Franz Bardon’s Hermetics – An Interview with Ray del Sole
With Ray del Sole
Copyright of Falcon Books Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved (2016).
Falcon Books is presenting a series of interviews with seasoned Hermetic practitioners and those who follow a spiritual discipline. The aim is to share the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of these practitioners with those just beginning the path and as an inspiration to us all. The focus of these discussions are guided towards the spiritual seeker.
This interview is now available in Portuguese:
For those wishing to read this article in Portuguese translated by Lucas Augusto.
Presenting today and interview with Ray del Sole who is the founder of Sura Academy, A path to self-development and spiritual growth. He also is a prolific writer and author of Spiritual literature including IIH and aspects of spiritual training. He also has his latest book The Mystical Path. He also has a blog where he shares his insights with us.
A cordial welcome to Ray del Sole from Falcon Books Publishing. Great to have you here and thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
- Falcon Books: I wonder if we could start by you telling us a bit about yourself and how you came across Bardon’s IIH.
Ray del Sole: “Originally I studied architecture. But now I have an own psychotherapy and coaching practice. Here I can help people by combining spiritual knowledge and healing techniques as well as the professional psychotherapy approach. Altogether it is a wonderful holistic way to cause real changes for my clients in very nice way. The modern psychotherapy lacks spiritual knowledge, especially the knowledge of the occult anatomy and the application of energies to dissolve blockages and to allow for real healing to take place. So this is a great experience for me to work in this way.
I must say that I was always driven by the idea to gain real wisdom. This idea was already very strong when I was a young boy at primary school. I decided to dedicate myself to this aim, willing to sacrifice other things which are normally important in life. Later in high school, I was able to study all different of areas of knowledge like science, religion and ancient history, etc. Thus bringing me to the insight that it is important for me to study the “whole world” if I wanted to really understand the “whole world” as it is. And this idea I have followed.
On my path, I have met many different philosophies and spiritual schools, always with the idea to serve mankind for making progress. When I was around 18 years old, I visited an esoteric exhibition, just for fun to check what people were offering. And here I have discovered Bardon’s first book. The German title suggested that this book was an instruction to become a real adept and this made me curious. So I have read the description on the back cover. I was really astonished to read that Bardon was offering instructions for magical development. At the time it was quite uncommon, something special. So far I had only a bad feeling about magic as I knew all these stories of magicians who did strange things with bad results, or at best were quite mysterious. But when I was scrolling through the book, I was even more astonished about the scientific way Bardon gave exercises and explanations. I was so fascinated that I really wanted to know what he was talking about and if all these mysteries about magicians were true. And so on that day my path began. I have really devoured his book, diving deeper and deeper into this magical world. Over the years, I have compared his teachings with the teachings from other spiritual traditions and I have also acquired greater knowledge to further my understanding and his core teachings.
After many years of study and practical training, I must say that I am more than grateful for having taken this very special path. There are so many, indeed uncountable treasures waiting for the student. Bardon gives all the keys to open the doors.”
- Falcon Books: You have mentioned in the past there is a wise way to approach Bardon’s and a slow way.
a) What have you discovered is the best way to approach this?
b) What would you advise someone who is starting out?
Ray del Sole: Bardon has written all his books with a secret wink. He offers official instructions which work like a route description. But you can read also between the lines and then you discover smart ways to get from A to B. These “secrets” can be found by real practical training and deep studies of all his books. Further on, the additional knowledge of the occult anatomy regarding the psychic centers, the chakras is a big deal for progress. And certainly, the subconsciousness can be integrated into the training very well. Bardon is a real master in giving small hints to big and important topics and he leaves it up to the student to become aware of these hints and to follow them. He simply assumes that the mature student will manage his way independent from problems, obstacles, etc.
Besides these “secrets” or a smart way to do the training, it is fascinating that the whole training system is so simple that it can be accomplished also without comprehensive intellectual studies. This means that you could take the book and give it to a young man who has no education at all but who has a great desire for spiritual mastery and this young man would just have to follow in a stubborn way the single exercises. For sure, he would reach mastery in the end. All is given in the exercises and in the short explanations. It takes only the motivation and stubbornness to go through it. Simplicity is the key and later the developed skills will help to understand what you are doing.
And this shows the problem which we have to face today: We are used to dealing with complexity, with complex problems and complex solutions. We are not used to simplicity but simplicity is the nature of all real spiritual teachings. God is simple as God is the One while creation itself is based on diversity, on big numbers and with this on complexity. Those who want to understand God must learn simplicity. We move from the complex world of creation to the top of the pyramid, the One to experience unity.
In fact, our problem is the approach to try to manage all challenges with the intellect but the intellect plays here a minor role. Intuition is holistic and practical experiences are most important. The intellect is too limited for all the wonders of the magic-mystical path and real spirituality.
To answer both questions at once: I would suggest for the beginner to study deeply all books of Bardon and to implement quite early very important knowledge like his teachings of wisdom and the laws of creation. Further on it is very important to follow all hints, even if he mentions only a word or half of a sentence. In the main, this is the occult knowledge of the chakra system and the comprehensive use of the subconsciousness right from the start. Different techniques should be combined and orientate on realizing one aim. And in fact, one of his biggest “secrets” is that he simply expects the student to have a spiritual-mystical attitude together with good health. So if you suffer from imbalances in your mind, soul or body, then this are obstacles on the path. And without a true spiritual attitude you have best chances to fall into the countless traps of selfishness and delusions which are waiting on both sides of the narrow path. Only a spiritual attitude can offer real safety and good progress. The mystical attitude means that you love God, that you long for divine unity, that you are willing to refine yourself and to serve mankind and creation. Only when you understand yourself as a part of the greater whole, all other parts (beings) are willing to support you as you do it. Creation means cooperation. We are all serving each other. Selfishness is an illusion. It simply does not work out.
Unfortunately, Bardon does not emphasize the importance of the spiritual-mystical attitude directly in his first book but talks only much later about these things and simply assumes that everyone knows it. In fact what Bardon calls magic is pure spirituality in its highest form. We all have to walk the path of metaphysics and mysticism independent from culture and tradition.”
Falcon Books: In step 2 of IIH Bardon touches upon about working with the subconscious mind. How important would you say this is and what do you feel is the best approach to understand and become at one with our subconscious.
Ray del Sole: “Bardon often shows a fascinating way of accessing topics. I guess that most students directly step into the trap of the “evil” subconsciousness blocking progress and supporting all that we don’t want. This can develop to a real fight with the subconsciousness and lots of problems. Here is one main point to understand that if you have a strong will, you won’t experience any problems with your subconsciousness. The subconsciousness only sabotages your wishes if you lack willpower. And already by undergoing the concentration exercises, you develop a good and strong will. Then there is also a secret in it. You can bring your will and your subconsciousness into the same positive state where both cooperate. The will or normal consciousness can be seen as the male pole and the subconsciousness can be understood as the female pole. Then our wishes are the babies, seeds planted by the will and carried out by the subconsciousness. The subconsciousness in its female power is completely underestimated. So indeed, the active training should go hand in hand with the use of the subconsciousness to make new abilities, etc. grow (overnight). I have written a corresponding book about this topic, so that everyone is able to apply the techniques of autohypnosis in a professional way.
Lastly, it is very important to realize a loving and positive unity with your subconsciousness and to neglect the idea of fighting it as this takes lots of energy and causes only problems.”
- Falcon Books: As a practitioner of Hypnosis how have you found your work aided those practicing Bardons IIH?
Ray del Sole: “What is called hypnosis is simply professional work on the level of the subconsciousness, using states of trance. We can also easily say that hypnosis consists of techniques of mental magic, of meditation, of work also on an Akasha level and if the hypnotist is skilled enough then he can work with energies to cause healing, vitalizing, dissolving of blockades and to go on mental traveling with his client beyond time and space. It is even usual to go into former incarnations for research and healing, and to make meetings with spiritual guides and deceased souls. In conclusion, hypnosis is magic and magic includes hypnosis. There are no real limits. The main use is certainly focused on healing and the analysis of the roots of problems but also new skills and qualities can be anchored and strengthened in a person. The techniques are all very fascinating. So indeed I recommend to my students to do studies in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy as you can learn a lot about magic.
Hypnosis can be also seen as a guided meditation and when you meditate in a deeper state then you do something like autohypnosis already. The focus of hypnosis is the inner experience in contrary to the outer experience of the material world. So indeed we work on the higher planes. And in the subconsciousness, we find not only the roots of all problems but also the individual solutions. The subconsciousness is connected to the whole creation on all planes.
So, all in all, it is fascinating work which is also very efficient and nice.”
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- Falcon Books: Following on from this, what tools could you recommend to aid students so they are able to grasp the steps more easily and ……?
Ray del Sole: “I recommend to understand the simple principles of autohypnosis and to apply them with specific anchors of hand postures, finger postures, etc. So it is quite easy to get a good book about autohypnosis and to understand the main principles. Then you can already start with the armchair which you use for your meditation or your concentration exercises. You can program your subconsciousness with the idea that every time you sit in your armchair, your body is calm while your mind gets into the perfect state for meditation. All outer disturbances will be automatically ignored, so that you can accomplish your exercises perfectly. Indeed you can determine all aspects for sitting in your armchair and doing your exercises. This would be an “armchair anchor”. Further on you could think about different postures of your hands or fingers like the known mudras where you connect certain states of consciousness to or where specific powers are activated. This is a fascinating field of experiments where you can follow your individual intuition.
The more routines and programs you “install”, the better can your subconsciousness support you. Same time, same place, same posture, etc. and then all you need for a specific exercise will be offered automatically.”
- Falcon Books: In your book The path of the Mystic, you offer guidance to those who wish to follow a devotional/mystical path can integrate that along with Bardon’s IIH practice. For the beginner, I think the first stages of IIH appear to be quite dry and I think perhaps may put people off who wish to follow that way. Could you please tell us a bit more about this and what inspired you to write it.
Ray del Sole: “Bardon says that IIH deals with magic and yes, certainly this is the case. Magic is nothing else than metaphysics and metaphysics meaning the science of physics on the level of mind and soul, – working with energies and the corresponding laws. On the other hand, Bardon emphasizes the importance that magic and mysticism have to go hand in hand if the student does not want to suffer from any imbalances (or real problems).
This idea to combine the teachings and training of metaphysics with the ideas of cleaning, healing and refinement of mysticism is a matter of wisdom and with this of the fourth Tarot Card respectively higher teachings. Here we see how important it is to read all books before starting the training of IIH respectively Bardon mentions this problem maybe only in one or two sentences in IIH. Besides this, the training of IIH can appear at least in parts as really dry and hard as it lacks all the beauty of normal spiritual teachings which are a matter of mysticism, the quality aspect of the whole training and development. Mysticism gives life to the dry training. It also offers motivation, happiness, a real sense in all the training. The mystic loves God, loves mankind and creation, loves to serve, loves to refine himself and to unite with God. Love is a great drive, a great motivation. And devotion and humbleness have much greater meanings than most people understand. In the end, real mysticism is a matter of the third book about the cosmic language. Here you understand that the highest mystical practice means to transform your nature to the macrocosmic divine nature in all aspects. So a real mystic is the highest authority in creation. Only a real mystic can create like God creates.
So in conclusion, I try to offer the student some mystical teachings to compensate the magical training, to make it more vital, more fascinating and in fact the aspects of cleaning, healing and refinement can never be overrated. Especially beginners often have to face many problems simply because they have too many mental and emotional blockades which need to be cleaned, dissolved so that healing can take place and on this level of higher harmony success is easier to accomplish. For this reason, I emphasize very much the steps of cleaning, healing and refinement in my Academy and in my books. “Cleaning, healing and spiritualization (refinement)!” was the slogan of the old mystics. Only those who are refined to divine degrees can unite with God.”
- I was wondering if you would be willing to share your own experience of the mystical path with us?
Ray del sole: “I guess if I wanted to share all my mystical experiences I would have to write a new book. Mystical experiences can be understood as states of unity with the Divine in one, or several aspects which come along with trance and great feelings of a diversity of ecstasies. The unity with God makes you feel really high, beyond normal human experiences and you take part in divine virtues and powers. These are all experiences of highest fulfilment.
I must admit that this is not my first incarnation where I worked on my spiritual development, so my path might look a little bit different. While normally the student undergoes a long training before experiencing the Divine, I have more or less directly started with the experience of divine unity. I remember sitting in the backseat of my parents the car, driving somewhere. I would practice the stillness of mind exercise and then I got the insight that already through this exercise one could accomplish enlightenment just for the reason that a vacuum cannot exist in nature and if your mind is empty then something else can enter – the Divine Spirit. This realization gave a kind of first enlightenment where my crown chakra was activated and bigger streams of energy were running through me. Not much later, I had the idea to listen to a music where the sound E was emphasized. I started to sing eeeeeee by myself and I got into a very devotional attitude, praising God and expressing my love and my longing for divine unity. This manifested a lot of dark violet light, flooding my whole energy system and breaking up my skullcap. It felt like a massive waterfall of highest energies falling on my head, into my head, flooding everything. Since this time I have a big bump on my head as the energies were so strong that my physical skull was transformed. The waterfall feeling lasted several days and afterwards I was not the same like before. The cosmic impersonal consciousness was installed in which I take part since then. Many years later I understood what has happened. I have performed the quabbalistic letter E without consciously knowing it. This cosmic letter has the quality of the cosmic consciousness. This means in the end that I had already in a former incarnation training with the cosmic letters, the quabbalistic teachings. In this time I was still a teenager. Much later I have undergone the quabbalistic training of Bardon and I must say that it is so full of beauty that one can feel very blessed to be allowed to experience it. Nothing makes more happier than God. The whole mystical training with all the offered ecstasies and wonderful experiences is beyond human understanding as we have here nothing whatsoever could serve in comparison. As always, you have to taste the fruits by yourself.”
- Falcon Books: What advice and guidance would you offer to those following IIH?
Ray del Sole: “Maybe in short: Take care of your balance, of your vitality. Get rid of all blockages and imbalances as early as possible, Cultivate a positive spiritual attitude and mystical love and devotion. Keep things simple. Don’t waste time on stupid and selfish discussions on the internet. Don’t waste your precious time on losing yourself in pure intellectual studies. Real training is most important. Not a single book can replace real exercises. Pay respect to all aspects of life. Find like-minded fellows on the path. Lonely wolves are lonely, but not more successful or happier than a group of students. Don´t do stupid things. Always have the four pillars of the temple of Solomon in mind. Try to understand the keys of wisdom, the laws of creation as early as possible. Be a positive example to the world and your fellow-men. And certainly, follow your higher intuition. Pray a lot for guidance and the power to manage all your challenges. Express your love and gratitude towards God. Be open for all the good and all the gifts which are waiting for you. Do good deeds. Serve well! And maybe join me and my Academy.“
- Falcon Books: How would you explain the books of Franz Bardon to a beginner? Someone with no knowledge of Franz Bardon or Magick but yet was still longing for a deeper path. I am very interested in hearing about how you view these three books and how they interrelate with each other.
Ray del Sole: “When you look only at the facade, then it seems that Bardon´s first book deals with the training in magic, the second book deals with Evocation of spirits and the third book deals with the training in Kabbalah. But this is only the superficial impression which the facade offers. In fact, Bardon offers a holistic, well-balanced training corresponding to universal standards and highest knowledge which can be applied by every true spiritual seeker independent from his culture, religion or tradition. It is really the first time that the universal teachings were presented to public in such a way and further on for self-initiation. With the given keys for development, the seeker can realize Divine nature in all aspects and will further on get to know the whole creation and its administration. More simply cannot be given and everything else is just a matter of progress by training. Indeed we can say that Bardon offers the map for God, creation and the human being for a safe journey and a lawful development.
Behind the terms of Magic, Mysticism, Evocation and Kabbalah, where purest spirituality is hidden. It is all about the real and purest path of spiritual development while names and terms are quite secondary. Magic has the meaning of physics, the science of physics on the level of mind and soul. Physics deals with the different energies in quantity and quality and the corresponding laws. Mysticism deals with all the aspects of quality, of refinement, of healing and development. When you deal with energies or powers, then you must necessarily also deal with the question of quality, of intention and purpose. Mysticism can be seen as another term for true spirituality, for loving God and longing for unity. Then evocation is a big term but in fact, the book simply explains the composition of the administration of creation, our solar system with the spheres and spirits (angels). Creation cannot work without intelligence, without laws and these divine beings the magician gets to know. These are indeed the great teachers of mankind, those who inspire people on earth to accomplish progress and new inventions. And Kabbalah is just a traditional term for the cosmic language, the language of God, the Divine Spirit who creates with it all the worlds on all planes. The cosmic language contains the primordial components of creation. Everything is made of the cosmic language out of nothing, out of Akasha, the state of energy beyond creation.
This all means that you have the chance to accomplish your highest spiritual development when you follow Franz Bardon in his teachings beyond human terms. The cosmic language can be also understood as the science of chemistry corresponding to the science of physics regarding magic.
Important to understand is that Bardon has chosen a specific system to present his teachings. Imagine you would have to write instructions about how all the secrets of the world, of creation, of God, of the human being, of the administration and of the way you should take to experience everything in a safe and well-balanced way. Then you would have to ask yourself how you could accomplish this task. There are certainly many possibilities. Bardon has decided for himself to follow an old and also universal system of initiation which is reflected by the so-called Tarot Cards. Every Card contains special teachings about a specific field. The first card deals with the initiation into magic, the second with evocation, the spiritual hierarchy or administration, the third with the cosmic language, the fourth with wisdom, and so on. This system follows an inner logic and higher sense. But it cannot adapt itself to the present needs of the individual seeker. It describes the ideal path of initiation and it is up to the seeker to study it with a focus on his individual needs. For this reason, I have already pointed out that it makes sense to study all books before starting the practical training and to integrate as early as possible the teachings of wisdom, etc.
At last – all books contain so much information, so much precious knowledge and countless hints for further research that it is highly recommendable to read the books over and over again to get all the details.
There are no higher teachings available on earth, a training system which is perfectly balanced to accomplish real mastery in a most efficient way.”
- Falcon Books: As the founder and teacher of Sura Academy, could you tell us a bit about how the Academy approaches IIH and what can people expect to find when they join.
Ray del Sole: “I have spent a lot of time with research, studies and experiments. From my point of view, it is not necessary that everyone takes the path as a lonely wolf, facing all kinds of questions and problems alone and spending too much time and effort to solve them. I think that it makes much more sense to walk the path together and helping each other by sharing precious knowledge and experiences. This saves a lot of time and headaches while it makes the training efficient, easier and better in the results. Additionally, it offers very precious experiences of brotherhood and friendship in an international frame. When I think of all these great souls which I have met already and with whom I am walking the holy path for many years already, then I feel deep gratitude and much love.
From these thoughts of helping each other, sharing experiences and the high values of true spiritual friendship, the idea of an own academy was born already several years ago. But for a single person it is not easy to realize something like an academy and so it took its time. Meanwhile, we have plenty of teaching material, a website is under construction and wonderful ideas are in progress. I am especially happy that we can offer a most holistic training including healing sessions, coaching and many other beneficial things. This means also that we emphasize the mystical aspects of the training as magic and mysticism go hand in hand. In the future, we will have also a series of videos with guided meditations to support the exercises in the training and I will offer a special education in spiritual healing. Everything is in a wonderful progress.
People who want to join Sura Academy have to pass successfully the entrance exams. In general, have a true spiritual attitude which is needed since we do not support any unhealthy, selfish or dark ideas. We are dedicated to highest ideals and this also means that we feel like a spiritual family of brothers and sisters.”
“All true spiritual seekers are welcome!”
- Falcon Books: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Ray del Sole: “Thank you, Tanya, for the interview! And thank you very much for all the good work you do to support our fellows on the holy path!”