Adepthood: Complete Success On All Levels by Martin Faulks Excerpt: The Divine Endowment
An excerpt from Adepthood: Complete Success on All Levels by Martin Faulks
In ancient times the practitioners of the Western tradition had a clear vision of the total goal of their path.
The master teachers of the day aimed not only to convey as accurately as possible the true nature of the spiritual journey, but also to help the student clearly see their destination. The term used for this was often “Eudaemonia” or “True Success”. The term eudaimonia is a philosophical term to denote true and complete happiness; a flourishing on all levels. The derivation of the word is as follows: ‘eu’ meaning ‘well’, and ‘daimôn’ meaning ‘spirit’. To connect with the idea we need to imagine a situation where everything in your life is flourishing; good mood, good fortune, good friends, the right job, the right place. Picture contagious prosperity that amplifies throughout the whole of your life. In modern terminology, we would perhaps use the term “Adepthood” to express the same idea. Total self-perfection and success through harmony and oneness.
Written in the form a letter to a genuine seeker on this path, this book brings this ancient wisdom into modern language. The work guides the reader in the path of self perfection and answers common questions and misunderstandings that still persist to this day and brings the reader’s understanding firmly to the true Hermetic path and a true vision of Adepthood.
-Martin Faulks
The Divine Endowment
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]G[/mks_dropcap]enuine spiritual awareness arises from the link one has with the divine. It is an awareness of spiritual things; your mind being able to directly sense information from the forces all around you. This comes to us as part of our divine way of life which tunes us into the thoughts and vibrations of the divine participants of the divine foreknowledge and the divine thoughts, and renders us truly divine.
It causes us to be genuinely the possessors of goodness, because the most blessed thoughts of the gods abounding within us tell us of emotions, fates and tendencies hidden to others.
You mentioned that in in your opinion “No one ever demonstrates any genuine clairvoyant ability.”
Then you went on to say that “If they can really see the future why don’t they take advantage of this to gain great wealth or position in the world?”
All of this springs from a misunderstanding of what the genuine mastery of spiritual senses entails. The opening of the spiritual senses allows you to observe things on another level so as to access the extra information around you. In this sense it is very like the physical senses, and like the physical senses it has its own limitations.
The spiritual senses are a great blessing and allow you to see the beauty of things on a whole new level. Large events occurring in other places or in the future stand out to you. This does indeed allow you to avoid great calamities and avoid danger, and on other occasions to take advantage of things that are to come to great effect.
Because the full utilisation of this skill involves working in harmony with things to come and sensing things that come naturally, much of your work is hidden, as it comes from working with the natural flow of events, just as the dolphin swims through the sea so gracefully that no one can see it avoiding danger, and taking advantage of the natural flow of the tides and currents.
The Diverse Forms of the Spirits and Gods
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]Y[/mks_dropcap]ou questioned why the gods and spirits taketh on so many forms and have so many names. How can this be if these forces are beyond corruption and unmoving?
The truth is that the beings you mention exist as pure thoughts and do not have any form or name. It is our mind that brings these notions to us, and gives them shape, when we perceive them using our own individual consciousness. For this reason beings of a given nature often appear with similar characteristics but diverse forms. The gods stand apart from other spirits as higher forms of pure thought that can raise you from your limitations.
“Why, may I ask, are some stones, plants and even places held to be blessed and magical? If the gods are pure essence and exist in heaven, how can their influence be related to one planet or star in the sky or a type of wood or sacred spring on earth?”
The Gods in their splendour shine forth upon the earth as a hidden light behind all nature of things. Just as the sunlight is taken up and heats objects of some substances and colour more than others, so too do the rays of a particular god gather in some nature of thoughts, objects or living beings.
Please enjoy a short video previewing this title. The ebook version also contains a special video message from Martin only available in the Kindle edition on Amazon. To find out more about Martin please visit his author page.
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