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The Adept – Potions and Emotions – André Consciência

André is from Portugal and has been a dedicated Bardon practitioner for twenty one years now. He joined Fraternitas Hermetica (an order based on the works of Bardon) while still a minor and had an initiator that stood even after the order vanished. He also has worked with his old initiator for 20 years. He has experience of other magical systems such as, AMORC, Order of Michael’s Grail (with roots on Dion Fortune), Thelemic Golden Dawn and Astrum Argentum.

A published author, the founder of the Theater Company – CIA.Mefisteatro. and artist to name but a few of his talents. André also has an author profile and Facebook page

This article follows in the sequence of The Adept – On Physical Exercise. I have committed myself to write on various disciplines outside the field of magic from the standpoint of magic, and I have arranged the disciplines according to the four elements and the planetary spheres. Each discipline follows this structure, and it is, as well, the structure that divides the disciplines. Because it is my main seat, I started with art, which I attribute to Venus. I followed a long way “down”, to the earth element, and onwards to the water element to which I will give the art of preparing drinks, the art of emotional observance and response, and emotional intelligence.

Liquid Fluid Condensers

Firstly, let the reader be reminded of conscious drinking and of how, through IIH, he has learned to enliven and imbue bodies of water and general fluid condensers. He is to apply it according to the nature of each drink and each of its components and use a formula and a sigil if he has gone further into PME and KTQ. Most of all, the magician should be able to transfer his consciousness to the ingredients and awaken them from the inside to his wishes.

Fire – Energetic Drink

After the magician wakes up, let him prepare a cup of almond milk and triturate a frozen banana, pouring it into the milk. He should add a coffee into the mix, two teaspoons of cocoa, add ice and a bit of cinnamon.

  • The almond milk is to be imbued with watchfulness
  • The banana with fertility
  • The coffee with creativity
  • The cocoa with optimism
  • The Ice with magnetism
  • The cinnamon with passion
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Put all ingredients into a blender until it obtains the consistency of a milkshake, The final mix is to be imbued with vitality. This drink will burn fat, accelerate our metabolisms and keep a good mood.

Air – A drink that Makes you Smarter

At lunch have a cup of pomegranate juice.

Place your pomegranate seeds in a blender, pulse the seeds a few times to break them apart and release their juice, strain the pomegranate liquid into a container and extract as much juice as possible. This drink should be imbued with the feeling of high cognition and good memory.

Water – A Drink to Awaken Emotions

At dinner, have a cup of wine. Imbue the drink with the feeling of being awake inside your emotions.

Earth – A Drink that Puts you Under a Spell

At supper, have a lavender tea with rose petals. The lavender should be imbued with soothing and relaxing feelings, the rose petals should be imbued with the feeling of the senses being earthed and aware. The water should be imbued with the feeling of purification.


With this daily routine, the magician awakens his vitality, gives it time to settle and awakens his mind, then his emotions. Finally, he roots himself in his senses and prepares to rest. To each drink he could add the elemental fluid accordingly: first fire, then air, water and earth.

The Moon in Emotional Awareness

Photograph by Penny Ash

We have talked of the creation of art as an activity of adepthood before.

But what of its appreciation and contemplation?

Can it also be an act of magic and mysticism?

The answer is obvious. In the moonsphere we will be focusing on the contemplation of how things can reflect in the magician’s perception.

1. While appreciating a work of art, let the adept ask himself

  • What does he know of what he is witnessing? This is the effect of the piece in his mental body.
  • What does he expect from what is being shown to him? This is the effect of the piece in his astral body.
  • What does he perceive through his senses? This is the effect of the piece in his physical body.

Because the moon is always a mirror, let him make use of his contemplations to identify good and bad aspects of his soul mirror such as:

  • Understanding/confusion
  • Openness to experience/disgust-anger-contempt

He will soon understand that it is the evaluation of events and not the events themselves that makes him feel, and he is able to direct his feelings more consciously this way and to surf their waves.
Let him deepen the analysis of the process of contemplation and emotional response by dividing it in five, as in the five elements:

Fire/Expectation – before seeing the work of art, where the adept can glimpse at his self-image.

Air/Judgement – upon watching the work of art there is an attempt to classify, there is cognition.

Water/Withdrawal – reacting to the cognition, the adept withdraws so that he can classify the cognitive process itself.

Earth/Self-awareness – according to his conclusions, he is able to reassess himself.

Akasha/Essence – finally ready, he accesses the aesthetic essence of the work unimpeded, engaging in self understanding.

Mercury in Emotional Awareness

Mercury draws us into a deeper structure of our interactions with emotions. Several things should be taken into account in regards to that:

In the mental plane of self perception, our ability to perceive, control or engage with emotions can be divided into the elements likewise:

Fire/Perception – detecting or reaching out to the variety of emotions

Air/Control – harnessing and picking emotions to facilitate cognition

Water/Understanding – comprehending complicated relationships among emotions, their rhythms and their evolution

Earth/Management – becoming fully conscious of the different emotions and their relations and manipulating them in oneself and others to intended ends. These should be trained as separate meditations, one at a time, focusing on the duty at hand for at least 10 uninterrupted minutes, until full mastery of the 40 minutes sequence. 

The astral plane of emotional ability can be divided into 5 elements:

Earth/Self-awareness – full knowledge of the soul mirror and the ability to use gut feelings to work it

Water/Empathy – taking other’s feelings into account when making decisions.

Air/Social Skills – managing emotions to get along.

Fire/Self-Regulation – controlling and redirecting emotions at will.

Akasha/Motivation – being aware of the divine call hiding behind the veil of emotions.

These are tests to the magician’s maturity that require full use of a diary and of the soul mirror.

One who is highly trained emotionally will find his social relations to be better, he will be well perceived by others, he will get a better chance of negotiation, a better management of family, better academic achievement, psychological well being and self compassion.

Venus in Emotional Awareness

Lotus flowers by Tanya Robinson

Balanced by all that was previously given, and empowered in his routine by the potions, the adept will now step into the venusian side of water. This is the place for him or her to become as skilled as the undine or the merman in what concerns pleasure and sensuality.


The adept is to be still and breathing deeply in whatever he is doing and scanning the body. First he will notice tensions, but with time this exercise itself will give place to pleasure where once there were tensions. As a next discipline of meditation he is to touch his skin organ, scanning himself this way and inducing pleasure. He should then try to reproduce in others the sensations he has learned again exploring touch and skin.


Let’s lose our inhibitions in what concerns sensuality. Sensuality has been used as a substitute for sexuality because sexuality is still not seen that well in the morality of society. It is true that sensuality should permeate sexuality, but it should also permeate everything else. While sensuality can trigger sexuality, most importantly, it can open the gate to the authentic self, and to the authentic connection with the outer, bringing joy and pleasure to all aspects of life. From here on, all interactions with emotion and desire become intimate and, ultimately, divine and non dualistic.

While the adept was teached to remain silent on the inside for an hour in his training as an adept, let him now learn to remain vigilant and inner listening at all times to the slowness of all things, including the body, the textures of the air, grass and feet, a hug or a kiss, the presence of a friend or a lover. Notice pleasure everywhere and this practice will become experience. Maybe you will realize that your body can only hold a limited amount of joy, the more your practice and experience and your body will eventually become ready to receive the divine with no obstruction. Bath in the sensations incessantly and they will give you power and self knowledge. Sensations include sound, music, scents, bodily postures, eye contact, flirting, dressing and undressing, dancing, savoring and the creeping touch of your curiosity: all these are a continuum of a cumulative awareness that is similar to an ever wide and moving sea of bliss. Feeling good makes you honest, true, and removes stress hormones, that’s one of the best things you can expect from yourself for it is all about being alive and feeding the spirit.


The aim here is to stabilize what has been given previously and to live orgasmically. What is an orgasm: an electromagnetic experience that is all-physical and equally out of body. It is the primal and the spiritual in a single substance. The internal landscape of our mind is rich with intention setting. Belief and thought creates the tissue of reality. Most of us are completely unconscious of this, but not the adept. Orgasm or multi-orgasm in complete surrender, vulnerability and extreme states of ecstasy will remove time and space from the subconscious and formulate an universal intention with the help of the adept’s will. Such can change the landscape of the mind deeply. And what if you can do it moment after moment, with enough equilibrium, self-control and awareness not to become absolutely hysterical?

The Sun On the Emotional Spectrum

Photograph by Jill Wellington

In here the adept steps into his Godform and applies the maturation of all that has gone before. Because he is absolute, he will perceive emotions through a place of omnipresence, and he should be able to be inside every being, individual or collective. A solar empath should exhibit a highly developed capacity to step into the shoes of other people, a strong courage, he should cause major social impact and provide inspiration for others.

Think of adepts of this calibre that were not magicians, that didn’t learn transference of consciousness anywhere, and of how much they have accomplished. How greater is the adept’s responsibility? Empathy is a natural phenomena, but to the magician, being learned, it is also a duty.

I was beginning to look at a black person, shake hands with him, and see him as a human being. Something was happening to me. It was almost like being born again.

– C. P. Ellis, an ex KKK member who became a famed civil rights campaigner.

I am a Muslim! And a Hindu, and a Christian and a Jew – and so are all of you.

– Mahatma Gandhi, campaigner for Indian independence from British rule.

I felt that I had got to escape not merely from imperialism but from every form of man’s dominion over other man.

– George Orwell, colonial police officer, writer and politician

I got to see what it’s like for a transgender person, or a person with a sexual identity crisis, or a lesbian or a gay person, and the daily harassment you can get… it’s a scary place to be, to feel not understood.

– Hilary Swank, actress and a campaigner on gay, lesbian and transgender issues

To find out more about Andre please visit his author and facebook pages.

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