Franz Bardons Hermetics – An Interview with William Mistele Part 2
With William R. Mistele
Copyright of Falcon Books Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved (2016).
Falcon Books is presenting a series of interviews with seasoned Hermetic practitioners and those who follow a spiritual discipline. The aim being to share the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of these practitioners with those just beginning the path and as an inspiration to us all. The focus of these discussions are guided towards the spiritual seeker.
Presenting today PART 2 interview with William Mistele.
Many are familiar regarding his work with the undines. William Mistle is an author and a Franz Bardon practitioner with over 40 years of experience in this field. You can view William’s writings on his Facebook and blog where he offers a biography his life and experiences with studying Franz Bardon Hermetics. To find out more you can also visit his Youtube account.
7. Falcon Books: It appears in this time the makeup/influence of people is very much geared towards a fire type of element personality (in terms of competition, desire for power and wealth) and indeed an absence of the water element (love, compassion, caring).
I wondered from your interaction with the undines how they would they address this issue and what would be their advice be to humanity at this present juncture?
William Mistele: “The idea of a training system that gives you complete mastery over yourself naturally invites those with a strong will to take an interest in it. Kind of like, “You are already powerful. Here is a book that will take you to the heights of power.” If your interest in is magic and self-mastery, then IIH is hard to resist.
And, after all, willpower is focused on taking charge. You look at a Bardon exercise and you naturally say to yourself, “I am going to practice this and master it and then move on.” If you have a problem, you analyze and evaluate the nature of that problem. You consider alternate ways to practice. You reexamine your understanding of what the exercise requires and then you try new approaches or return to the beginning and lay a more solid foundation.
If the problem persists, you do not sit there treading water or wondering what to do. You get on the internet and search out answers others have received who are at a similar level of practice. And you may well email individuals like Rawn Clark or others and search their archives to see what kind of response you can get.
In the past, I noticed I could take private lessons in meditation, or martial arts with some of the greatest masters on earth. I can sit and meditate with a Tai Chi Chuan master who only sleeps three hours a night and who also meditates for three hours every night in a state of trance. I can sit and meditate with a Zen master whose aura vanishes when he meditates. He enters the void and there is no trace of his personality or astral body present when he does that.
My point is that an individual with strong fire and willpower will look for and find solutions to problems that arise in his practice. And he will do so with ingenuity, certainty, and conviction that those solutions can be found. This is essential because if you get stuck you do not want to stay stuck. You want to analyze, take hold of your situation, and find solutions. This requires force of personality.
If you enter the realm of the salamanders, you do in fact notice that they are incredibly oriented toward developing will and power. They are constantly testing their boundaries and refining their energy in order to expand and take control of their environment by mastering and overcoming all limitations.
In perspective, the molten outer core of the earth with its movement of iron generates the magnetosphere which protects all life on earth. Will and power, like the masculine when it is used in a positive manner, is protective and puts forth the energy necessary to make the great transitions of life. We all have something of this fire of nature within us.
But it is also true that great salamanders like Orudu do not consult with the mermaid queens when he oversees the eruption of a super volcano. We have a marvellous biosphere on earth and a huge biodiversity of life. But the four elements–earth, air, fire, and water–are not interconnected in any psychic sense with each other. The four astral realms of elemental beings are completely separate. It then falls to the magician to unite in himself these four elemental realms so that gradually over time the biosphere integrates harmoniously these separate realms.
To make matters worse, our entire civilization is fiery and electrical. We have individuals who act like incarnated salamanders. They reveal new applications of fire to the world. For example, we have Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, and Oppenheimer. We have the entire complex of computer and internet technology, mobility in transportation, and industrial powers that seize and transform nature.
If the water element were equal in strength to the fire element in society, we would have individuals who are so empathic they would be able to feel in an instant what any other person on earth is feeling. They could read others’ minds, re-live others’ memories, and easily see their past and their future. And they could heal terminal illnesses.
Such abilities are now present but quite rare. This means the masculine (external control of the environment, extroversion, and dynamic action, and applied force) is far more advanced in shaping human experience than is the feminine (intuitive perception, empathy, feeling, nurturing, inner soul to soul connection).
Again, the great advantage of those with strong will and power is that they know how to take charge and assume responsibility for producing concrete changes in the real world within specific time frames. With all due respect, I have not met any individuals who are deeply loving who even know what that last sentence means.
For example, for me, the evolution of government requires transparency and transparency requires that presidents and government officials do not lie and deceive. This is a red line for me. If the next president of the United States wants to govern through lies, then it is my job (using will and power) to see that those lies are quickly exposed. A just government rules through truth and this enables justice. This pursuit of justice is not a hobby of mine or something I do in my free time. I entered the world to write training manuals for accomplishing this.
Deeply loving individuals who embody the water element do not think in global, geopolitical terms. They are naturally healing. If you get near them, their aura acts to revitalize and renew your body and emotions. They spontaneously see the best in you. They act to make others feel fully alive. They are endless in their giving because they never lose their innocence. Bad experiences in the past do not shape or limit their willingness to give in the present. And often they have no ego or attachment to a social identity. They are joined from within to nature which they are a part of in the core of their being.
So how do we join the fire and water, the will and love, together? These two are not united in nature and in fact human society has never known the primordial love in the water element. It is not present in history, in our literature, religions, or wisdom traditions.
The answer for me is that in order to apply great willpower successfully I have to always make contact with others through the extremely intuitive and empathic love that first senses and feels one with another person. When I meditate on world leaders, for example, I use an empathy that senses a oneness, as if they are me in another form. I become them in my meditation.
And then I seek to speak to them with the voice of their own conscience, the voice at the core of their being. Ideally, I present them with their own best self, their future self, a person who is completely positive, free of weaknesses, vices, and negativity.
As long as I am alive I will be involved in inspiring and guiding other individuals’ lives acting as a second conscience when they have destroyed their own conscience. This is will power but it is done through the vibration of love. My mother prayed for me every day of her life. You can say that I am carrying on her tradition of love and devotion with forty years of magical training thrown in.
However, some of the incarnated mermaid or other elemental women will often on their own join with me in meditating on various individuals just because they feel connected to me and respond to what I am interested in. Some of them are so empathic they can tell what I have been meditating on and how well that meditation is going.
You could say we have a spiritual community whose members feel one with nature, one with the planet, and they seek to share that love and harmony with humanity.
Will combined with love in this sense is not the same as “I am going to produce concrete results in the real world in specific time frames.” It is more like when you feel connected to the water element in nature it then becomes a part of you. Like a river that flows to the sea, your giving is inexhaustible and endless.
In mystical terms, the phrase, “We are all one,” is something a magician will encounter in many different ways. What we do for another we do for ourselves. Study hard and learn to do such things well. And yet the feeling of oneness is something each person must discover in their own way and through their own experience.
In every century, some individual tries to take over the world. If they have the power, they feel free to use that power almost always with terrible results. Yet for a Napoleon who seeks to be emperor, there is a George Washington who is willing to return his command to a democratic government. And there is a Churchill who refuses to surrender to a Hitler. Power can be used for good or bad.
Similarly, empathy, when free of ego and when joined to nature, has no limit set on it. You can so identify with another person that you know that person as well as he knows himself. You can act as a spirit guide, a guardian angel, a muse, a physician, a healer, a cheerleader, a life coach, and a counselor for another person. You can literally take the roles of the ghosts of past, present, and future as Charles Dickens described in his A Christmas Carol.
And then again sometimes people need to interact with the negative principle before they are willing to learn anything new. Yet when an individual so abuses his power that he harms others, then that person is acting in the public domain. The prevention of abuse and establishing justice require public oversight and the involvement of an entire community. Justice and fairness in society are everyone’s responsibility. We need strong individuals of great will power who are also so loving and empathic that even their enemies hold them in high regard and would prefer cooperating with them rather than opposing them.
I did ask the mermaid queen Isaphil one time, “When will war be no more?” Her reply was “When there shall appear on earth four or five in whom there is no fear; and whose souls are so clear that when malice, evil, or ill will draws near, these things dissolve as if they were never there.
When four or five shall remain in each generation, then your race shall awaken. The beauty of the stars and the seas and the mysteries shall appear within your dreams. These treasures of soul shall overflow, filling your world with light and healing.
For me, empathy in combination with the void are the greatest power in this solar system. Will and power relate to the gathering of strength. But cosmic empathy is one with anything. Its receptivity is so great it can contain anything within itself. I hope to write a number of books, novels, and screenplays that reveal this aspect of the feminine mysteries.
In summary, the human race is fairly advanced in working with the fire, earth, and air elements. We have human beings in history who act as if they are an incarnation of the kings or queens of these three elements. But the elemental water element with its qualities of pure innocence, profound empathy, clairsentience, innate healing abilities, and intrinsic capacity to love are not well known.
You would have to increase the level of affection, love, empathy, and nurturing you find in a “normal” human man or woman by thirty times to bring the water element up to where it is equal in power to the other three elements.
Humans are way too aggression and destructive. With thirty or forty magicians who embody the magnetic love and clairsentience of the mermaid queens the human race can be brought back into balance. Then the magical equilibrium which we study in the first two chapters of IIH will be something that is more realistic and easier to attain.”
8. Falcon Books:Those wishing to follow a devotional/mystical path may find Bardon’s approach quite clinical and scientific in the beginning since Bardon does not really address the mystical aspects until steps 9 and 10. What advice would you offer to them to aid them in progressing through Bardons but still fulfilling that desire?
William Mistele: “Yes. I agree. Bardon has no art or poetry, no songs, no spiritual/religious services, etc. For maintaining inspiration, I would suggest that students keep a notebook of others’ sayings, stories, poetry, songs, etc. that they find deeply inspirational. And then add to this any of your own insights and experiences that are inspirational. Go over these regularly. Try to produce in yourself through meditation and contemplation the original insights that inspired those who wrote these things. If others were to do this and share these experiences then you can learn from them as well.
In other words, if you find anything missing in Bardon’s practices, make it your personal project to fill in for what is missing and add it to the system. This then becomes your contribution. Do you feel there should be more discussions between students of Bardon? Set up a seminar and invite various experienced Bardon students to speak there and have round table discussions.
Do you feel you would benefit from a spiritual/Bardon like university? Help start such a university on the internet. Would you like more training videos assembled into one archive in which other students share their knowledge of how the system works? Set that up.
Do you feel there should be a mentoring program for some of the Bardon books or art festivals, psychic readings, etc., then help with that as well. These are all contributions individuals can make. Your journey becomes part of the foundation upon which others built.
I often use the method of Eugene Gendlin called focusing. In focusing, you make direct contact with sensations and feelings within your own body relating to some question or meditation. Then you focus on this direct experience so as to find words or images that reflect exactly what this energy is that you are touching. The emphasis is on avoiding all labeling and to move beyond assumptions. As you work with the energy in your body this energy changes and you can then note what that change means for you.
See my essay on focusing,
Even in the first chapter of IIH, we are describing such things as will, love, clarity of mind, and work. But those are just words. You can find common definitions for them in the dictionary but as real life experiences, they can be profoundly different for each person.
If I am working on being mentally clear as compared to be upset, confused, or opinionated, I can recall various people and experiences in which these words apply. Some people serve as examples of clear minds and others are the opposite.
But I can also sense directly what clarity of mind is. I can focus on it. It is a feeling, a vibration, an openness, a depth of understanding, a willingness to pursue solutions without prejudice or impatience. Individuals with a clear mind do not lose their clarity no matter how much confusion or chaos is around them. With focusing, I can touch that, feel the vibration, and surround myself with it so I feel one with it.
The word clarity, love, perseverance, power, justice, etc. then become objects of meditation. They are no longer abstract. They are actual vibrations that I can study through direct experience.
Astral equilibrium itself is a meditation and contemplation. What is an individual who has balanced all four elements in himself? What is that like? How do such people operate differently? How is their conscience and intuition stronger and greater? You can work step by step toward developing astral equilibrium in yourself. Yet in the process, you can also look ahead and imagine right now that it is completely real for you.
Bardon says to do this “imagining something is real right now.” But the more imaginative, contemplative, and mystical approach is to experience this as a dream. You walk inside of it and see what differences it makes in your life. You ask questions of it and test it to see how it works. You experience the four elements in harmony with each other.
This is no small accomplishment. Because as I mention elsewhere the four elemental realms are not in harmony with each other in nature. The elemental beings do not even talk to each other. In the longterm, it is up to magicians to unite the four elemental realms in their own auras and consciousness. And then to somehow communicate with other people and the world in which we live this great task of bringing all things into harmony and balance.”
9. Falcon Books: How do you discern true contact with the elements versus imagined contact? Furthermore, how do we make the distinction between these two?
William Mistele: “If you are asking about the difference between contacting say a real mermaid versus an imagined mermaid? A real women, no matter how submissive, still makes demands on you. An imagined mermaid, like an imagined or fantasy woman, does not place demands on you. Men often feel that for a relationship to be real there has to be give and take–the woman has to need him in some way and he has to feel he needs her. Otherwise, there is no feeling of connection.
However, some thought forms or created Elmentaries, as well as departed spirits can have, or develop a survival instinct. In which case, they will make demands on you and want attention and energy from you.
However, as in working with a tantric image or the images of various deities and so forth, an image or symbol can be quite powerful in terms of generating feelings and new insights. I can easily take all my feelings and intuitions about the sea or a stream and shape them into an image of a woman. I can then engage this imagined woman, embodying all my conscious and subconscious connections to water in nature, in a way that makes me think new things and feel things I have not felt before.
But this kind of dialogue between my conscious mind and my subconscious mind is an art form in itself. When I write stories, I am often simultaneously taking the part of two different individuals who see and feel things from entirely different perspectives. It is a trained imagination that allows you to do this. And sometimes when I meditate, I am assuming a different form or state of consciousness that is able to act and bring about results that are far beyond what I can do in an ordinary state of mind.
You could say that during a magical action I have temporarily created a different person who is more effective and powerful than my everyday self is. In this case, the imagined self is more real than I am at least during the magical operation.“
10. Falcon Books: I would be interested in your thoughts about the Bardon’s system of IIH–would you change any aspect of it and if so what approach to do or would you take?
William Mistele: “There are some basic intellectual skills I would emphasize. I would teach beginning and advanced active listening. This enables students to listen to each other’s experiences without judging and maintaining a supportive role. You will notice how some students are certain they are right or insist on their point of view. Active listening is mindfulness practice applied to conversations.
See my exercises on active listening and empathy
In a similar way, at the beginning, I would have students learn to articulate both sides of any position with equal enthusiasm. I learned to do this on the debating team in high school. These days it is hard to find any news anchors or new commenters who are capable of this simple level of detachment and empathy.
It helps you in discussions with others and in discovering the truth. It adds a sense of humor. And it avoids the beginner’s mistake of taking assumptions for granted. In other words, take nothing for granted.
Also, learn to observe without thoughts intervening. This is the foundation of all magical training systems. In other words, use your direct perception to see or contemplate what you are observing. Thinking is best done when thoughts arise out of and are shaped by experience. This is related to having a judicial temperament. You withhold judgment until you have sufficient evidence to draw a conclusion. And you do not let ambiguity bother you.
The transference of consciousness into things and people is invaluable. This can be done extensively with animals, plants, and people as a way of knowing things from inside. And it is great preparation for understanding spirits.
Combine the detachment of a mirror with the feeling of being one with someone. Both at once–pure detachment and simultaneously being so within someone you forget you are observing. This is itself a healing method for assisting others to attain clarity of mind and feel deeply connected to another at the same time.
Bardon says in the Epilogue to IIH,
It has to be taken for granted that an enormous, almost superhuman amount of endurance and patience, a tenacious will power and secrecy regarding his progress are the fundamental conditions.
Or another way of saying this, to paraphrase Warren Buffett,
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Find something in life that you love doing and then work at it with all of your heart.
Power has its place. But for inspiration and motivation, pursue the exercises out of wonder, awe, beauty, harmony, and the way they put you in touch with the greater universe. For the powers of creation to be placed in your hands, you need to feel you are united to the unfolding of the universe.
But on a practical level, I do endless interviews with people who have all sorts of siddhis beyond what human being possess. And every week I find myself meditating with such individuals. It is a little hard to be arrogant or delusional when I associate with others whose natural skills are far beyond what I ever imagined before meeting them.
Teachers are invaluable. But I notice that teachers are specialists. They are masters of some things but in others areas of body, history, soul, mind, or spirit, the same individual is a beginner just like anyone else and has no advantage in learning certain topics. Someone who offers a great answer to one question may be completely clueless in answering another question. You have to do your own thinking and evaluating.
In my experience, some of the Earthzone and other Spirits would teach IIH in a totally different way. A spirit who specializes in writing stories and poetry might insist you begin with writing your personal biography as a story–with an inciting incident (what got you going), a plot with subplots, acts with suspense, drama, supporting cast, opposing forces, symbols, intensifying conflict, epiphany, etc. For such a spirit, it is not possible to understand your own life much less attain any kind of astral self-understanding without knowing your own story.
Another Earthzone Spirit who specializes in symbols and communication, might insight that you begin by studying how different individual’s minds work. For such a spirit, every person sees, thinks, and feels in a different way. If you can understand others’ minds, and the consciousness of animals, plants, and trees, then you are already in a position to understand most of the spirits in the universe.
The training here is just as rigorous and systematic as IIH. They just begin in a different way. If I were teaching IIH, I would begin with the five senses as in my essay, Five Sense Practice.
Here I suggest the student study and explore each sense in terms of pleasure, bliss, ecstasy, joy, rapture, and mystery. But this is a writer’s perspective. The air element on the astral plane makes an individual artistic. It gives an acute sensitivity to the nuances of how each moment unfolds along with the suspense of not knowing what is coming next and the wonder of the unknown revealing itself as forever new.
I would also teach the void from day one. Kind of like, “Okay class. Here is your homework assignment for over the weekend. Imagine a vast, infinite empty space, kind of like shiny black color with nothing in it. Now imagine this when you are interacting with someone negative, upset, or confused who is in your personal space.”
This is a lifelong practice. And it has practical applications. You may be able to observe for yourself how others become calm and reasonable when you practice meditation.
At the beginning, I would also supplement IIH with the contemplation exercises in Bardon’s third book on the cosmic language. I would not teach the cosmic letters the way Bardon does. Instead, for me, the cosmic letters embody what is already around and inside of us. They are the building blocks of matter, energy, life, consciousness, space, time, history, and spirit.
Consequently, you can create an energy field using the three sense concentration on a color, a sound, and an element. But you can also create the cosmic letter by working backwards. You can begin with contemplation on the themes of a specific cosmic letter. If you pursue this in depth you create the same energy field you create through starting with a three sense concentration.
It would be like this: “For your next homework assignment this coming week, meditate on either the blue sky or the sea. For example, contemplate all the ways in which the sky is similar to an open and clear mind that embodies freedom. For example, notice how storms and weather appear within the sky and yet the sky is unaffected. Notice also the analogies between the flow of air in your chest and the winds and weather in the sky. Become the sky in your mind.
“Also contemplate the sea that brought life into being. Become the sea in your mind. Be aware of the fast variety of life forms that it nurtures and sustains. Sense also how water purifies, heals, absorbs and releases energy, and enables life to flourish.”
In other words, right at the beginning I would have students connect directly to nature. Earth, air, fire, and water are energies you master both in your body and in the biosphere. They are each infinitely rich in feeling, inspiration, and wisdom. (See my essay on Body Awareness).
11) Falcon Books: Due to your extensive work with elementals of the Water realm, for those who maybe have yet to experience their beauty can you please offer us an account of what it is like working with them.
B) What do you feel are the most important lessons you have learnt from them and how have you applied these lessons here?
William Mistele: In 2008, I put out a global casting call for women who could portray on a beach what a woman would be like if she embodied the energy of a mermaid. I did this because as I was editing my book, Undines, I noticed that two mermaid queens had promised me that I would meet mermaid spirits who inhabited human bodies. That is, you can have a human soul in a human body. You can also have in this case the soul of a mermaid in a woman’s body. That is, she would have the one element of water composing her soul rather than the five elements that are typical of human souls.
Almost immediately after I started looking for such women I began running into them, getting referrals, and have them email me. Carefully interviewing these women, I summarized some of their qualities (in my essay, Traits of Mermaid Women).
At least six times such women searched on the internet under “woman” and “mermaid” and found this essay and then emailed me. They often said, “It is like you are inside my head. You are the first person I have ever run into who understands who I am.”
Previously, back in the 1990s, I had spent a fair amount of time meditating on and projecting into the astral realm of mermaids. There I met the four mermaid queens that Franz Bardon describes in his second book–Istiphul, Isaphil, Amue, and Osipeh. So I already had a strong sense of what the personalities and spiritual qualities of these beings are like. In other books I am working on,Problems in the Study of Mermaids and Letters to Mermaids, I discuss the problems that are inherent in these kinds of magical incarnations.
When a mermaid incarnates in a human body, there is no manual next to her crib explaining what the human realm is like and what she can do here. Any being, no matter what its soul nature, still is under a prime directive governing all incarnations on earth. Namely, you get to choose for yourself what you wish to become. Even if a soul is only one element such as water, the human body has all five elements present in it. So such beings are free to involve themselves with life in any way they want.
However, the most common thing you notice with a mermaid personality with its pure water element is that they are incredibly empathic. They spontaneously feel what other people feel. If I ask one of them, “Tell me about so and so.” They can instantly feel that individual’s aura or astral body as if they are a part of that person.
If you have a bell curve of seven billion people on earth, at one extreme are the psychopaths and dictators who exist only to maintain and acquire power. They are devoid of conscience or empathy.
At the other extreme of humanity are the incarnated mermaids. In their realm, there is no survival instinct. The vibration of the mermaid realm on the astral plane is pure love and pure innocence. They give all of themselves in every moment to everyone they meet. Being so innocent, empathic, and giving, they usually have never met anyone like themselves.
So when they incarnate, they often are terribly abused. Even so, I have heard from some of them, “I have never had a mean thought in my life.” And they often say, “I exist to love,” and “I am one with the sea.”
Now some human beings are also very empathic and clairsentient. The difference is that the incarnated mermaid, like the mermaid in her own realm, has no ego. If she relaxes and you put her next to the ocean, you can often notice that her aura blends with the sea. And so some of them say, “I am nature at the core of my being.”
What follows from this is that possess astral immortality. In other words, if you study an element in nature so thoroughly that it becomes a part of yourself so that you feel you are one with nature, then you are joined from within to the biosphere of the planet earth. And that vast sea of energy is constantly renewing you so that your soul does not deteriorate and it also spontaneously regenerates itself.
Humans may have all five elements in their auras. But all five elements are defective. When humans reincarnate, their personalities are strongly influenced by their natal charts. When mermaids incarnate, they are the same person they were on the astral plane and in other lifetimes. They just learn new things from being here.
I am in contact with about thirty of these women. I have interviewed about twenty of them. And I work very closely, almost on a weekly basis, with about five of them. Because of the amount of contact, I have an immunity to the powerful attractive energies in their auras.
Typically, both men and women get “high” being near them. The strength of elemental water in their auras produces a cocaine effect. You feel larger than life around them. But when you move about fifty feet away, you may experience physical withdrawal symptoms like you feel half dead. But you are just returning to your normal energy level.
The water in a mermaid’s aura is naturally rejuvenating. Its very nature is to make you feel fully alive. And so many of them are healers. They do not use the Bardon style dazzling bright light and condensed, fiery form of vitality that Bardon initially presents in his books. Rather, they flow through you a soothing, relaxing, releasing, renewing, and invigorating kind of energy.
As I did with the mermaid queens on the astral plane, I often meditate with incarnated mermaids on the cosmic letter M from Bardon’s third book on Kaballah. This is the “mother” letter and it embodies many of the magical qualities of the water element. Concentrating on this blue-green, cold, watery vibration is like creating the actual soul substance of mermaid queens. The queens’ auras vibrate with and are connected to all water on earth and the magnetism of the biosphere. It is a very healing energy and working with it is also part of Bardon’s training system.
For Bardon, the colder the sensation of water you can create the more magnetism you generate. I gave one of the mermaid women an electronic thermometer to test her ability to concentrate on cold. She held the thermometer in her hand and in first try she got it to go from 99 degrees Fahrenheit to 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Her son came in the room and told her the room was freezing. Some of these women are often born with many siddhis such as weather control.
On the other hand, our entire civilization is based on technology derived from fire and electricity. The mermaid personality has an extreme empathy, an ability to connect to any person on earth instantly and to feel what they feel inside–this kind of femininity is not present in human religions, wisdom traditions, theologies, or literature. In the past, such women have had to hide themselves in order to not be abused or killed.
So for me, one of Bardon’s great contributions to human civilization is to point out that a student needs to master both the electric and magnetic fluids, (the masculine and feminine energies). But again, there is nothing in our culture that teaches us about this kind of femininity–the ability to be absolutely receptive and free of all ego and selfishness so that spontaneously and instantly you can feel a part of any living being on earth as well as feeling joined from within to the water element in nature and on the astral plane.
If a woman wants to embody masculine energy (the electric fluid), she can certainly have a relationship with a man but she does not need a man. All she needs to do in this present civilization is go get a job where she becomes a manager, a supervisor, or assume a command role. Then she does what men do–takes charge, oversees, produces and makes things, effects change, and masters all limitations of her environment or field of endeavor.
If a man wants to embody femininity in himself, to master the magnetic fluid which hermetic practice demands he do, he is at a total loss. Do yoga, Taoist practices, martial arts, silence meditation, Vipassana, Dzogchen, Zen, Reiki, Tai Chi Chuan, etc.–none of these traditions has even a tiny clue about how to teach the magnetic fluid which is the very essence of the mermaid realm and the auras of mermaids.
But again, as I read Bardon, he is saying,
You are going to master the feminine mysteries of the water element and the magnetic fluid even if your world knows absolutely nothing about these things.
In my mind, my four-year project to find a girl who could be on a beach and vibrate with the mermaid realm actually succeeded. If you are on facebook, you see the video of such a woman:
This young woman has the telekinetic ability to move small objects with her mind. She can control the weather to some extent. She can locate people by sensing where they are. And she can scan the entire human race nation by nation if I say to her, “Find me such and such a kind of person.”
When I read a sentence about a spirit that Bardon describes, even before I am done reading, she sees the spirit walking through the wall and into the room. Like some of the other mermaid women, dead people appear to her as fully alive as living people. Her aura makes the dead feel as if they live again. I have some videos of her, Aaron, and myself describing the auras of the mermaid queens and the mermen Bardon describes in his second book. (See link ).
All the same, as a disclaimer, I like to say, “Some women are too beautiful to love. It is best if you forget about them as if you have never met them. Or else, you must go on a journey, enter, and become a part of the realm from which they have come. Then their love becomes a part of your soul forever.”
Franz Bardon warns his students several times to be careful with mermaid queens because the enchantment of love is so great in the magnetism of water they possess. To be honest, being around some of them requires that I be prepared in any moment to let go of the girl as if I will never see her again. That kind of akashic detachment enables me to do my job as a spiritual anthropologist and really study what is in front of me. Otherwise, even the most rational of men are vulnerable to being overpowered by their own lower brain instinctual cravings around these women.
The greatest problem in studying the mermaid realm is that its pure innocence and it uninhibited and nearly divine empathic love is at complete odds with the world in which we live. We live in a world of scarcity–not enough food, housing, wealth, energy, and even affection and love are competed for and in scarce supply.
And not only that. The four elemental realms on earth do not communicate with each other. As I pointed out, if the salamander Orudu is going to set off a super volcano, he does not hold a council with the mermaid queens, with the gnome kings, and with the sylphs. It is up to the trained magician to embody in his own consciousness the kings and queens of the four elemental realms. As more individuals do so, the biosphere itself becomes more harmonious as does human society.
For example, when I have introduced incarnated mermaids to the salamander of lightning–Itumo–they fall in love with him. Being ultra feminine, mermaids crave contact with masculine energy. And part of this Bardon explains. In IIH, Bardon presents the electro-magnetic volt. The magnetic fluid, again the feminine, surrounds the electric fluid–the masculine.
This is the exact opposite of the world in which we live–the masculine culture for thousands of years has been oppressing and dominating women. In the electro-magnetic volt, the feminine–the magnetic fluid–surrounds, contains, refines, purifies, directs, and transforms the masculine energy. In effect, a magically trained woman can so unite with the soul of any man on earth that she can take all that he is and transform him into the man he is meant to be. Put simply, if you give anyone enough one on one attention, you have a good chance of getting them to do or become anything. That is the power of the feminine spirit.
For me, empathy and pure receptivity are the greatest power in this solar system. I explore that concept of the void as pure receptivity and empathy to dissolve negativity and establish justice on earth in my book, The Perfection of Wisdom.
Other ways I am applying what I have learned from mermaid women is through my meditations on the femininity in women’s bodies. For me, men in all their relationships and experiences with women are still unable to internalize the femininity of women into themselves. But you can take each part of what makes a woman feminine, study the energy underlying her physical body and feminine vibration.
And then you can find in nature–in rain, clouds, rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans–images and vibrations that you can meditate on and use to create in yourself the receptivity, vivaciousness, bliss, nurturing qualities, soothing, releasing, rejuvenating, and empathy that ultra feminine women possess. And then I add in the three sense concentrations of the cosmic language of Bardon’s third book which are the basic building blocks of all energy in the universe.
This I have learned to do from working with mermaid women. When I create with my hand or mind a specific vibration, they can instantly feel what I feel. If I create and then say to a mermaid woman, “This is the vibration of your astral body and your physical body,” they can give me immediate feedback on how accurate I am and how they experience it as compared to me.
By working with energies in this way, everything she is becomes a part of me and everything I am becomes a part of her. And that is the nature of magic–to observe with the clarity of a mirror and to become one with whatever you focus on.
12. Falcon Books: Is there anything further you would like to add?
William Mistele: “I have some longer essays on my site.
See for example How to Speak Saturn and also The Perfection of Wisdom for practices relating to dissolving negativity and also establishing justice between nations. Bardon places immense creative powers into our hands and his students will apply these skills in many ways.
Isaiah the prophet said,
They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
I am in love with that saying. But Isaiah left out the method. I am supplying a viable method and continuously field testing it.”
To view other William Mistele’s work please visit youtube, Website, Video poems
See also links for Mermaid Tales and Stories of Magic and Enchantment.”
A big thank you to Bill for his hard work and thoroughness in answering these questions.
Please click on the link: PART 1 to view the beginning of the interview with William Mistele.
Please note forthcoming books by William Mistele, The Four Elements and the Ten Steps For Spiritual Beginners.
To find out more about William’s work and his current publications below please click on the images to purchase.
Stories of Magic and Enchantment and Mermaid Tales available in Paperback and ebook To find out more about this title and read excerpts, please go to Our Authors.
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