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An Excerpt: (Chapter 5: The Element of Earth)The Four Elements by William R. Mistele

Earth in Kabbalah, Cosmic Letter AE—on Four Planes

Akashic Plane

The principle by which the earth element appears within akasha, the void, is—because it is the nature of the void to unite as one love, power, and wisdom, (the water, fire, and air elements), the void produces works that endure, enriching life in every conceivable way.

Ever surrounding us in deep silence, the void, in its boundless opportunities and endless possibilities, reveals all that can be accomplished in any age of the world.

The Cosmic Letter AE

Cosmic “letters” in Franz Bardon’s kabbalah are created by concentrating on perceptual sensations—a color, an elemental sensation, and a sound. These “letters” are the building blocks of the universe from which arise matter, energy, life, space, time, body, soul, mind, and spirit. They operate on four planes.

AE on the Akashic Plane

On the akashic plane, the cosmic letter AE is the color of loamy brown. The letter AE has the sensations of weight and density and so pertains especially to the earth element.

If I concentrate on its vibration, I immediately sense how the realm of spirit—the akashic plane—is completely comfortable with the densest vibrations of matter in the physical world. Here is a perspective on buildings of the past and the labor that went into making them; civilizations that arose, their beginnings, their accomplishments, and the circumstances by which they fade.

Here too are the lives of the great men of history and of everyone who has died. Here and there are graves, mausoleums, and bones. And there is an awareness of how the spirit, in letting go of physical from, moves on—the soul from the astral plane incarnates, beginning as an infant. The individual grows, experiences life with its passions and desires, its hopes and dreams, engaging in work and social activities with other human beings. And then the individual dies, returning to where he was before.

He has learned new lessons and acquired new experiences. Hopefully he has become wiser and more loving. The cycle goes on and on.

Some are thrown into life without a plan or goal in sight. Others enter the world to accomplish a mission and to fulfill a purpose that is sacred benefiting a community and the larger world.

With the cosmic letter AE, you perceive both this world and the next world with equal clarity. You perceive the soul on the astral plane free of physical limitation and space time restrictions. And you perceive the same soul as it operates within a physical body, filling in the pages of a biography with a life shaped by the events and the concerns of a historical society.

The negative principle does not have the perception and wisdom of the AE vibration. It is not free to incarnate as are human beings. And so the demons seek to take possession of the souls of those who are alive. These negative beings are obsessed with physical sensations. Exactly like human beings such as dictators, revolutionaries, or fanatics, they seek to dominate, kill, or torture those who do not obey their wills.

Like the Devil card in the Tarot, if you can control the body, then they feel you can control the soul and mind of the other. This is their way of connecting. It is all that they know.

However, with the AE level of awareness, your concentration is greater than theirs. You can place your mind in the densest vibrations and physical sensations, be at peace with them, and also feel completely free. The body, biology, desires and cravings, sexuality, and physical matter are not barriers or limitations placed on consciousness.

Mental Plane

The earth element with its focus on the physical world has a mind that produce plans of action, blueprints and designs (storyboards) of what it wishes to accomplish in the future.

If you talk to someone who has a strong, mental earth vibration, that individual is most likely a master of whatever area of life he is focusing on. He takes things a part and puts them back together. He gets to know something in all its aspects and variations.

Here is Thomas Edison, after trying 3,000 different methods, finally discovering a light bulb made from a filament of carbonized thread inside of an incandescent light. And here are the Wright Brothers getting the lift they wanted after testing more than 200 wing designs inside of a homemade wind tunnel.

If one of these people run into something he has not seen before, he gives it his full attention. He seeks to understand it so well that he learns from it and includes it in his plans.

This mind, then, is immersed in the vibration of the physical world. This is where it feels satisfied, at home, and this is where everything feels complete. Everything you need is right here. There is not a hint or the least desire to go anywhere else. If there is a spiritual world, then it is right here now in and around us.

The entire universe is a physical vibration. If you know one part well, then you feel connected to everything else.

It is conservative and preserving, down to earth, grounded, steadfast, and enduring. Do you need mystery and spiritual realizations? For the earth element mind, matter itself holds all secrets that will be unlocked in time.

AE on the Mental Plane

If you spend a lot of time with thinking using words, ideas, concepts, philosophy, metaphysics, etc., then you notice right away the difference between thinking about some subject and your actual connection to that subject. The mind in the Western tradition is trained to be an observer who is separate from what is being observed.

Consider the periodic table of the elements. We can review what went into the discovery of each element. We can recall the part that element has played in technology, industry, military history, and science. We can understand its chemistry and atomic structure.

Gnome kings, by contrast, have placed their consciousness inside of the elements and studied them from within through firsthand experience.

One mermaid queen pointed out the limitations of thought by saying that a man’s mind, and his feelings as well, cannot comprehend the form of a woman. It is beyond his understanding.

Don’t understand women? If you are a billionaire you can sponsor beauty pageants and then marry a beautiful model. Now in your mind you understand human women. But only in a social, artistic, and performing arts sense. The spirit of femininity still eludes you and so there remains a great separation between a thinking mind and what it is thinking about.

I know women who are so attractive that their beauty shorts out the minds of men who then immediately want to possess them. Their minds cannot cope with the intensity of sensations and feelings they are encountering—and they do not have a clue about what is happening to them. Their inhibitions are suspended and their lower brain takes over.

And so the separation between the mind and the physical world can give rise to obsessions, infatuations, and barely controlled or completely irrational cravings and hungers.

The AE vibration is present when the mind can change its vibration to mirror or duplicate the vibration of whatever it is contemplating. It is as if you are inside of and one with what you are focusing on. But this is not an astral/feeling level of perception. You are connected from within to the physical being of the other person or subject matter.

Since this quality of mind has no separation in it, it sees through desires, obsessions, and cravings, overcoming the “distance” between mind and physical being.

Astral Plane

The earth element in the astral body is a sense of inner silence and the feeling of being rock solid. With this stability, you feel you are able to endure until your goal is achieved. You are one hundred per cent focused on what you need to do as you build the foundation for your next task.

All gnomes know how to do this. They work for ages and eons without distraction or need for diversion. They sometimes work on just one thing. Every improvement or advance, no matter how small, is worth the effort.

As I place my mind on the astral plane within the earth element, I notice right away how this vibration is common to certain kinds of professions. When you work with physical things your aura can become saturated with its physical energy.

This applies to some people who are diamond cutters, jewelers, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, steel manufacturers, carpenters, sculptors, shipbuilders, those who run wineries, farmers, forest rangers, archeologists, zoologists, paleontologists, etc. Think of a geologist who has a hobby of searching in the wilderness for jewels and precious stones. And there are some yogis and martial artists who are fascinated by the inner workings of their bodies or of how the body can move. Six hours of practice or of meditation and they are still hungry for more.

Some people live in their head. Some people dream of happiness and of being fulfilled. The people of the earth element dream the dreams of matter itself—its changes, transformations, and what they can do with it.

In general, then, the astral vibration of the earth element produces individuals who are sturdy, hardy, and who are very satisfied in working with physical things.

AE on the Astral Plane

There is a joy in me raging, a joyous, magical feeling.

–Cirque du Soleil

This is the repose and peace one attains when desires are completely gratified, missions accomplished, and victories are won. It is a feeling, a vibration in the mind, and a state of being.

On his gravestone it read:

I was here in the physical world. 

I lived my dreams.

My life was all it was meant to be.

There is an ease when the mind is able to think about desire and immediately immerse itself in the feelings and sensations of that desire being satisfied. With this flexibility of imagination that penetrates desires, hungers, longings, etc., the soul attains independence and freedom.

Physical Plane

Again, sense the physical body as empty inside and imagine it filled this time with dense weight. It is not so much a substance as it is with water. Instead it is a feeling of solid mass and gravity, that is, it is heavy.

Produce the sensation of being rock solid. Your strength is not in acting in and on the external world. It is in your inner cohesion—in the way you hold yourself together. You endure through time regardless of the changes in the world around you.

In the Battle of Bull Run, General Thomas Jackson held his position in the face of charges from the Union army. General Bee said, “Look at Jackson standing there like a stone wall.” And Thomas Jackson’s name changed to Stonewall Jackson. There are times when the physical vibration of being rock solid has a part to play in human affairs.

You can work on the personality traits of being solid, enduring, down to earth, patient, and hard working. But beneath these and supporting them is a completely different level of consciousness—the physical level of the earth element producing sensations in your physical body that are solid and dense as a rock.

AE in the Physical Plane

Aikido masters have a demonstration they all do. They are sitting on the floor relaxed. Grab hold of them and try to lift them off the ground and you can do so. But if they focus on being centered, you cannot budge them even a half inch. Weight lifters cannot move them. Tai Chi Chuan masters do something similar.

I have watched one person move small objects with her mind. Another walks into a fish store and the fish all stop swimming and stare at her. Others have control over clouds and rain. For one, plants move their leaves when she puts her hand next to them. And of course there are those for whom electrical devices turn on and off then they are excited.

On the astral plane, if you make an image in your mind of being solid like a rock, you feel solid like a rock without any distractions interfering with the feeling. On the physical plane, the sensations of solidity and density are much greater. Here your awareness has a stronger connection to the rocks and mineral of geology than to human society.

There are no thoughts occurring. Your feelings are completely calm. You have a silence inside. You have stepped outside of human time.

And perhaps for the first time you feel your consciousness is immersed 100% in your body. Though you remain fully alert, there is a shift in your brain waves toward Delta—deep, dreamless sleep.

Being in this state of consciousness feels to me extremely peaceful. I feel surrounded by valleys, granite cliffs, mountains, hills, and ravines. If I imagine them to be conscious, then they share their consciousness with me.

And so if you have trouble getting yourself into a state of mind where you enjoy work, if you are impatient, feeling ungrounded, and unduly distracted, you might consider meditating on the vibration of the earth element. Deep down, that inner silence and physical sensation of solidity supports and enhances focusing on actions in the physical world.

The Earth Element in the Human Realm


As union of fire, air, and water, the earth element in society operates to produce wealth and to provide for the necessities of life. As such, its weight shapes our lives. We must do certain things in order to survive.

And, when it comes to survival, the earth element can easily become an obstacle, blocking us and holding us back. Hard work produces value. But it is very easy for a few individuals to dominate others, to take control of scarce resources, and to gather wealth to themselves.

Below are a list of positive versus negative traits of the earth element within the human personality in society:


Positive Earth Elemental


Negative Earth Elemental


Being respectful




















Attentive to detail






















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In the physical world these three things—will, intellect, and feelings are mixed together both in their positive and negative qualities.

The mermaid vibration, pure and loving, easily produces a kind of cocaine high that may destroy your survival instinct. The sylph vibration does something similar. Though far more detached, its ideal of freedom may destroy your inhibitions. Under its influence, you do irrational things that with a sober mind you would never consider.

The fire element, filled with visions and the overriding desire to take command, focuses only on moving forward toward its goal; everything else is a distraction.

And so with humans we often see hard work combined with greed. Some have a desire to take and to exploit in order to acquire wealth. We meet responsible individuals who are, nonetheless, blind to other’s feeling because of their desire to be meticulous or exact.

They balance their accounts and increase their revenues, but they do not care if they destroy the world or squander the gifts they might have offered to those who follow them. They can be solid and grounded, but also fixated and stuck. Highly successful in the past, they are unable to change.


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