My Secret Technique for Getting the Most Out of William Mistele’s Essays by Virgil
Many of Bill’s essays embody a depth of profundity that is astounding and, at times, even overwhelming. Within his writings, you find esoteric teachings that can really wake you up, depending on how successfully you assimilate them. Of course, when it comes to learning about the mysteries of magic, there is no better teacher than actual experience, and no writings, including Bill’s, can replace actual experience. However, with that said, it can’t be denied that there are some powerful teachings contained in many of Bill’s writings, and the more thoroughly you can extract and assimilate those teachings, the more you will benefit from them.
Your method for extracting and assimilating the teachings contained in Bill’s essays probably consists of reading them. If you’re astute, you’ve probably realized by now that reading any of Bill’s essays only once usually won’t benefit you much, and that you usually have to read them multiple times to really understand and benefit from them. It’s not that Bill’s writing style is difficult to understand. It’s that his writings can be deep and sometimes even overwhelming with the number of bold truths he manages to pack into his sentences.
The technique I’m presenting here for getting the most out of Bill’s essays goes even further than merely reading them multiple times. Let’s say you want to get the most out of Bill’s essay on the Sea of Fire Meditation. Check out the example images below:
To read the full contemplation by Virgil, please download the PDF
Yeah, that’s right. I literally just wrote out the entire essay by hand. That’s the technique. I’ve found that when I write out an essay by hand, this process ingrains the knowledge in that essay into my mind and psyche more thoroughly than mere reading alone ever could. When I was in college, I found that if I didn’t understand the solution to a problem, writing out the solution often helped me understand it. I also found that writing out the solution also embedded the algorithm contained in the solution into my brain so I could draw upon that algorithm later if I needed it during an exam or something like that. I realized that the power of writing had a sort of transforming effect and took advantage of that in my magical studies too. But I wasn’t discovering anything new. I was only rediscovering something that had been known by magicians for ages. In Medieval times, students of magic who wanted a grimoire didn’t go to the nearest bookstore and buy a grimoire. They borrowed their teacher’s grimoire and then wrote out the whole grimoire by hand. In more recent times, this practice continued. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn required its students to write out the order’s knowledge lectures and other papers by hand in order to create their own copy of these documents. So was a pretty standard practice for much of history. It is only in more recent times that society has grown lazier and some people balk at the idea of copying out a whole essay by hand, let alone an entire grimoire. Note also that in the East there are the practices of Shakyo and Likhita Japa, amongst other practices that utilize the power of writing to assimilate esoteric teachings and ingrain their essence into one’s psyche.
Pick an essay by Bill that really speaks to you and touches upon a major problem you are facing. If you’re undergoing a period of darkness, maybe pick his essay on the shadow. If the fire element is weak in your personality and you’re trying to strengthen it, maybe pick one of his essays on the fire element, such as this one. If you’re having trouble establishing an elemental equilibrium in general, maybe pick one of his essays on establishing an elemental equilibrium, such as this one. Then, write out the essay by hand. Write that same essay out by hand multiple times. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve written out some of Bill’s essays. I notice that writing them out has a centering effect on me. My life can be kind of crazy. Sometimes I get home from work really frazzled but find that if I sit down at my desk and spend a few minutes copying a few paragraphs from one of Bill’s essays by hand, the centering effect of this activity helps restore my peace of mind. I like to sing (although I’m bad at it), so I find that singing a few lines from one of my favorite songs (e.g. The Days by Avicii) also has a similar centering effect on me, but I digress. It’s important to remain present-minded and focused (as opposed to absent-minded) when doing these things or you won’t experience the centering effect.
So that’s my technique. Sorry to disappoint you if you were expecting some bizarre Ancient Egyptian ritual you could use to instantly and effortlessly assimilate all of the information contained in each of Bill’s essays. Writing out an entire essay by hand may seem like a lot of work, but personally, I find it an enjoyable activity. Some people will chop wood, or practice a kata, or do some other sort of rote physical activity to bring their mind back to the present and center themselves. Copying out an essay by hand does that for me. And remember, you don’t have to copy out an entire essay in one sitting. I’ve never done that, after all, they can be really long. I usually copy a few paragraphs each day, so it takes me about a week to copy an essay the size of the one on The Sea of Fire Meditation.
To find out more about Virgil or William Mistele please click on their author pages.
The to read the following titles by Virgil:
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To read the following titles by William Mistele, please click on the links below:
[wpbooklist_shortcode table=”williammistelepublications”]
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To find out more about Virgil or William Mistele and their work please visit to their author pages