Ten Rules for Spiritual Beginners: Malkuth, by William R. Mistele
(Future Falcon Books Publication: Ten Rules for Spiritual Beginners © 2018, by William R. Mistele)
Ten Rules for Spiritual Beginners, is a book (Volume I of II) based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. I began reading books on this topic in the early 1970s beginning with Dion Fortune’s, Mystical Qabalah, William Grey’s, Ladder of Lights, and Gareth Knight’s two volumes, Tree of Life. There are currently a great number of books following the format of the Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life theme has a great many advantages. It brings into one place astronomy, spiritual kingdoms, personal experience, and all manner of initiations. Each occult writer can turn to it as an easy way to summarize his experience and perspective on the human and spiritual world surrounding us.
In the 1990s I wrote a manuscript called A Travel Guide to Life. As a spiritual anthropologist, I would study and meditate with a great number of masters and gurus. And I would notice that the Taoist master from the oldest Chinese lineage has quite different goals and methods than a master from the oldest Buddhist tradition in Tibet. The Hopi Indian shaman works with the spiritual and physical universe in a different way than the Wiccan, Druid, Muslim or Christian. Put simply, the various traditions on earth do not share each other’s dreams. They all seemed oblivious to the nature of the astral plane and the global dreamtime that supports every soul regardless of the path it takes, the religion, or the wisdom it practices.
My interest is quite simple. With all the advantages technology offers the human race, the survival of our species remains at risk. To use properly the immense powers we now hold in our hands, we will need an equivalent amount of wisdom to guide and inspire us.
And so my task has been to study all the various traditions so I could gain access to them. I have sought to extract from them the universal aspects of their training that could then be brought together into one global and spiritual training system that is neutral in regard to beliefs, doctrines, and religion.
One huge difference between myself and Dion Fortune, William Grey, Gareth Knight and others is that I am not presenting theories, metaphysics, doctrines, or even ideas. I do use words. But the words I have written here offer directions so that you may go and experience these things for yourself. Then through your own experience, you can decide what is useful and what you wish to discard.
The Challenge section in each sephiroth or domain is something to accomplish. The Magical Practice is a method. The Common Virtues tend to immerse an individual directly in astral feeling, usually a feeling that derives from uniting with some aspect of nature. The Magical Virtues are more spiritual realizations you can attain through various practices.
The Tips section focuses on problems and solutions unique to each sephiroth. The Mysteries section involves more archetypical problems the human race faces. The Mysteries are the conflicts between the four elements in nature, the astral plane, the quest for truth, the attainment of high love in a personal relationship, or the relation between the personality and the higher self. These involve perennial questions such as the following;
What is the Next World like?
What do we owe the spirit inside of us?
How do we distinguish between doctrines formulated thousands of years ago and the search for truth we need to pursue in our own generation of the world?
I also give some biographical examples from my own life when pertinent. After all, the entire work is biographical. As much as I can, I have tried to use my personal experience as a way of summarizing my perspective on the physical and spiritual universe.
And finally, in the section on the planetary spheres, I give examples of spirits I have contacted from the planet relating to each sephiroth. Again, you will notice I am trying not to generalize or be abstract. The evocations of these spirits usually take the form of dialogues. The spirit will say the equivalent of “Here is what inspires me and this is my outlook on life as you experience it on earth.”
Writing this book has been extremely healthy for me. I tend to get so involved in whatever I am currently researching that I forget about the overall picture. Some traditions resent the buffet approach to spiritual experience. I, on the other hand, am definitely in favor of saying, “Here is what life offers to us. Take a look. Taste and savor each experience. It falls to you to decide what purposes in life you wish to fulfill.”
For me, the prime directive governing all souls who incarnate on earth is, “Decide for yourself what you wish to become.” This book is my attempt to assist others in responding to such a declaration of spiritual freedom. If I succeed in communicating myself, then in reading this book you will gain a sense that the world in which we live—in spite of the horror and suffering, the injustice and cruelty—surrounds us with a universe that is inexhaustible in its love and as the mermaid queens say, “On fire with wonder, beauty, and ecstasy.’
Rule 10. Malkuth: The Kingdom, The Earth & The Physical World
Virtue: Solid, stable, down to earth, reliable, adaptable, conscientious, hardworking, enduring, self-assured, and self-determining.
Vice: Rigid, inflexible, non-responsive, insecure, anxious, eccentric, aberrant, bogged down, greedy, self-centred, grim, menacing, feeling abandoned, without a home.
Challenge: Get a life. Find something worth doing that is right for you and totally captivating.
With the onset of puberty, your hormonal system throws everything it has at you to get you to put aside being a child in need of protection and supervision and to become an adult who determines his own course of action and finds his place in the world.
“If you fail to fully involve yourself in life, you lose your sense of feeling at home in this world.”
Magical Practice
Part I: Observe your routines
- What patterns in your behavior (the way you organize your day, your week, and the stages of your life) are effective, productive, and healthy?
- What things are you doing that are unnecessary and waste your time and energy?
- Where are you in discovering what satisfies you and makes you happy?
- Do you have what you need to be highly motivated and successful?
There are two parts here: simply observe and note repetition, pattern, and routine. Second, think about these patterns, ask questions, and draw
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You may be able to visualize what you did yesterday as if you are watching a recap of those events. Others may want to keep a journal or write a brief synopsis of their activities over the years. Find what works for you so you are fully aware of your routines and how they affect you. Make it a habit to consider one or two changes in the things you do. Manage your time and energy with both uninhibited enthusiasm and rigorous detachment. Be both coach and cheerleader for yourself.
Imagine sitting in a theater and watching your life being performed on the stage as if it is some else’s life. And yet you are also director and producer, writer and actor of this story. You are given circumstances, situations, scenes, and supporting cast. Dialogues you spoke in dramatic moments of your life are like scripts written before you were born. You do not have to play out a role that you do not like. You can rewrite the words and scenes, change the feeling expressed, and re-frame the conflicts. It is up to you to take what you have been given and turn it into a life worth living.
Part II: Body Awareness
Your physical body is what enables you to be here in this world. Without it, you are not here but on the astral plane among the departed or somewhere else. To be fully alive and active, make a point of keeping your body healthy. Exercise regularly. Eat with care. Monitor your stress levels.
The below video is a grounding exercise: Meditation on the Feet
Common Virtue: The Feeling of Well-being
“Well-being” is the feeling that gives us our greatest ability to fully accept and to respond with appreciation to the physical world we are in. Without it, you miss seeing half of what is going on in the world around you and you fail to seize the opportunities that come to you. With it, joy and wonder are always close by your side. In the feeling of well-being, life seems to unfold in a way that is completely natural and nurturing. Life in its essence is protective, sheltering, and fulfilling. This appreciation occurs on a level far deeper than the conscious mind, for it has nothing to do with beliefs, doctrines, theories, or ideas.
For individuals with well-being, everything in life is where it is supposed to be. An individual’s identity is not defined by the goals he pursues or what he accomplishes. There is, instead, a feeling of being directly connected to nature that exists as an inexhaustible source of peace and renewal. People with well-being say, for example, “Things in life happen when they are ready to happen. I feel that I am a part of a flow of life that is like being in a river and moving along with it. On some level, I only have to accept the flow to be a part of it.
“The present does not proceed from the past and move into the future. Rather, the past, present, and future are simultaneously together within the same landscape of time. And in this landscape, the events of life are already interconnected and interwoven. There is continuity. If I lose something important to me at one point in my life, it can be found again later during another stage.”
Another person said, “Well-being, for me, is a sense of timelessness—no outside goals or explanations are needed to justify how I experience things in the present. Nothing needs to be connected to the present moment of perception. I do not have to think when I am just doing and experiencing things.”
For these individuals, even relationships do not really end. What is begun in one relationship can be carried on and fulfilled in another relationship. They frequently say that they enjoy many people and that it is hard to choose someone to marry: they find it naturally interesting to be around all kinds of people.
The first person I met who had this feeling of well-being just accepted me as I was. There were no conditions, no expectations. I was amazed at how receptive and appreciative she was of me. She was interested in everything about me. It seemed to me that the whole world of nature was alive within her. Because she saw the world as being radiant with life and full of wonder, it was natural for her to look for that same radiant life in others.
She said, “I feel like I am in a river, flowing, and accepted. I don’t have to do anything. I can just be. Things just happen.”
Try this. Put off to the side or filter out all your experiences in life that are troubling, disturbing, and unsatisfying. At the same time, bring to the forefront your experiences with joy and wonder. These experiences may be rare, but a few memories are sufficient to evoke this feeling.
You may recall times in which you were completely happy and satisfied, held and loved by another. Or you may have experiences, even moments, from childhood in which you felt completely safe and accepted by another person. Or, there are places in nature that evoke a profound feeling of well-being. Sedona, Arizona; White Sands, New Mexico; Mount Desert, Island, Maine; and Yosemite, California, are examples. Another such place is the tiny island of Iona, off the coast of Scotland. Guidebooks mention that tourists with no previous experience of Iona disembark from the ferry and immediately notice the isle’s spiritual, timeless quality.
Focus on a few of these experiences you have had with well-being. Do this so they are all that exist in your mind. Then hold all of them at once before you mind without evaluating, labeling, or comparing. Just immerse yourself in this meditation/contemplation.
This is what people with high well-being have going on inside of themselves all of the time. Joy and wonder, acceptance and peace, are constantly before their eyes. When this feeling comes to you, stop everything you are doing and focus on it. These experiences take you into a mystical, magical realm that is not a common human experience, for they reveal a completely different way of feeling and perceiving: of being fully present in our physical world and, not due to external circumstances, but from within yourself—feeling you have finally come home.
If you can evoke this feeling of well-being through contemplation or some other means, then repeat your practice until the feeling is a part of you. Frank Waters sums up this sense of well-being in his book, Pumpkin Seed Point. During a long and lonely winter while studying the Hopi Indians in Arizona, he wrote:
“Yet sometimes I awake in the silence of the night with an intuitive feeling of its mysterious context. At these moments of utter peace I feel absolved from the necessity of hurrying through space to reach a point in time … for time seems then a living, organic element that mysteriously helps to fashion our own shape and growth …. Adrift in a sea of motionless time, we come to realize there are worlds enough for becoming ourselves.”
Magical Virtue: A Quiet Ecstasy
There is a mystical dimension within feelings. In fairy tales, the beings who live in the earth element are called gnomes. Gnomes are completely at home in the physical world. They consider something physical like matter to be spiritual because they can shape and transform it, raising its vibration and adding feeling, mental vibrations, and consciousness to it.
Gnomes like to study and work with minerals, gems, trees, plants, flowers, organic processes, and the Feng Shui of the land. Gnomes themselves are very down to earth and grounded, solid, and persevering. They involve themselves in what they work on as if time does not matter, only their desire to persevere and to finish what they have begun. It is fair to say that gnomes possess a quiet ecstasy. When they work, they work with all of their heart. For gnomes, a unit of time is measured in terms of when they began and then when they completed a project. Time is defined from within. Put simply, gnomes feel rock solid inside and joined to the physical world around them.
I said to one girl, “You have the vibration of a gnome.”
She asked, “How so?”
I replied, “There is this feeling in your aura of being in a cave beneath the ground that is perfectly silent and still. And yet there is also a sense that you are a part of and within everything physical as if matter itself is alive and imbued with spirit waiting to be awakened.”
She said to me, “Yeah. That is the way I feel all of the time.”
If you get to know one of these gnome type individuals, when you listen to them talk or look into their eyes, you can sense how much they are fully here and alive. Work for them is a pure act of giving. We meet gnome type individuals in Warren Buffett, who is one of the wealthiest men in the world. He accumulates billions by buying high-value companies and then, with great insight, he picks men to manage those companies who are honest, sincere, and love to work as Buffett himself loves to work. Buffet’s attitude, like a gnome, is to “find something you love and then work at it with all of your heart.”
Other gnome style individuals are like the scientists who discover the double helix in DNA or make a new kind of ceramic or they contribute to the world the way the UN project eliminated all smallpox on earth by 1980.
Take a few moments and switch out of human time and into geological time. Imagine you are a mountain, a boulder, a stone, a tree, or a valley. Recall for a moment when you were working at something you loved doing with all of your heart. Add to this a sense of feeling that you are rock solid, enduring, and persevering. This state of mind is a divine virtue. Find it in yourself and make it part of your soul.
Problems & Tips: Take Nothing for Granted
From the beginning, the human race has been engaged in a struggle to survive. Go back to 70,000 B.C. on Sumatra in Indonesia and a volcano called Toba erupted sending 28,000 times more ash into the air than Mt. St. Helens. Genetic records indicate Homo sapiens may have shrunk to as little as 1,000 adults, perhaps even to 40 breeding pairs. We are very lucky to be here. In the geologic record, there is a list of intelligent beings like Homo erectus and Neanderthal that are now extinct. We survive in an environment where there is never enough food, shelter, or land; and in fact never enough education, honor, respect, justice, freedom, opportunity, knowledge, and wisdom. We compete for material wealth as well as recognition and social status. Even love and affection are scarce commodities. You have to “win” another’s affection. Love is subject to negotiation, bribes, coercion, and often obtained and sustained by fantasy, lies, and deception. Looking back, human history has been and still is a history of savagery and oppression. And so, confronted with the necessity of overcoming our limitations, we have been forced to learn, constantly facing new challenges and unexpected change. Add to this that our world is “in-between” the dark, impenetrable realm of lower brain instincts and the invisible, “higher” realms of pure light.
From atoms, molecules are formed; from molecules, DNA arises. DNA is so driven to replicate and reproduce itself that individuals, groups, religions, societies, and civilizations have tried to do everything conceivable in order to harness this primordial instinct and turn it to productive and creative ends.
Though we have entered the modern age, our struggles can still activate primordial, unconscious powers within us. These powers are often cold, reptilian, and insatiably hungry, seeking total domination over others. Yet here is also the evolution, for example, of the great martial art’s master who employs a mesmeric level of concentration to resolve conflicts. And yet it seems we have never been able to rest. If you lead your tribe to live in a desert location where there is nothing for others to want, then a tribe that thrives in the desert invades your land. Or else missionaries arrive enslaving your people and forcing them to build churches.
If you live and thrive for nine hundred years in the remote, mountainous countryside, your closest neighbor acquires an ideology that justifies their invading your country and subjugating your people. Or, in ancient times you lose your country over and over and yet you manage to thrive living among other nations. You always strive to blend in, always finding a way to survive persecution, until a national leader appears who seeks to remove every last one of you from the face of the earth.
If you strive to live in peace, your nation defending the weak and rebuilding other nations after wars, a rogue nation with a fanatical leader arises. With modern technology purchased on the open market—with one single bomb—he can attack you and kill more people that have been killed in all previous wars on earth.
This is our world, our reality. As long as we exist in physical form, survival will be an issue. Stay in touch with your survival instinct. Take care of yourself. Existence here in the physical world is always at risk. And where there is risk and danger, as the saying goes, “eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.” Senator Ted Kennedy once said, “Nuclear war is unthinkable.” I can very easily visualize and, in my mind, experience an all-out nuclear war. Because I am not brain dead like Senator Ted Kennedy in regard to “black swan” events, I create solutions than those with conventional ways of thinking could never imagine.
To paraphrase the Tao Te Ching,
The men of old were unfathomable in their wisdom. And so we can only describe their actions: They were cautious as a man walking on thin ice.
Alert as a soldier sensing danger,
Courteous as a guest at a formal reception,
As free of attachment as melting ice,
As available as an uncut block of wood,
And as nurturing as a valley,
Which is to say,
Their actions arose from stillness.
Find this stillness within yourself.
Mysteries—Conflicts Within Nature, Society, & the Self
For me, it is understandable why life on earth is so filled with conflict and violence. This conflict is not just between human beings who kill each other trying to take what the other has. The conflict is in nature itself, in the biosphere, and in the primal life force. One day, when an intelligent species is sufficiently advanced, that race of beings will establish harmony not just among themselves, but throughout the biosphere.
Let’s take a look at the planet earth. Compared to planets in other solar systems, earth so far remains unique in regard to water, atmosphere, iron and magma in the outer core, and the variety of habitats. Earth is a rocky planet as compared to a gas giant. The magma in the outer core of the earth, rich in iron, runs between 5,000 to 10,000 degrees in temperature, as hot as the surface of the sun. And as this magma circulates it generates the magnetosphere that protects the planet from deadly solar radiation.
At the same time, earth is in a Goldielocks or habitable zone where there is liquid water covering 71% of the earth’s surface. The atmosphere contains oxygen which is a byproduct of life and earth has enough ozone to shield it from most of the sun’s ultraviolet light. With the movement of the tectonic planets and lunar tides there are many ecosystems giving rise to a vast variety of life.
The Four Elements
Fire, earth, water, and air—the presence of these elements define the uniqueness of our planet as compared to those among other stars. The wealth in these elements of nature are also reflected in ourselves—in the qualities that characterize our civilizations and in the traits that define our personalities and shape our motivations.
The Earth Element
Such as rocks and mountains, are enduring. Metals and materials are useful for building and producing things. In the human personality, the earth element manifests as the desire to make things of value that enrich the world. With the earth element, we have an inner silence and a quiet ecstasy as we work, for in work we feel close to those things we care most about. And yet, for all its endurance and solidity, material things in time disappear, are worn down, pulverized, erode, and age. Glorious civilizations in the past and in the far future shall arise, thrive, and then cease like images in dreams that fade as we wake up from sleep.
The water element
Is in the moment—flowing, absorbing and releasing, purifying, giving, and renewing. It brings forth and nurtures life. Those with the water element strong in their personalities are highly empathic and loving.
The water element bestows the feeling that love is a part of the fabric of the universe. Water flows around us. We drink it. It nourishes and cleanses us. At the extreme, it gives the feeling that others are ourselves in another form and that we are all joined as one. Like the air in the open space of the sky, the air element gives a sense of freedom of movement and clarity of mind. It is both detached and hypersensitive to high and low pressure, hot and cold, wet and dry, and electric and magnetic. Those with strong air element in their personalities have the artist’s sensitivity to the nuances and changes in sensory perception.
As in an appreciation of music, they enjoy artistic expressions that take tension and conflict and produces harmony. And they have the open-mindedness, detachment, and curiosity that makes for good scientists.
The Air Element
Represents the pursuit of knowledge. At the end of our journeys and after many experiences, we shall finally understand our difficulties, how to surmount them, and to attain freedom.
The Fire Element
As in nature, is hot, dynamic, expansive, intense, explosive, demanding, commanding, and consuming. It is charismatic and electrifying. Leaders and generals find such power within themselves. They make things happen sooner rather than later.
The fire element within the human personality is represented in terms of, integrity, leadership, and relentless pursuit of one’s goals, like a CEO of a global corporation. With fire, every problem is a challenge and every limitation is something to surmount and overcome.
In fire is the will and energy necessary to change any fate and to fulfil any mission you wish to undertake. All the same, though sometimes supportive and accommodating, fire is often destructive to the other elements. In fact, fires, volcanoes, and super volcanoes as well as tsunamis and floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, and earthquakes these dynamic expressions in nature of the four elements operate independently of each other.
In a similar way, the four elements are not integrated in human nature or in society. In fairy tales and lore, each element has intelligent spirits residing within them. We can say that the mermaids do not sit down and talk to the air spirits, the sylphs. The fire spirits, the salamanders, do not hold long conversations with the gnomes. These different kingdoms within nature each have their own awareness, purposes, and evolutionary path.
Similarly, our scientists (the air element) may pursue with professional detachment their theories and experiments. But they lack the love of the water element and the harmony of their own air element. Often when funded by governments and corporations, scientists will invent some new technology that has military applications. Almost immediately this technology falls into the hands of the worst people on earth—the dictators and those corporations that are devoid of conscience.
Our leaders and corporate CEOs (the fire element) do not pursue long terms goals (the earth element), producing things of great value that endure through time. Obsessed and rewarded for short-term gain, they take excessive risks and produce products that destroy rather than conserve and protect. And politicians wait for a crisis or a disaster before they change their methods to protect people and nature.
The creative powers within us, the elements that constitute our nature, are extremely dynamic. But, like I say, they are not coordinated with each other. Nature and human personality are like a central station with airplanes, ships, trains, and buses whose schedules are never coordinated and that lead to different destinations.
You try to pursue something like studying genuine wisdom or establishing justice on earth and ending wars. You go to the ticket counter and the agent says to you as the agent once said to me in Bolivia, “Oh. Your flight has been rescheduled. There is only one plane flying today and it is just now taking off. When it gets to its destination they will send it back. At that time, your flight will be available.”
To review:
Fire =will
Air = knowledge
Earth = producing things of value.
Water = love and feeling—they are endless in their wealth. But a person who is a scientist, artist, leader, and empathic healer? Uniting these opposites harmoniously within us is almost a superhuman task.
Akasha of the Planet Earth
We have the physical world and our physical body. We have our feelings, our soul, and the astral plane. We have ideas, thinking, analysis, theories, plans of action, and the mental plane where they take place.
Yet overseeing these three planes is the akashic plane. Akasha has been described in many texts such as the Heart Sutra from the Prajnaparamita, the Bhagavad Gita, and even the 90th Psalm. I know Zen masters who slip into akasha as easily as they tie their shoes. Some Tibetan Buddhists I know configure their magical circles to express an akashic state of trance.
Think of conscience. Its warnings and promptings serve to protect and keep us focused on what is important. Conscience says in effect, “Experience life to whatever extent you can. Discover what makes you happy and gives you satisfaction. Find some things worth doing that are right for you and totally captivating. But also discover your deepest lessons and then take the time and make the effort to learn them.”
Akasha is completely detached and it is also eidetic—perfect in empathy, you can relive any moment from the past as if it is happening right now. And if you can do this with the past, then future outcomes can also be imagined and experienced as if they are completely real.
We have the ability to review in advance the consequences of our actions and the results of our decisions before they happen. With akasha, you learn to appreciate each moment of time as something unique and special. You see each moment as part of the fabric of everything that has occurred on earth.
Akasha, then, is awareness penetrating through space and time. Beings who dwell here do not need a material body in order to exist. They do not need to use thoughts in order to think or to communicate. They do not need an astral body or the four elements on the astral plane in order to feel. They are highly intuitive and can, on their own initiative, interact freely with the mental, astral, or physical planes. Just as we have conscience through which akasha is active in guiding our lives, we can also access an akashic awareness overseeing all events on earth. As with the individual, akasha supervises, inspires, sets limits, insisting we maximize our ability to learn rather than being forced to make changes due to pain and suffering. Higher spirits in the Earthzone are all oriented toward making what they envision into something real. They take the spiritual world, wrapping it in form and matter, to produce works of enduring value that enrich life on earth.
To align yourself with this akashic awareness, think in terms of changing yourself, your situation, the environment, or the world. This requires concentration, study, commitment, and acquiring experience and mastery in some area. If you work at something and employ a high learning curve, you master your area of speciality and then with ease you accomplish your objectives.
A conversation with one of these spirits is like responding to certain questions: “Are you perfectly clear about what you want? Are you willing to do the work required to accomplish your objectives? Do you embody an absolute commitment, for we are ever vigilant and tirelessly? We take nothing for granted and so there is no end to our love when it comes to protecting, sheltering, nurturing, and perfecting life on earth.”
You will know when you are connecting to akasha. You will feel total freedom and detachment and also profound compassion, caring, and commitment. You will feel you have all the power you need to accomplish whatever purpose you choose and also an immense gratitude for the love that flows through you to enrich others’ lives. You will feel as if you have finally come home and yet also that each moment is new as if your nervous system has never felt these sensations running through it. Akasha is a love which embraces all of life and holds the universe within its heart.
A Biographical Note
I am the son of five generations of men who had great faith in God. They practiced the most powerful work ethic on earth—the Protestant, Ethic—which is so successful because it declares that your personal faith connects you directly to God who will bless you in whatever path of life you take. The weakness is that they were total extroverts, completely lacking in self-reflection other than the specific morality defined by their religious community. In a way, this extroversion along with their blind attachment to the literal, written word, was necessary because, in their eyes, they had to overcome 1,500 years of an autocratic and corrupt Catholic Church. And so many of them were willing to put their lives at risk in order to pursue their truth. Strengths and weaknesses. Adept at business, they shut all gates to the subconscious and to nature’s pathways.
It seems that the keys to their inner, spiritual wealth—those treasure vaults filled with intuitive insights that accumulated for 500 years—those keys were handed to me. So I listen. Some are struck by lightning. I know such a person. The lightning came right through the window and hit her. But it was okay. She felt better afterwards. I was struck not by lightning but by silence. Good or bad in effect, it is still a shock to the nervous system. This was in part because I had no guidelines, no manual to follow. To perceive without thoughts intervening is the foundation of all magical traditions. As I was growing up, this is what my Protestant and university professors were incapable of comprehending. To stand back and look not just at your own behavior and routines but at the patterns defining human history and shaping nature as well—this level of detachment and intense scrutiny is necessary if we are to survive and to thrive.
Sayings of Earthzone Spirits—From the Akashic TreasureVaults
For those who are unprepared or insincere, silence is a country whose borders are guarded by nightmares, terror, and whirlwinds of despair. But those who cross over and explore these unknown lands find wealth beyond compare. Master silence and you will have channels of communication that open to all realms. You will be able to commune with any spiritual being. You will understand the meaning when a spirit speaks. You will discover there is nothing within you that you need deny or fear. All desires become clear. Silence is where dreams originate, visions are born, and passions enter to be transformed.
Note: For my book on 25 Earthzone Spirits.
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