The Path of the Mystic, Special Edition for Franz Bardon Practitioners

Customer Reviews

Excellent book. Love all the books by this author. He is very good. It is very hard to find genuine books on the stuff related to Franz Bardon because of the high standards of the training, but this author is amazing.
~Jerew Jei

The book is a great motivation for people who believe in a sincere study of the mystical path. Very impressive work and understanding approach to each topic. His books make everything very easy to understand and help a reader to make true progress in his spiritual journey. Would highly recommend this book to those who seek wisdom. The book reflects that the author has a deep spiritual understanding and his heart is filled with deep compassion for humankind.
~ Sapnali Chetia

This book by Falcon Press Publishing was issued in 2016 and is called “The Path of the Mystic”, authored by Ray del Sole, also a writer using a pseudonym. He lives in Germany, near Frankfurt, works as a Naturopath for Psychotherapy and as a Spiritual healer and is an expert in metaphysics and mysticism.
The subtitle of this book also clarifies a few things: “Special edition for Franz Bardon practitioners”. And this is how I understood this book and how I believe it was meant: it is the approach to the teachings and practice of Franz Bardon not so much for the hermetist or the magical practitioner, but rather for the mystic. He takes those teachings and explains to us in 33 short chapters the different aspects and approaches the interested student should or can have to use Franz Bardon’s techniques as a mystical approach. I would like to mention the titles of some chapters  to give you an idea:
  • The Right Kind of Sacrifices
  • Healing through Divine Unity
  • Universal Religion
  • Uniting with God, as Bardon describes
  • A Technique of Praying

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I think this makes you understand the approach that Ray del Sole is taking. Even though the mystical path has not (yet?) opened all his secrets and mysteries to me, I find the approach he is taking extremely fascinating and rather unique. This is certainly a work that will make Bardon more available and interesting to students and occultists with a mystical approach. And if you want to know my opinion on that, this is a very good thing. The more people understand and practice Bardon’s hermetic teachings, the better.
So, highly recommended for the appropriate audience.

~ Gnothi

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