Enlightened Living by Martin Faulks—Restoring the Way of the Ancients

Overcoming Ourselves

The modern age presents us with ever an increasing amount of  choice from a simple purchase of a coffee to advice on how to live your life.  Information  is readily available all offering great solutions to our questions at the touch of a button. However,  there often seems to be a lack of congruence  between what is on offer and the results attained by those purporting to offer these services. This is  also endemic within spiritual communities, some give great claim to exciting past lives along with impressive attire,  but showing no outward signs attainment of the qualities they report to possess.

However, the issues we are facing now is that there is a lot of information but little knowledge. With a myriad  of  spiritual practices available now, whereby accessible knowledge has been extracted sometimes out of context or reformed in a way removed from its original intended purpose. Thus turning knowledge into information, consequently the benefits of which may not be fully realised.

This book wishes to redress the balance and bring back practical knowledge that not only is experienced based but also knowledge from  ancient western methods that been left dormant to be rediscovered once again.

  ……only when our knowledge of our inner technologies and abilities  match our outer progress will we reach our full potential….. Martin Faulks

Martin has spent over 20 years experience practicing and researching ancient methods of meditation practice and self-development.  These are tried and tested methods which he has himself applied with success. It is due to this success he wishes to share with us all so that  we  may we reap the benefits of enlightened living in our daily life.

It is significant to mention, within  ancient spiritual practices  working towards enlightenment was embodied  as an aspect of daily life not separate from it.  This concept has been somewhat perceived as separate and the mundane world is perceived as just  that, and something that is not considered  important, this, however, is a grave misconception. As well as developing inwardly through a meditation practice it was equally expected that excellence was expressed in daily life be it performing a mundane task or developing a skill.  It is evident through great ancient architectural achievements we witness today.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. .. Aristotle  

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By this premise enlightenment  becomes attainable. The author  explores methods  how to achieve this through dealing with the mind and emotions. He offers key principals and ways how we can overcome ourselves and develop the qualities to bring about a greater harmony both inwardly and outwardly. Thus outlining a routine  to incorporate a meditation practice and also how to maintain the benefits  gained from it throughout the day.
Often we find the greatest barrier is our-self. For this reason, the author explores the workings of our human nature and the  mind  and  breaks down ways of understanding our own inner technology in order to use it to our advantage. He addresses dealing with the emotions and the negativity we  may experience within ourselves and also regarding facing the outside world.  Martin demonstrates expertly how to navigate and deal with our inner objections, sighting many examples that we can relate to making them work for us.
The author shows us how we can use our day as training so we use the adversity or difficulties that we face as a training ground for improvement,  to enable us to conquer them, thus bringing ever reaching success and positivism in our life. We gradually find that the issues or emotions that were once obstacles fall away thus revealing our true inner nature which is in reality who we really are and always were.
This was known by the  ancients as the ‘Great work.’
To find out more about Martin please visit www.martinfaulks.com
To purchase Enlightened Living  it is available both in Paperback and Kindle versions
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