An Excerpt from Mermaid Tales by William R. Mistele: Custodian of Mermaid Archives
Custodian of the Mermaid Archives
When I touch her aura with my hand, these words pass through my mind:
She is the sea.
She dreams of what has been and what shall be
The ocean trench, she knows those depths.
Waves that roll a thousand miles,
Look carefully, they are in her smile—
The whitecaps, the foamy crests,
The wave’s spray, the wind’s caress
Waves and depths speak with the same breath—
As the seas encircle the earth
And to life give birth
She is one with those she loves.
Yet even among mermaids she is a mystery
When she gazes upon another
She becomes the other
Every perception perceived,
Every feeling, every thought and belief,
The song that is a soul
She captures whole.
Imagine you are on a beach. It does not matter where–the Aegean Sea, the island of Crete, France, Spain, Iona in Scotland, São Paulo, the Solomon Islands, Hawaii, Japan, or China. Smell the salt in the air. Feel a gentle wind, drops of spray anointing your skin when the wave breaks, and bubbling white foam around your knees as the wave retreats.
The sea reaches out across the horizon. Relax; let go. Feel the sounding sea flow through your soul. Imagine you can see the ocean floor, the reefs, the islands, and the fish. Sense the waves, the currents, and the moon’s pull driving the tides.
Take the sensations in your five senses, the feeling of the open expanse and the sea’s depths, and allow them gently to unite into one vibration. Imagine that all the seas of the earth with their mysteries and awesome presence are like a relaxed exhalation, a soft breath, a warm touch, or a sweet kiss.
Now we begin to feel the presence of this woman inside ourselves. It is accepting and satisfying, and the love has no end.
And this is where our story begins. For the record, mermaids do not use words to communicate. Experience is transferred directly soul to soul and heart to heart. Even telepathy—mind-to-mind communication—is considered an inferior way of sharing.
Memory for mermaids is also quite different. It is not an “I recall an experience in the past.” That is what we do: we use words, literature, histories, biographies, and audio and video recordings to capture and store perceptions of events that are now gone.
When we read or play these things back, there are moments when we experience vicariously another’s experience as if it is our own; or indeed we may recall briefly something that once occurred to us as if it is happening again right now. But such moments are rare.
Yet because of the nature of the water that encircles the earth and because water is always the same no matter the change, mermaids do not view events in terms of linear time. When mermaids experience something, it is forever alive. And so they do not recall a memory or record an event. Their method is different.
One of the mysteries of mermaids is that they possess technologies that are beyond the knowledge of our science. Consider this. If you have known someone you loved who has died, for a mermaid that experience lives on forever. By going to a certain place and aligning herself to the vibration, a mermaid is able to recapture her own memories and also to relive what any other mermaid on earth has experienced in the history of the world.
What is it like to specialize in the ecology of reefs where you play a part in nourishing and seeing life flourish over millions of years?
What is it like to dwell in an ocean trench—to watch sulfur-based life-forms come into existence?
What is it like to feel in your body a billion waves rolling to a thousand different winds?
Or what was the first experience of a mermaid encountering a human being?
What is it like to love a human? What were the best and worst of mermaid-human encounters?
These histories and events are right there in the mermaid archives, wrapped in a stillness that is timeless and that will endure as long as this planet exists.
And so one day in this very place beneath the sea the conversation went like this—though as I have said no words were used and no thoughts communicated. To be more accurate, it was a shared vibration, soul to soul and heart to heart, between the mermaid queens and one of their assistants:
That our records might be complete regarding the deep purposes of the earth, a race will soon appear on land that shall quickly expand and encompass the planet. But far more quickly they will cease to be. And this without leaving any kind of living record of their journey. Their ruins as well shall decay as if they had never been.
Though we do not see all ends, the signs are perfectly clear. Without divine intervention of some original and radical design, the self-destructive tendencies of this race will cause their demise.
Therefore, we ask of you that you become as one of them. Master of experience, Custodian of our archives, your skills are equal to this task.
Through your clairsentience and empathy, record what they experience here on earth. Let us make a living record of what it is like to be alive in their shape and form—what they felt, what motivated and inspired them, what instincts drove them. In this way, when other races appear on earth, they shall be able to come to us and find here the perfect eidetic and living experience of what it was like to be a human being.
And the Custodian of the mermaid archives responds to this request, imagining it in its perfection once accomplished:
These questions shall I answer: What it feels like as a human being to wake up in the morning and to go to sleep at night, to be hungry and also to taste with delight, to cry tears of joy and tears of sorrow, to be born—to take that first breath—to crawl, to walk, and with the aid of machines to fly. And without hope to lie down in the dust and die watching as the last breath goes by.
What it is like to dream, to seek and to find, to build, to invent, to scheme, to create, to ascend with honor and fame and to fall again into despair and shame.
What is the essence of a human being?
What is it for them to be alive?
What purposes do they fulfill and what hopes are denied?
And above all else, what is love to them?
Do they ever wonder to explore its depths?
Do they ever once taste the love that holds this entire planet in its embrace?
What inspiration comes to them?
And when things are at their worst, what decisions do they make that shape their fate?
Accepting what is said, the mermaid queens suggest that the Custodian be circumspect: But this will not be easy. Human beings are hostile and in fear of water. The feeling is alien to this species. Their hearts are like deserts, wastelands, and dry and dying forests. They are half dead; a strange species alienated from life preying upon and devouring each other’s life force and energy.
You will have to go as a master of disguise. We have chosen you for this task because—even among this race with its dark cravings—you will be able to maintain your own soul vibration of love united to the waters of the earth. At the same time, you are capable of feeling all that they feel while cloaking yourself. When they look upon your form and personality you will appear familiar and understandable.
When I interviewed this woman, she told me of a past life when she incarnated in Atlantis:
In my first incarnation as a human being, I was a young girl in Atlantis. I served in a temple that was in the shape of a dome with an altar at the center. There were drums and dancing, and water was all around.
I did not live long. We understood that Atlantis was coming to an end, that it was the end of an age. The change was inevitable, sad, and yet we were ready to face the future with great courage. Many of us felt detached. Though our lives were about to end, spiritually speaking, we were ready to pack up and move on.
Here is my recollection from that time:
Sitting here in the temple, the drumming is a combination of the rhythm of a heart beating, the surging pulse, and roar of waves breaking on a beach. I am very content in this body, yet I do not feel like a human being. Rather, I am the element of water in human form. I did not leave nature behind when I was born.
Still, the drumming is rhythmic and hypnotic. The vibration the priestesses create perfectly captures what they wish to express—it is an amplification of the life force and vitality in everyone who is present-focused into and through a crystal ball that rests on the altar. In doing this, they create a radiant ball of light that is bronze and golden in color. This light fills the room. Its glow calms and renews the soul.
Yet like a spontaneous appearance of ball lightning in front of you, this condensed power of vitality captures everyone’s attention so there is no distraction. It is mesmeric and overpowering. The crystal ball, like a reservoir or battery, stores power accumulated in the past and unites it to what is being generated in the present.
The high priestess uses this combined, collective energy to heal, to command, and to transform. The purpose of this religious Order? Like all that is Atlantis at its best, they seek to combine nature and mind, science and magic, humanity and spiritual awareness—distilling each, refining, and then uniting them so that the opportunities offered by the divine world fully manifest on earth.
Unfortunately, human beings often treat nature as if its components are to be manipulated like chemicals in a laboratory experiment. With a few exceptions, they fail to sense how uniting with nature enables an individual to feel fully alive.
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On the other hand, it is perfectly clear that humans are geniuses at creating new forms of social organization to enhance the allocation of scarce resources within their societies. Take Zania, the girl sitting next to me. We played together as children.
Once when she hurt her knee, I felt that pain within me. For a moment, we shared the same astral bodies. And being a healer, I looked at my own knee that now felt her pain, and I made that pain go away. At that moment, her injury also vanished.
She possessed similar abilities of healing and empathy. I could sense these within her. But in the beginning, helping others was not one of her priorities. It was not that she was selfish or encumbered by her ego. Rather, she was enchanted with the glamour of social status, and beyond that with the Mystery Schools that enable you to rise and enter the upper echelons of society to be among the elite who rule Atlantis.
If we had had more years to live, this young girl I once played with would have become a woman of great power. When she pursued a purpose, she would have drawn together the conviction and energies of the inner planes and the plans and knowledge within the best minds she could find.
In Atlantis, you do not just take on a project and then acquire resources to accomplish it. In Atlantis, magic combined with willpower becomes the means for shaping the future. Atlanteans bring immense energy from the inner planes and then blend it with science to accelerate the discovery of new technologies.
And they can do this because they have produced a unique social order: they seek those with the most innate psychic abilities. These young children are then trained in problem-solving, leadership, and magical concentration. The goal is to develop a few to rule Atlantis who can see through the eyes of the divine and design for society those projects that produce the greatest benefits.
As for the young girl next to me? Her innocence and sweetness are gone. Though I can record her experiences as if they are my own, I will never experience the kind of radical soul changes she has undergone. My astral body remains the same whether I am a child or an adult. In this sense, I am not like her or other human beings.
Zania, however, has become strong in the ways of the temple. She is a powerful healer. She can take a burn victim or someone with acute depression and make them well. In place of the young girl is a priestess with access to a crystal ball, a great lineage, and a well-honed spiritual will.
In this moment, as I slip my soul inside of hers, all that exists in my awareness is the temple, the ceremonial ritual vibrations, and one other thing—I sense a secret, nearly insatiable desire. This craving for something that as of yet has no definition I can find in nearly everyone who has been shaped by the magical training systems of Atlantis.
It was not there in Zania as a young girl. It is a collective, unconscious will that has come into existence because their genius at social organization has not yet evolved to where they have discovered how to attain balance. What is missing from Atlantis, from their amazing social organization and astonishing technologies?
It is not that difficult for me to see. If I gaze at Zania for a moment, I see it instantly. If Zania were to become the person she is meant to be—the one who is free and finally complete, having mastered all human needs—she would be like this: earth and sky would shine from her eyes; if she looked at a cloud, she would feel like she would want to dance as if she was the cloud swirling and whirling around and the wind was her soul within.
If she walked in a forest, the trees would share with her their dreams. The turning of the seasons, the illumination of lights, and the silent song sounding in the depths of the earth—the trees would bestow this wisdom.
And if she touched water, placing her hands beneath the surface, in that moment she would be as me and feel what I feel—she would be joined to all the seas of the earth.
There is no transmission I can give her. There is no blessing I can bestow upon her so that the woman she will one day be manifested in the here and now. She is a human being, and it is not my assignment or commission to intervene. The karma of the individual is joined to the collective experiences of the entire race. They will have to discover on their own through bitter and horrible experiences that the harmony of the soul is something you should never put on hold.
How many times in the future will their civilizations acquire knowledge without wisdom or gain power without love? My body is content as I sit here. The sound of the drums is exquisite. The incense is bewitching, satisfying, and gratifying. It is like nothing else exists.
Yet I am also here as an observer—detached, recording as always the experiences of those I meet. Though I am in human form, I have visions of the future beyond what they can see. Yet I cannot weep.
They shall make their own fate—time after time they shall rise and then be destroyed like waves breaking on the shore. Time is a sea and one day, if they fail to find an inner stillness to shape their destiny, they shall be swept away and be no more.
A friend who knows me well wrote for me this poem:
I am water
I am what I was before
I only change the outer form
I am water
My secret dreams, my innermost needs?
I am wild and daring and craving—
The essence of love that has no end.
My secret name is desire set aflame:
I ask you,
Where does the sunburn so bright
As when its passion unites with ice?
The haunted soul with its abandoned love
Frozen and cold?
I go where others cannot
I am the sparks that arc illuminating
The secret chambers of the heart
My songs are citrine, violet, vermillion, and lilac
By what authority do I claim what is lost?
Have you never seen me dancing naked?
Dazzling his rays ravish me
In the curves and crests
Golden his caress finds me, binds me
In a billion waves
His ecstasy sets me free
I am water
I am what I shall be
I am the sea
With its endless dream
Of being one and of being free
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