, it starts to hear the music of the spheres and the spirit of the quabbalist joins the celestial choirs, taking part in the eternal good that controls the spheres.

In this book, you will also find:

  •  An exploration of the divine tones and the way of creating rhythm and melodies with their aid.
  •  It explores the cosmic elemental kingdoms and sphere elementals and how the different cosmic letters correspond to the elemental fluids of the different spheres.
  • The way of combining shape with the tones and the quabbalistic mechanics of the spheres is given, together with a tripolar method of working with the original Hebrew letters, including the method to create elementaries of these letters.
  • Finally, the reader will be able to learn bodily motions corresponding to the spheres, tones and Bardon’s cosmic letters, the so-called quabbalistic yoga.


Available on Amazon

  • Author(s): Andre Consciencia
  • Format:Print Replica style
  • Language: English
  • Publishing Date: 20th January 2024
  • Publisher: Falcon Books Publishing Ltd
  • Pages: 283
  • File sizet::61007 KB
  • 8 custom-made  full-color illustrations



  • Author(s): Andre Consciencia
  • Format:Perfect Bound matt finish
  • Language: English
  • Publishing Date: 20th January 2024
  • Publisher: Falcon Books Publishing Ltd
  • Pages: 283
  • Weightt: 0.933 kg
  • Dimesions: 21.6 × .22 × 27.9 cm
  • 8 custom-made  full-color illustrations



  • Author(s): Andre Consciencia
  • FormatHardboard 150gsm gloss-coated
  • Language: English
  • Publishing Date: 20th January 2024
  • Publisher: Falcon Books Publishing Ltd
  • Pages: 295
  • Weight: 1.419 kg
  • Dimensions: 21.6 × 0.15 × 27.9 cm
  • Extra Material
  • 9 Custom made Illustrations of full-color plates
  •  hand-drawn  colored seals 

An excerpt

What to expect

The Book of Incantations (Sound) – The movement of harmony towards form. Includes a recalibration of learned Quabbalah or introduction to Quabbalah; using harmonies and rhythms in Quabbalah; using musical instruments Quabbalistically; practical relation between tones and the planetary spheres; magical use of quabbalah (tones, shape and sensations); practical relation between the tones and human anatomy; the ancient Egyptian senet as a quabbalistic and hermetic instrument.   

– Book II Cosmic Elemental Kingdoms (Color) – The force of compression of harmony. Includes the practical relation between the spheres, the elements and the cosmic letters; how to enter elemental realms specific to the structure of the spheres and meet the respective planetary elementals; seals and names of such sphere elementals; how these elemental realms work in unison.

 Book III The Machinery of the Spheres (Shape) – The vehicle for the force of compression, creating and using tools in which the spirit can act in harmony with itself. The author moves with his guardian genius to the spheres in search for magical and quabbalistic tools. It includes several visions, their hermetic and quabbalistic interpretation and application, and the creation of a number of physical tools, devices and magical/quabbalistic machinery, such as the Six Poles Compass, the 72 Pentagrammaton, the Outer Pyramid Device, the Inner Pyramid Device, the Cube Star, the Pillar of Light Device, the Gold Generator Device, the Web of Immortal Ideas Device, the Elevator Device, the Halo Pentagram Device, Dreamachine Device, the 11* Device, etc… Also explores the use of the Hebrew letters in all four planes, anatomically and in the creation of respective elementaries. 

 Book VI The Book of Gestures (Motion) – The quabbalist becomes the musician that plays upon the nerves, the spirit then creates harmony in matter. Defines an asana to each sphere and tone, and then start working with the cosmic letters. The principles of internal motion (breath and the motion of the organs) and external motion (outer body and sound) are given, and as the chapter evolves, the quabbalist learns to create whole rituals that move and conjoin planetary influences through gestures and quabbalah. With the four books, a complete system of practice regarding the tones is established.


As a final touch, practical hints are given on how to use the cosmic language with the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms; how to perform evocation through Quabbalah; the Quabbalistic scale according to Venus; sphere quabbalah quiromancy; the different scales of electric and magnetic fluids according to the different spheres; and (solely in the hardback) an examination and quabbalistic application (including the formulation of magical squares) of the so-called Bardon’s cipher alphabet.

All Lights meet in this place, The light of form, The light of the soul, The light of life, Blending and rising. How the Quabbalist No longer acts through desire. But through love. André Consciencia

© copyright Falcon Books Publishing

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