
A Commentary on the Magic of IHVH-ADNI by Virgil

Please enjoy an insightful commentary on  Rawn Clark’s writings on TMO (The Magic of IHVH- ADNI)  from A Bardon Companion

Virgil is a long term practitioner  of the esoteric arts including IIH (Initiation into Hermetics) by Franz Bardon, and has an eclectic knowledge various practices within this field of exploration.

The Path of the Light

In traditional Kabbalah, Kether represents the will of God. In Western esotericism, it is also called the “first swirlings.” Before even the thought of performing an action enters the mind, there is a more subtle urge leading to that thought. This occurs at the level of the will.

From Kether, the light flows to Chockmah, which is wisdom. Chockmah is the primordial force that will ultimately become reflected down onto denser levels and go into the creation of the Malkuth, the physical universe. In the Book of Proverbs, Wisdom says “For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.” This is why TMO (The Magic Of- IHVH-ADNI) cannot be used for wicked purposes. The energy passes through Chockmah and is inherently righteous as a result.

Binah is understanding – the divine womb. The primordial force of Chockmah flows into Binah and she gives birth to their son, Tiphereth.

Between Tiphereth and Malkuth is a tzinor (pipe). The divine light cannot flow into Malkuth if this pipe is blocked. The cleanness of the pipe is dependent upon the magician’s maturity. Thus, the more mature the magician is, the more light he is able to channel down from his personal Kether in his personal Malkuth, and the more powerful his blessing is when he applies TMO practically.

Finally, assuming the tzinor is relatively clean and unobstructed, the divine light flows into Malkuth, where it is transformed into the rainbow light and sent outwards to bless the universe fulfilling the will expressed in Kether.

The energetic dynamics of the TMO exercise are also seen in real life. Kether continues to be our own true will, which is always in harmony with the will of Divine Providence. From Kether emerges Wisdom and Understanding, which also lead one to Kether. In other words, by possessing genuine wisdom and understanding, we know and can carry out the will of Divine Providence. Our inner divine nature (Tiphereth) always wants to carry out the will of Divine Providence, and therefore, it is the son of Chockmah and Binah.

Yesod is the source of our personality and stands between Tiphereth and Malkuth. In Hermetics, it is known as the astral body. When our personality is pure, the influence of Tiphereth can reach Malkuth, where it explodes outwards in the form of all of our everyday physical actions. Thus, we see the path the light follows in TMO is more than just a mere magical exercise or technique. It also hints at a way of life. It is a way of life centered around acquiring wisdom and understanding in order to know the will of Divine Providence, and then acting in accordance with that will in order to spread blessings through the world through our physical actions.

Parallels Between the Canticle and the Shema

There is a well-known scriptural verse that is extremely significant in Judaism, and therefore in Kabbalah as well. It begins as follows,

Shema Yisrael, IHVH Eloheinu, IHVH echad.

The meaning of the phrase is “Hear O Israel, IHVH our God, IHVH is one.” In the midst of this phrase is a series of three divine names – IHVH Eloheinu, IHVH. Traditionally, Kabbalists associated these with Chockmah, Binah, and Tiphereth. The word “echad” (one) was associated with Malkuth. For our purposes, it is natural to associate “Shema Yisrael” with Kether. Thus, we end up with the following layout.

Kether – Shema Yisrael
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Chockmah – IHVH

Binah – Eloheinu

Tiphereth – IHVH

Malkuth – Echad

Since Kether represents the will of God, we see that it is God’s will that Israel (a metaphor for human society, and not just a specific country with that name) hears a message. That message is that God is one. God is found in all of the Sephiroth, including Malkuth. Therefore, all of the Sephiroth have a divine nature and share a divine essence.

The divine name usually associated with Chockmah is Yah, which is just a shortened form of IHVH. The divine name associated with Binah is Elohim. The divine name associated with Tiphereth is IHVH. There are no surprises here.

Echad is associated with Malkuth. To repeat a well-known saying, “Kether is in Malkuth, and Malkuth is in Kether.” Kether is the monad – the one point. It is actually the final letter daleth in echad that is specifically associated with Malkuth. Daleth comes from the root word meaning “poor.” Malkuth is said to be poor because she depends on the higher sephiroth to provide her with light. Like a poor beggar receiving the charity of the rich, Malkuth receives the divine influx from above.  

Since these are the same sephiroth that are used in the practice of TMO, a parallel can be seen between the canticle and the Shema. When properly performed, the energetic exercise involving the canticle can help the magician hear, understand, and realize the message of unity. The universe has one center. When you send the Adonai light out to the ends of the universe, it rebounds back upon the center, yet the center can be anything. When you are using the technique to bring blessings into your own life, then you are the center of the universe. When you are using the technique to bring blessings into the life of another, then that other person is the center of the universe. There are not two separate centers, but one center, because all things are one.

Now, in TMO, Malkuth does not just passively receive the divine light coming from Kether. She transforms the light and then sends it outward. The light goes from your personal microcosmic Malkuth to the greater macrocosmic Malkuth, which is connected to it. After the first line of the Shema is said, the second spoken line is “Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.” This is also reflected in the TMO exercise because the rainbow light emanating from Malkuth is sent outward to emanate through all of space and time, blessing the whole of the universe.

To find out more about Virgil please enjoy a short biography  

To view his blogs, Through the Castle Doors  & Emerald Force



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