The Four Elemental Beings by William Mistele

Who or what are elemental beings? On the astral plane of our planet, there are a vast variety of spiritual creatures one may encounter. Traditionally, some of these beings have a very special connection to nature and are called elementals. The four kinds of elemental beings are each composed of one element such that mermaids are water spirits, sylphs are air spirits, gnomes are earth spirits, and salamanders are fire spirits.

    Human beings, by contrast, are considered in many traditions to be composed of five elements—water, air, earth, fire, and a fifth element called akasha or spirit. Within the human psyche, the soul, or astral body, the water element increases our ability to feel and to love. The air element enhances are artistic sensitivity and appreciation of harmony and balance. The earth element embodies the desire to work with physical matter, reshaping the world we are in so as to leave things of enduring value. And the fire element relates to will and power. Fire is intense, expansive, and constantly seeking to overcome anything that limits its self-expression.

   We might look at a volcano and imagine a being who seeks to understand everything that it is possible to learn about fire as well as how to master every aspect of will power. In a similar way, we might look at the sea and imagine beings who are like water—it is their very nature to love, to being forth life, to renew, to purify, to heal, and to make whole.  

  If we look at the sky, we might imagine spirits of the wind that are masters of every kind of atmospheric condition. But having the sky in which to roam, they tend to remain very detached and they love freedom. Or we might look at mountains, trees, rocks, and minerals and imagine beings who dwell in the earth. They are very silent inside and once they begin a task they no longer count time, for the only thing on their minds is pursuing what they have begun until they are done.

   The psychological qualities I have just used to describe these elemental beings describe human beings as well. The difference is that the elemental beings have been striving to understand nature for millions of years. We might consider that the kings and queens of the elements have mastered various secrets of nature as well as aspects of will, love, harmony, and inner silence that we as a race have only begun to explore. In this sense, the elementals are our teachers. They stand ready in any moment to speak with us and to share their secrets if only we still our minds and sharpen our senses so that we can perceive their presence.       

   In my book, Mermaids, Sylphs, Gnomes, and Salamanders, I ascribe gender to the elementals. These beings, however, do not reproduce in any way similar to human beings. The mermaids, for example, may appear to be extremely sexy and attractive. And if you put a mermaid inside of a woman’s body, she would indeed be very sensual and loving. But mermaids I study are not mammals or fish. They are not carbon- based lifeforms. They do not reproduce physically. They are spirits dwelling on the astral plane that have a close connection to water in nature. 

    Consequently, when mermaids do in fact assume human form and live among us (for example, by being born as an infant like anyone else), they bring with them no tradition or morality for understanding what sex is. For example, a mermaid woman may see no relationship between sex and love. Love is an energy exchange between individuals. She can perceive love directly since she sees energy. In human form, she may consider sex to be a great experience. But having no ego or need for attachment, sex generates no bonding for her. If she is loyal to an individual in an intimate relationship, she is responding to the other person’s need for her to present herself in that way.

    In my book, Undines, I describe mermaids, the female form of water elementals. I could just as easily have written about merman. The mermen often have the ability to control storms at sea and are aware of the location of sunken ships. The water element, however, because of its extreme receptivity, favors the female form. The mermaid queens have astonishing powers that are greater in scope than those of the mermen. All the same, mermen are very active and creative in their own right.

   Males can be found among the air elementals, but sylphs are mostly female. I describe members of both genders. The feminine form carries with it a heightened sensitivity and female sylphs can easily establish rapport with a human being if they wish to do so. The sylphs in masculine form tend to oversee, control, and change weather conditions.

   Earth elementals too can easily be either masculine or feminine. As feminine, the gnome is more interested in nurturing—feeling an inner connection to the life force in trees, flowers, and living beings. In masculine form, the gnome is compulsive about investigating and transforming physical matter and working with the magical aspects of precious stones.

    Fire tends to favor the masculine form in that fire is dynamic, explosive, and intense. Fire elementals in male form are constantly aware of the need to gather support from outside of themselves in order to maintain their power—fire needs external fuel. However, the greatest elementals within any of the four elements , the kings and queens, possess such understanding of magic and are so creative they are free to engage in activities that are either masculine or feminine. But as individuals, they specialize in one role or the other–taking control and changing something or else receptively embracing and becoming one with something.

   Writers of fairy tales often imagine elemental beings to have human motives. But mermaids, for example, are not at all like human women. The extreme receptivity of mermaids and their magical empathy have never been described accurately in world literature. But in terms of active and passive, if we are discussing an elemental who can control the explosion of a super volcano– that would be a male salamander. And if we are discussing an elemental who can in this moment instantly perceive the feelings and often the past and future of any living being on earth–that would be a mermaid queen.


Mermaids are part of oral traditions, historical literature, and mythology. They go by various names: water sprites, water spirits, water nymphs, nixies, naiads, ondines, and so on. They are in the form of beautiful women and are masters of the magic of water and magnetism. They embody and guard treasures of empathy, sensuality, and love that the human race has yet to discover. In this regard, they are our teachers.

  Consider our relationship to the element of water. We have oceanography. We explore the seas, name the fish, and study habitats, the ocean currents, the tides, and so on. We know from fossils about fish that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. We can reconstruct and run simulations on how the ocean was formed and operates.

  Does this not give us some understanding of mermaids? A mermaid can sense immediately what another mermaid is feeling. She can do the same with any life form, including human beings.

  We use water to wash ourselves, cleanse a wound, drink, and water plants and fields. It is essential to our industries. But when a mermaid puts her hands in water she feels the seas and the life within them. She has visions of past, present, and future. She has the power to take a feeling, a dream, or a vision and amplify it so that it appears before her in its full power and perfection. When a mermaid puts her hands in water, if she relaxes, she feels united to a sea of ecstasy.

  It is possible to meet women who have the auras, sensitivities, and psychic abilities of mermaids. For example, between one shot and another in a photo shoot it seems as if the girl changes her appearance into that of a different woman. But she is just utilizing the magic of water to appear in a different way for each situation she enters. She can do this because she has changed the ways she feels—

  One moment a child; the next moment an ageless goddess; then flirtatious and playful; then familiar like a life-long friend; next attractive enough that the physical distance between the two of you seems to vanish; and then innocent and free as if a butterfly or humming bird has just paused from its flight to land in your open palm.

  The easiest way to tell when you are with such a woman is that when you are with her it seems that you are the only thing that exists in her awareness but you. But then you notice she gives herself to everyone in the same way without discrimination. However, unless she keeps her energetic giving in check, her actions are misunderstood and others often try to possess her or attack her.   

  On the astral plane, mermaids do not have a carbon oxygen metabolism. Consequently, their body temperature is much lower. I gave a “mermaid woman” an electric thermometer. She discovered that within a few minutes of holding it in her hand she can drop the temperature form 98 degrees to 40 degrees. And often when she meditates with me, her room becomes freezing cold.      

The Realm of Mermaids  

On the astral plane, there are many spiritual kingdoms, domains, and realms. The sensation of the mermaid realm is watery but lighter than water. The energy is vast and continuously flowing. Love is everywhere. It is unbelievable innocent— that is, it is completely open and receptive, new, self-renewing, and self-purifying: it never loses its willingness to give all of itself in every moment. That is what I call innocence.   

  And it is healing and tender. It is sweet, kind, and then the sensuality kicks in—the bliss begins running through your nerves saturating them. Here there are no inhibitions—what is deepest inside of you naturally and without effort flows through what is deepest within another. The exchange of energy is total and continuous. And the peace and the serenity seem so vast they encompass the universe.    

  If I imagine the mermaid queen Istiphul, her mind and mine immediately join. The vibration of her mind is a nurturing, ecstatic love. It is embracing, healing, creating oneness, fulfilling satisfying, releasing, and strengthening whoever she interacts with.    

  Istiphul embodies a vast, watery expanse of love as pure astral energy and this energy flows into and through anyone she wishes. This is one embodiment of the water element in its full power and beauty.    

  As long as my mind is joined to hers, it feels completely natural for me to do what she does—to embrace, flow through, become one with, and seek to fulfill anyone I think about. My energy is within the other person seeking to make them whole. You will not find this energy among human beings as a pure, sensual, perceptual energy exchange on this level. 

  To a large extent, mermaids are responsible for enabling the human race to feel fully alive. Their presence amplifies physical sensations and feelings. They heighten attraction and bestow bliss. Without their presence, human beings may feel half dead inside. Consequently, in search of stimulus people tend to take increasing risks seeking new experiences that may threaten their own existence.   


Sylphs are nature spirits composed of one element—the air element. They are invisible to normal sight. They live in the sky. And they are invariably involved in some way with weather control.  

  When an individual has a surcharge of airy energy, there are feelings like wanting to dance, sing, perform, and express oneself in artistic ways. In other words, the air element in an individual produces feelings of festivity and celebration. Qualities associated with the air element are cheerfulness, levity, laughter, amusement, and delight. Such individuals are aware of the beauty of being alive. Human beings with these airy qualities often turn to art and music as a way to allow these feelings to flow through themselves. 

  In the legends of elves and fairies, these beings are often pictured as dancing, singing, and partying all night. They dwell in a world of enchantment and sensual intoxication though they never seem to have a hangover or withdrawal symptoms from whatever it is that takes away their inhibitions and changes their mood to joy. But of course what they have is the air element in their souls in large supply. 

  If you feel dragged down, in a rut, or burdened by life’s responsibilities, contact with the air element might offer a remedy. It has the power the lift you up. It enables you to feel detached, clear, and gain perspective. It conceals the ability to feel light and playful. 

  We can develop the sylph or airy qualities that are latent within us. Then we can regard conflict and confusion in a different light. With more of the air element active within us, we are able to see humor and delight in life’s unexpected happenings. Where others perceive frustration and dissatisfaction, the airy temperament responds with art, being over whelmed with curiosity and wonder in the drama of life unfolding.

  Where others cannot find a way to solve a problem, air will offer you ten different suggestions for moving forward. Air loves freedom. Harmony is its passion.

  If you wanted to interact with a sylph like Parahim, you might imagine that your mind is open and clear like the sky. She loves the purity of an open mind free of all attachment. But you will also have to have a sensitivity and an appreciation of harmony. A sylph can sense the faintest shift in wind, humidity, temperature, and air pressure. Understandably, sylphs like those who are like themselves.

  The sylph Capisi tells me of a time when she assumed human form to become the lover of a great poet. Though sylphs may love detachment and being in balance, Capisi is a sylph who loves beauty even if great conflict accompanies it.

  The sylph Cargoste is one of the great wonders of our planet.  His mind is so strong and clear that without the use of thought or mental action he is aware of the entire atmosphere of our planet. It is natural for a sylph of his power to oversee climatic changes such as the onset and the end of ice ages.     

The Realm of Sylphs  

I place my awareness in the realm of sylphs. I instantly feel I am high in the sky on a clear day. The horizon of the earth circles beneath me. I feel free. I am full of dancing energy. Nothing weighs me down. There are no fences, no limits, and no boundaries.         

  Because my nervous system can sense any wind, storm, or weather condition, I feel free of restrictions. The sky is my mind. It is open, clear, luminous, and free of attachment or anything that would bind.   Like the atmosphere itself, I love harmony and balance. There is constant give and take and negotiations taking place between opposites– hot and cold, moist and dry, highs and lows, fire/light/electricity and water/feeling/magnetism.   

   But to be as one who dwells here most of all I love the enlightened mind because it is totally free and I love the artistic imagination because it is witness to every nuance in each moment unfolding.   

   If I imagine Cargoste, a sylph of astonishing ability, I can join my mind with his as easily as I did with the mermaid queen Istiphul. As a sylph, Cargoste is highly empathic as are sylph women. He is aware of the faintest mental vibration. He is the perfect Libra—he embodies harmony finding the perfect balance between himself and another person or spirit or himself and a wind or the entire atmosphere of the earth.     

  Cargoste embodies wisdom—he is aware of the past, present, and future of a person or of the atmosphere of the earth. He can perfectly read another’s mind to the extent that he can speak to the person’s with the individual’s own inner voice.    

  The difference between the mermaid queen and the sylph Cargoste is that he is not after oneness and love. He is after balance and harmony. Detachment is never a problem for him because seeing through the other’s eyes and thinking the thoughts in the other’s mind is part of his perception.        

  Translating this into human terms, the sylph wisdom includes the power of voice, sounds, intonations, and language. What if you could not just feel another’s needs and want to heal them? Not only sense what they feel and want to help them?   

  What if you could speak with the precise words that persuade others to take care of themselves? What if when you talked to another you made perfect sense to that person and because of the way you speak, the familiarity and understanding in your words, the person would rely on your advice and follow through with your suggestions?   

  That is the power of the air element. It is not the active empathy that makes another feel what it wants them to feel. Instead, this is directly interfacing with the other’s mind so that person feels you totally understand them with your mind. That is one aspect of the wisdom of air. 

  If you want to persuade and move others to action to pursue a good end, then this might be one of the reasons you would learn to embody air within yourself. This is an ability you can master through practice just like training to become a pilot of a jumbo jet like one mermaid woman I know.   


Gnomes are spirits on the astral plane that are composed of the one element of earth and have very close ties to the densest forms of matter in nature. In nature, the earth element is seen in the forests, vegetation, mountains, plateaus, and plains—the planet earth in its physical being. 

  The earth element emphasizes shape, weight, density, and mass. As such, the earth element provides minerals, building materials, resources, shelter, and food. The earth element is also analogous to consciousness. The earth element unites thought (air), water (feeling), and fire (will) into productive activity. We use this form of consciousness to make things that endure.

  When strong in an individual’s personality, the earth element makes that person solid, grounded, stable, steady, and persevering. The individual loves to work. He takes something and he makes it more valuable. He fixes things. He transforms them. The world is a better place because of what he accomplishes. We could say this person is down to earth. 

  The earth element embodies a quiet ecstasy. Within yourself, you sense your connection to something of enduring value. This inner silence empowers you. It protects you. It shelters you. It separates you from those whose values are transient and of little consequence. Silence strengthens inner visions so there is never any doubt or uncertainty about their reality.

  The gnomes I describe are in some ways familiar to us. If you attended a Medieval Fair, it would not be difficult to imagine Musar being there. He would have a booth where he trades and barters antiques or ancient things found in the earth for whatever human beings currently consider to be of value. He is down-right curious about the human race. He wants to understand where we are going and what we are able to accomplish.

  The gnome Erami could give lectures at Harvard on horticulture, genetic engineering, biochemistry, and longevity. I think he could translate his direct perceptions of life, matter, and energy into scientific language without too much effort. 

  And if the gnome Mentifil walked the earth in human form, he simply would not stop until he taught us how to extend our life spans so we live two or three hundred years longer. And this he would do simply by showing us how to increase our awareness of our bodies, of water and food, and of the life force in breathing. For Mentifil, a still mind in combination with concentration and imagination can reveal the deepest keys to understanding health and vitality. 

The Realm of Gnomes 

Entering the realm of gnomes: here beneath the ground silence reigns. It is deep and still; I am where ages and eons have no meaning. All the same the essence of my being is to take matter in hand and make it something more than it was before.    

  I love chemistry and study endlessly how molecules bind. And I love atomic vibrations. Every element is constantly singing of the joy of creation, of having come into being.    

  Trees, shrubs, flowers and plants—I love to watch them grow. Their inner essence I go out of my way to make my own. Precious stones enchant me—I am drawn to them like a moth to a flame. But unlike the moth, I go right inside of them and there amid a crystal palace I sit and meditate.    

  Crystals I am sure as you must already know can contain the light of planets, stars, and constellations. I listen so well I hear those songs and I 

sing along. When I leave a crystal, the song I sung within it continues to be heard as long as the gem exists in physical form.    

  There are palaces and kingdoms, temples and forgotten pathways of spirit hidden within silence. And when you are very good, having traveled the world beneath the ground, having researched and discovered new things relentlessly, when you open your hand the philosopher’s stone appears—the quintessence of nature perfected. Because I know the ways through the darkest places, spirit reveals to me its greatest secrets concerning matter and its transformations.      

  The earth is my home; I am never alone; I am cloaked in the beauty of the universe.        

  When I turn to Mentifil, I have an instant awareness of what a gnome senses about the human body—he is aware of the electro-magnetic waves of the brain, the biochemistry of the metabolism, the electrolytes in your blood stream, and the blood circulation through your legs and different parts of your body, the functioning of your lungs and your renal 

system. He is aware of what enhances, sustains, and detracts from the health of your body.   

   A gnome like Mentifil can look at someone and feel how every body organ is functioning and what herbs and remedies could be used to make them healthier. In practical terms, then, the gnome awareness allows you to feel one hundred per cent part of the physical world. You will notice that mermaid women so far rarely build anything. At the time of this writing, there are no mermaid training systems, no mermaid correspondence courses, no mermaid seminars run by mermaids, no mermaid institutes, no mermaid on-line classes, no mermaid dance and song training programs, no mermaid magic classes, no mermaid tours to the astral plane, no mermaid spirit guide readings (a mermaid Tarot deck is not quite enough to cut it), no mermaid story tellers though there are a lot of human story tellers publishing new books about mermaids every week.    

  In other words, with the earth element you build something that endures and enriches the world when you are gone. There is one mermaid who is an exception but she is here on a divine mission that I do not think the human race is ready to understand.    

  For gnomes, there is step by step procedure and gradual development. There is embodying something that makes individuals stronger over time and that remains with them. And as I like to point out, for a gnome time only exists in terms of what you are working on. When you are finished 

then you can say, “I finished what I began—that is the unit I use to measure time.”  


Working with salamanders is somewhat different from working with mermaids, sylphs, and gnomes. Each kind of elemental being presents unique challenges. Since salamanders specialize in power, interacting with them requires something more. You must resolve in yourself the conflicts between love, power, and wisdom.   

  Being exposed to the fiery energy of these beings may produce any number of side effects. It may give a sudden boost to an individual’s will. If the individual has a solid and balanced character, a wide range of experience, and high commitments, then he or she will feel comfortable with the expansive and dynamic qualities of fire.

   On the other hand, if the individual has repressed anger or is otherwise hostile or easily irritated, the fire may have bad effects. An individual may fall into fits of rage and demand others comply with his wishes. Or, he may overreact and respond with paranoia when someone threatens his security.

  Then again, exposure to the fire element may cause an individual to become passive. The experience with fire is so powerful it overwhelms the individual’s will. He does not know how to respond to, absorb, or direct this new energy that has entered his aura. He is temporarily paralyzed while his nerves are recovering from the shock.

  The salamanders have different interests. For example, Amtophul gives a practical meditation for better understanding how fire expands will power. Working with Pyrhum results in discovering the power hidden deep within you.  Itumo offers an outlook on life that is electrifying—he offers the motivation to do the impossible. With Tapheth, your enthusiasm and your desire to act and change the world are vastly expanded. Since Orudu moves continents, he embodies the kind of will required to overturn entrenched institutions or governments. Such distinctions help us to understand how fire influences us individually.

  In discussing salamanders, we are pursuing questions about will and power as they exist within nature, as they exist within human beings, and as they exist within divinity. We ask about the relation of the external world to the internal—to what extent fire, which symbolizes light and will, is an actual energy we possess and can develop within ourselves. And we are pursuing how matter and spirit interact and the way desires can be refined and transformed to fulfill the purposes of spirit. 

The Realm of Salamanders    

Salamanders reside, for example, within great calderas of flaming magma burning with tectonic rage–ready to explode having waited ages and eons to gain freedom.  

   Speaking with the voice of salamanders: “It is not that I am not content just to be or that I have forgotten that in each moment my inner spirit is already free. Rather, I burn with such intensity that I know in my heart every boundary and obstacle will in the end yield to me. This is because it is the nature of my will and power to grow stronger.   

  “Others may like harmony, perfecting nature and transforming matter, or embodying a love that nurtures. But in me you see a volcano that explodes, a pyroclastic flow, and lava lighting up the night and making new islands in the sea. Without fire, how can there be life? Without fire, there would be no visible light.        

  “The planet earth is alive because I am inside. My turning and churning creates a magnetosphere and protects the earth from solar flares. I move continents and enrich the chemistry of the biosphere.   

  “I am fire. Hidden in me is the secret of being free of all need—refined and perfected I too am divine—I burn with such purity I no longer need fuel or outer support in order to shine.”   

  If I focus on the great salamander Pyrhum again his mind appears within the open space of my mind. Almost immediately a great variety of different fires upon this planet flash through my mind—the volcano, the cinder cone, lava tube, mountain exploding, pyroclastic flow, calderas of lava, magma chambers beneath the ground, the magma beneath tectonic plates as well lightning in thunderstorms and wild  forest fires.    

  But Pryhum also looks beyond this planet. He envies the fires of the sun and with that nuclear fire within his dreams he is one. Pyrhum seems to speak within my mind, that is, his thoughts appear within my mind. He says, “I keep the planet alive. I diversify nature and bring it to life. I destroy what needs to be destroyed and new civilizations shall be born by drawing upon my light.”    

  He goes on, “Give me a mission no one else can accomplish and I will do what needs to be done so that the problem is solved and all obstacles overcome.” If the mermaid queen Istiphul is nurturing and ecstatic love, then Pyrhum is the ecstasy of will and power.    

  A mermaid feels that just by her presence her love flows to whoever is around her. Her love by itself accomplishes all that needs to be done. Water is that way—it just flows and it is totally complete, fulfilled, and at peace in each moment of time.    

  Pyrhum is the extreme opposite in nature that is the balancing element to water. Pyrhum puts it this way: “Fire pushes itself to its limit and then beyond. United with the powers of creation, it recreates itself going beyond what it was.    

  “How can I explain the rapture, joy, and the bliss that is the essence of my being? To unite with nature from the depths of yourself, to be part of what transforms the world, and to create new wonders never before seen—one day in an advanced civilization I shall incarnate as one of them after their own form. I shall walk among them and they shall behold the light of the sun standing before them. And then they shall finally understand what their bodies, nervous systems, brains, and minds are capable of. 

  “The enlightened mind is not just a mirror perfectly clear and receptive. In you, the stars appear not just as dazzling light but as the power unfolding the universe.   

  “I totally grasp the love that is within water. But this love is finally fulfilled when it is joined to power. Creation will settle for nothing less than the union of everything that exists.”  

  In water and in the oceans of the earth is a love that perhaps the human race itself will never grasp or learn. But it is the destiny of this planet for a race to appear what does fulfill the planet’s purposes. Each person can choose to align themselves with the greater purpose according to their own path.   

  But in the end we shall not only learn to become one with another but our love will become so deep and vast it joins with the universe itself. Perhaps in that day mermaids shall not just be the sea in human form when they incarnate and live among us. they shall reach further and become a oneness that embraces everything without limitation or boundaries. 

   I must say that the beauty and gifts of each of these four elemental kingdoms are each astonishing and full of wonder. We each begin with where we are. How and where we proceed is a matter of personal choice and also of the destiny that has captured our hearts and imaginations.     


It is quite a stretch of the imagination to say that there are spirits who exist in nature. Oh, we have Tolkien and J.K. Rowlings who present us with fascinating stories of elves, dragons, hobgoblins, trees that speak, trolls, hobbits, wizards, and magicians. Their stories are entertaining and sometimes rise to the level of genuine mythology. 

  Certainly Tolkien is discussing mythological questions like, “Why are we here? What can we accomplish in life? What is human destiny? And what dangers lie in wait for those who are unprepared to confront the mysteries of the universe?”

  The elemental kings and queens also rise to the level of mythology. But we do not have to meditate in a state of trance or practice magic for decades to learn to interact with them. In a sense, the kings of the elements are already here among us. 

  If a salamander king were to incarnate and assume a role in society, he would offer mankind new kinds of fire. He would do exactly what Tesla, Nobel, Edison, Westinghouse, and Oppenheimer did—invent an electrical motor using alternating current, set up electrical power grids, or join theory and application in harnessing the nuclear of the sun.  

  If a gnome king were among us he might well teach yoga like Swami Rama who could start and stop his heart at will or be fully conscious during the delta brain waves of deep, dreamless sleep. Or he might be like Warren Buffet, called the oracle of Omaha and often the second wealthiest man in the world. Like Warren Buffett he would say, “Find something in life you love and then work at it with all of your heart.” 

  And we already know about sylphs with their artistic sensitivity and professional focus on sensory experience. We have Beethoven, Mozart, and Shakespeare. 

  But mermaids are not well known. We have hundreds of stories about mermaids in literature, but until recently they have preferred to keep their identities secret, often cleverly disguising themselves to look like human beings. And this is because they are constantly physically attacked or else stalked and possessed. 

  Among what body of literature, religion, or wisdom traditions, among what gurus, masters, bards, or musicians do we meet individuals who are so empathic they can instantly connect to any other person on earth and feel what that person feels as if they are that person inside? Where do we meet individuals who never lose their innocence and who give all of themselves in every moment without hesitation or limitation?  

  Where do we find individuals who are compulsive about healing others from being joined from within to a sea of love that encircles the earth? And where we do we meet individuals who, when you touch their arm, you feel joined to the sea as if the girl, you, and the sea have become one being? We have a ways to go before the mermaid realm manifests here on earth as a living tradition that is a stable and productive part of global culture. 

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