The Hermetic Path: Subconscious Mind, Concentration & Meditation – Tanya Robinson
The Hermetic Path: Subconscious Mind, Concentration & Meditation
Tanya Robinson (2019)
I dedicate this article to the my teacher and friend, Martin Faulks, whose level of clarity and dedication on the Hermetic path can only be met by inspiration.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
―C.G. Jung

There is this one green lion, which closes and opens the seven indissoluble seals of the seven metallic spirits which torments the bodies, until it has perfected them, by means of the artist’s long and resolute patience.
— “The Cosmopolite,” (16th century).
‘The Green Lion Devouring The Sun‘ is a popular alchemical symbol. On a chemical level this is a metaphor for when a green, liquid sulfate called “vitriol” purifies matter, leaving behind the gold within the matter. Very pure vitriol is an acid that eats through practically anything, except gold.
The internal alchemical process of transformation has often been symbolised with the green lion eating the sun which later becomes transformed into red by the sun. The green is symbolic of the materia prima, (the grossest form of matter in its chaotic form) and in alchemical terms it is a green liquid of sulfate called ”virtriol”. Vitriol is an acid that will eat through the most grossest of substances except gold. We can see the metaphor in the above image as the as symbol of the destructive tormentor s of the body being acted out represented by the lion devouring the sun.
On a human level, the green lion eating the sun is a metaphor for when a person’s “consciousness [is] overwhelmed by violent, frustrated desires” (Fabricus).
In the Corpus Hermeticum XIII Hermes Hermes1 speaking to his ‘son’ Tat these tormentors are revealed,
Her. Torment the first is this Not-knowing, 1 son; the second one is Grief; the third, Intemperance; the fourth, Concupiscence; the fifth, Unrighteousness; the sixth is Avarice; the seventh, Error 2; the eighth is Envy; the ninth, Guile 3; the tenth is Anger; eleventh, Rashness; the twelfth is Malice. These are in number twelve; but under them are many more, my son; and creeping through the prison of the body 4 they force the man that’s placed within 5 to suffer in his senses. But they depart (although not all at once) from him who hath been taken pity on by God 6; and this it is which constitutes the manner of Rebirth. And . . . . 7 the Reason (Logos). 8. And now, my son, be still and solemn silence keep! Thus shall the mercy that flows on us from God not cease. Henceforth rejoice, O son, for by the Powers of God thou art being purified for the articulation of the Reason (Logos).
In modern day language I believe Hermes was referring to the uncontrolled or hidden aspect of the subconscious mind that refers to the negative expression of qualities — the tormentors which he lists twelve. Interestingly, Hermes also speaks about a solution to do dealing with these forces and offers a key, the use of the logos (reasoning), which I believe is referring to conscious aspect of the mind. Later on in this article we will see how not only how this sentence of knowledge is fundamental in transforming the mind, but also the importance using the logos and to practice conscious awareness in daily life; moreover, understand the influence that the subconscious mind has upon us. Also, we will be delving into the nature of concentration, its importance and link to the subconscious mind, including the ability to make progress in any path towards adepthood is linked to the ability to concentrate and control our thoughts.
What is the conscious and subconscious mind and why is it so important in our hermetic training?
You have probably come across this dealing with this aspect of the mind through any self-development program or working on auto-suggestion if you follow the Bardon system. In modern psychology the subconscious aspect of the mind refers to a vast collection of unintentional, habitual thoughts, behaviors, and actions. These actions are non-conscious which in fact mean we have have no choice in the way the mind responds.
The iceberg model for conscious and subconscious mind
Neuroscientists have come to the understanding that the brains processes operate much like the metaphor of an iceberg, where by 10% of the conscious mind is active and in our control and 90% is hidden which is controlled by the subconscious aspect of the mind’s processes. In earlier text, Hermes makes reference to uncontrolled passions relating to the tormentors. I believe he is referring to the negative uncontrolled aspect of the subconscious mind.
If we look at the list below which attributes are associated with the uncontrolled subconscious mind it is very interesting to note, the form of these tormentors often manifest through them.
- Beliefs
- Emotions
- Habits
- Values
- Protective reactions
- Long-term memory
- Imagination
- Intuition
Most people are subject to dealing with negative experiences from the past. Emotions rising up through protective reactions, or people believing they are cursed. Bad habits preventing them from having a full expression in life. The cultural values imposed upon us through our upbringing, to name a few.
Now, if we look at the conscious mind in which only 10% is conscious, meaning thoughts and actions that we actively choose through our own will. (as illustrated in the iceberg metaphor). If we go back to the references to Hermes he speaks about the logos in terms of logical reasoning, and if we look at the attributes below associated with the conscious mind we can see a direct link.
- Will-power
- Short-term memory
- Logical thinking
- Critical thinking
This again is very interesting, if we look at any training that focuses on Adepthood you will note at that will-p0wer. logical thinking and critical thinking are key to have clarity of mind and to override the subconscious processes. As you can see working on the mind is paramount if we wish to succeed. We have a huge challenge ahead of us since 90% percent of our mind is not our own.
Not only are we dealing with this fact we are increasingly faced with the challenges of modern society, where we are constantly experiencing so much stimulation around us. Our level of ability to concentrate on one thing at one time has greatly diminished as we have become more accustomed to multitasking. It is such a great issue now that we even have a medical term for it; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
A study performed by Microsoft 20153 which studied the brain activity of 2,000 Canadian subjects researching the brainwave activity of concentration levels using an electroencephalogram. The conclusion from the experiment showed that the average attention span dropped from 12 seconds in a study in 2000, to eight seconds in 2013.
One conclusion the study pointed out was that our ability to multitask has drastically improved in the mobile age, however, the ability to concentrate was showed a correlation between users of:
- Volume of media consumption
- Social media usage
- Multi-Screening behaviour
- Adoption of technology
The study concluded that “digital lifestyles affect the ability to remain focused for long periods of time.” suggesting that our subconscious mind is running the show and our conscious decision making has vastly reduced.
A number of online sites suggested why the conclusion that attention spans are decreasing in time: Attention spans have shrunk by 50 percent over the past decade. Children diagnosed with ADHD: 9.5 percent. Stress: 18 percent. Decision Overload: 17 percent. Percentage of teens who forget major details: 25 percent. Percentage of people who forget their own birthday: 7 percent. Average number of times per hour an office worker checks their email: 30 percent.
Not only are we having to deal with media driven environment that is continually bombarding us with stimulation, all this information is also being absorbed by the subconscious. Our minds are being overloaded with information continuously this I believe being a contributed factor effecting our ability to concentrate. We have established that 90% of our thoughts and actions are not under our conscious conscious control, we can now see the importance in being careful what we expose ourselves to on a daily basis. What we watch and read, what we engage in continuously is being processed by the subconscious mind including past, experiences, actions, thoughts and feelings.
Now let us take a look at subconscious mind from a hermetic view point.
The hermetic view of the subconscious mind
Franz Bardon describes the subconscious as;
The subconscious is the mirror to all negative attributes and is located in the inter-brain in the astral body. The uncontrolled subconscious is our enemy. It is especially effective at night, in space without time, in the body when the normal consciousness is at rest. 2
How do I deal with the subconscious mind?
I have offered 3 different approaches from Franz Bardon, Martin Faulks and Virgil.

In Step II of Bardon’s Initiation into Hermetics4, he offers a comprehensive chapter discussing subconscious and how to over come it through using tools such as autosuggestion, and using the magnetic forces to impregnate positive influences using methods such as, magical washing, magical eating, he also offers advice in Questions and Answers are as follows,
We can control our subconscious through autosuggestion if we order it to do something good for us just before we fall asleep. We assign the subconscious to our storehouse of ideas where it where it exists as our qualitative component. Its quantity is the power to effect and tension of the opposite negative attributes.
Here Bardon is offering us a key, by transmuting the qualitative component of negative thoughts to positive ones, and by using the quantity of our will-power and volition to bring about change.
We can see also Martin Faulks takes a similar approach whereby he tackles this aspect of the subconscious by making positive conscious choices and behaviours in daily life, which over-time become habitual. This approach not only takes control by using the conscious mind, but also changes the negative patterns of the subconscious mind to a positive one. In Enlightened Living Chapter 5, The Greatest Barrier to Enlightenment, he discusses how using this is approach, not only its effectiveness, but also can lead to a permanent state of higher awareness:
So the idea is to make this state of consciousness our normal functioning state of consciousness. To do this, it is very important to learn to fully engage in what is happening right now. To always remember that the enlightened person is not going to be beyond troubles, but is rather someone who skilfully deals to the best of his or her ability, with the goal to bring about the best possible outcome. So when a negative thought enters the mind, it is corrected and then transformed into something positive. Rather than assuming failure at the presence of a negative thought, it is important to correct the mind. It is unrealistic to expect to never have those kinds of thoughts. Indeed to me, this very act of transforming a negative action or thought into something that has positive intentions and outcomes embodies the highest expression of enlightenment.
Using this method not only does the individual begin to train the conscious mind by being in the present moment, but also brings into awareness of the uncontrolled negative aspects of the subconscious, which are then brought into line by being corrected immediately as they arise. He further offers some motivating affirmations and finally states,
The importance of applying these skills in our waking day cannot be emphasised enough. In spiritual traditions this is endemic. As people continually search for new techniques upon new techniques but never realising that these techniques are only the training, it is the embodiment of the skills, insights and abilities that aid us in daily life.
To review:
- Do not put this off.
- It will not suddenly happen.
- Spiritual exercises are training, the true test is applying the lessons to life.
- Embody the state you wish to happen.
- Own every single action.
By applying these principles, balance will be found within ourselves because by practicing things that are difficult we become stronger in those areas we are weakest. This acts as a sunlamp on the soul. Skills are transferable, so as we become accomplished in one particular skill, our ability improves in other areas also. For me, this is the true way of enlightenment.
Virgil in Magical Equilibrium again takes the step 2 approach of Bardon’s three-pronged attack, of using autosuggestion, transmutation and volition, and adds a further 3 to the mix, in which he calls the ”six-pronged attack.” He states,
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Autosuggestion, volition, conscious eating, conscious breathing and magical washing are specific techniques you can use to transform yourself. Transmutation is not a specific technique, but a strategy. The idea to eliminate a negative trait by developing the opposite trait. For example if you want to eliminate impatience from your personality you can do this by developing patience.
In this method Virgil is tackling directly the subconscious by continually using a focused approach during by charging up the food, the breath, when washing to aid in transforming negative qualities.
Concentration linked to the subconscious mind
Our ability to concentrate is fundamental in any spiritual discipline if we wish to progress to any degree.
Why is this so?
Because we need to have conscious awareness over our thoughts and actions in order to know that these processes are actually from our own choice and not through a programmed response generated by our subconscious mind. In order for us to enter into deep concentration we need to clear the underlying vibration or noise that is preventing us from entering into a deep state of uninterrupted relaxation.
During concentration there is a continuity of consciousness and this condition allows our subconscious forces to rise up. The hidden psychological patterns in the subconscious mind start to manifest. Normally, because of our mental distractions, we are totally unable to contact or express our inner power. During deep periods of concentration we start to understand the deeper aspects of our being. So the fruits of concentration are substantial. Many people, whether they have experienced meditation or not, know that great things are in store for them if only they can concentrate deeply. Because they are not relaxed, however, they force their consciousness to dwell on one point.5
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
As we can understand by this quote, our ability to concentrate is linked to a level of relaxation, a deep level of relaxation directly linked to the relationship we have with our subconscious mind. As Bardon states often it is the uncontrolled subconscious mind that will bring up negative thoughts and fears generating and underlying anxiety within us. This often manifests in our dreams and when we are in a resting state.
Within the Franz Bardon training system in Initiation Into Hermetics in the first step Bardon addresses the power of the subconscious mind and how best to utilise it to our advantage offering a number of tools to assist. However, this is a continual process throughout life as we refine this process of inner alchemy, turning metal into gold.

Why is it so important to have the ability to concentrate for spiritual development?
Within the many traditional spiritual traditions a lot of focus is placed on developing a high degree of concentration.
If you notice Bardon’s focus is all on developing quantities and qualities in order to push through the realm of the mundane through use concentration to develop imagination skills and willpower. In traditional yoga the process of transformation of the soul follows a similar path. If you go back to our iceberg model you will also notice that all these qualities are in fact created by the conscious mind-the 10% that is visible to us. The ability to concentrate and use our will shows that we are have the ability to act in awareness and not to be guided by our subconscious mind. This is fundamental in training. You will notice Bardon also places importance on autosuggestion, magical washing, eating and drinking, now we can begin to see why. He is aware of the power of the subconscious mind and has put everything in place to combat it.
What is concentration ?
Franz Bardon describes concentration in Questions and Answers, taken from the yogic tradition as;
“Concentration is an interrupted hold or adherence to a point, matter, being, abstract, concept, picture, thought, perception etc. Concentration is divided into three levels according with the periods of time. The first level is uninterrupted concentration for twelve seconds is called dharana. The second level is dhyana, has a duration of twelve times twelve seconds, while the third level has a duration of twelve times twelve times twelve seconds and this is called samadhi which means ecstasy, the flowing together of object and subject.”6
Another quote from a yogic perspective.
Concentration implies the focusing of one’s consciousness towards one point, either external or internal, to the exclusion of all other subjects or thoughts.7
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
What does this mean?
Through developing our concentration it allows us to not only to gain a deeper knowledge of a subject with clarity and precision but also to merge with it. To penetrate the visible world and go beyond what is in front of us. When dealing with unseen forces it is paramount that perceive through clarity and free from the bias of the subconscious mind. Only through willfully acting is this possible. But I believe the author is also talking about entering into a deep relaxation free from the noise of the subconscious mind.
So far we have established the power of the subconscious mind and how little our conscious mind takes part in daily life. We can also see the affects of our environment upon conscious mind, our ability to act consciously diminishes due to the constant stimulation around us. Another converse effect is our ability to concentrate. So is not surprising people following the path of adepthood are faced with an even greater challenge than their predecessors . We need even a greater discipline avoid daily distractions.
Why does my mind keep wondering when trying to concentrate on visualization?
Concentrating on one thing is a challenge for the mind because of the wandering tendency of the consciousness. It takes time for the body and mind to relax. In order to really concentrate we need to allow time for this to occur. Due to having busy lifestyles and distractions most of us are not able to spend the length of time in covering all the aspects needed to really allow time for the parasympathetic nervous system to take effect and to sink into these practices. The passage below eloquently offers and explanation from a yoga perspective:
Many systems of yoga tell you to place an object in front of you or to visualize an internal image, concentrate on it, and lo and behold you will start to explore the subconscious depths of the mind. Although the method is correct and can bring wonderful experiences, it takes no consideration of the wandering tendency of our consciousness, which makes concentration impossible for most people. Concentration is possible only if a person is very relaxed mentally and physically. Most people cannot relax, or if they do it is on rare occasions. For this reason the mind continually projects streams of differing thoughts to conscious perception. As such, to ask most people to concentrate is impossible. And if they try to concentrate, they will tend to try to suppress the disturbing factors in the mind and create more tension in themselves……..Concentration is something that occurs spontaneously in a very relaxed mind and body. Until relaxation is achieved, concentration, real concentration that is, remains impossible. A system is required which progressively leads a person to deeper states of relaxation, until concentration becomes the spontaneous activity of consciousness.8
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Why can’t I stop my thoughts in meditation?
I wanted to address one of the main sticking points in any initiation that one will come across in meditation is being able to meditate with the cessation of thoughts. Many practitioners have this problem. As previously stated the mind has a tenancy to go into a follow into stream of consciousness. Unless we begin to address this in our daily life we are only scratching the surface. I believe the lack of concentration in daily life may be a contributing factor and the fact we are not able to enter a deep level of relaxation because we are not allowing enough time for the subconscious mind to process and release the tension that it has created.
If you look around you most people are constantly on our phones, we are continually feeding the subconscious mind. If mediation practice is one hour a day but the rest of the time at work or at home is being run by the subconscious mind, then we sit in our meditation it is no wander our subconscious mind will processing thoughts. In effect we are training our subconscious mind not our conscious mind. We all live such busy lives and the mind and body never really experiences a deep state of relaxation. Learning to become aware of the mental processes through out the day and cutting negative thoughts can lead to a greater degree of peace. The body and mind need to be in a relaxed state in order enter into a deep level of meditation. The practice of awareness throughout the day is very important because it allows us to control consciously our thoughts and actions. We then begin to have the choice over our mind rather than reacting to it.
Please enjoy a wonderful meditation by Martin Faulks.9 that uses focus on the breath to aid a calm awareness, so the mind can become free from thoughts.
In Conclusion
For us to really progress we need to invest time in conscious thoughts and actions using our will power at every given opportunity. To listen to our subconscious mind and help it resolve and reprogram the negative responses. Most importantly learn to take time out and relax and develop our concentration skills in daily life. This way we are staying aware and focused throughout the day. Then we can truly shine like the red lion.

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1 Mead G.R.S. Corpus Hermeticum XIII. (XIV.)Thrice-Greatest Hermes – Volume 2.
2 ,Rüggeberg D, Franz Bardon Questions and Answers and the Great Arcanum, Compiled from teachings of Franz Bardon, Merkur Publishing, Inc,2009.
3 Microsoft Attention Spans, 2015.
4 Bardon, F, Initiation Into Hermetics, (Step II Autosuggestion or the Secret of the Subconscious), Merkur Publishing, Inc. 10th ed, 2107.
5 Swami Satyananda Saraswati, A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya, 2004.
6 Rüggeberg D, Franz Bardon Questions and Answers and the Great Arcanum, Compiled from teachings of Franz Bardon, Merkur Publishing, Inc, 2009.
7 Swami Satyananda Saraswati, A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya, Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India, 2004.
8 Martin Faulks Hermetic teacher at The Seshen School of Hermetic Meditation and Meditation expert.
9. Virgil, The Elemental Equilibrium: Notes on the Foundation of Magical Adepthood, Falcon Books Publishing, 2017
For those who are seeking guidance to assist them through the Franz Bardon system of Initiation, please follow the links below:
SURA Academy run by Ray del Sole.
The Seshen School of Hermetic Meditation run by Martin Faulks.
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