The Moon Zone Excerpt on The 17th Genius: Emzhom
An excerpt from The Moon Zone: The Second Step to Divine Providence, by Nenad Djordjevic Talerman and Kadiyila Aili
A note from the publisher:
I chose this particular excerpt especially in mind for those who are suffering or are going through a difficult time. Perhaps Emzhom’s words can offer some comfort. I wanted to share these beautiful, very honest heartfelt evocation experiences with you all. Also in honour to this wonderful Angel Emzhom.

17th Genius – Emzhom
Arabian Name: Adrieb
Western Tradition: Adriel
The Picatrix’s Talisman: The figure of a monkey in an iron seal, holding his hands above his shoulders
Agrippa’s Talisman: An ape
Bardon’s Image: A man carrying a chest, followed by an ape
Emzhom is the head of the 17th Mansion: Alchil (Crown of Scorpio)
The Safe House: 25°42’52” Libra – 8°36’20” Scorpio Position of the 17th Mansion in the Moon Zone: Astral part of the Moon. It is not easy to find it because it is somewhere below the Moon’s waters. This region is similar to the one which is governed by Echotasa, but it is Located on the completely opposite side of the Moon Zone.
Emzhom has the personality of an old, modest, patient, very wise, and extremely observant angel. He often appears in different outfits. So, he can be seen with frizzy long hair, wearing ripped old clothes like a homeless person, but sometimes he appears wearing a grey robe with the hood up and covering most of his face and with his hands covered by his sleeves. He is also sometimes dressed “properly” with his hair nicely combed back. Emzhom is a very powerful head of the Moon Zone, which was also confirmed by Franz Bardon, “All moon beings look up to him in awe”. Due to his extremely observant nature, he is not likely to teach magicians straight up what they seek. Instead, he will most likely closely observe and study the magician, and in the process, he will decide what is needed to be shown and taught. In his free time, he likes to play sports and board games.
Emzhom is similar to Emvatibe, the head of the 4th Lunar Mansion since both of them give banning formulae against malevolent spirits, people, energies and threatening situations. Emzhom works quite closely with the head of the Earth Zone Kiliosa (27° Capricorn), as both of them can reveal magical formulae which are essential for saving a magician’s life in dire situations. Those formulae can paralyze any person or beast that is about to attack. Emzhom can also give magical formulae which can stop any negative Lunar influences, such as unsafe journeys, unhappy families, disunity, draught, dissatisfaction, etc. Those formulae are usually given under the seal of secrecy or are inherited. Franz Bardon has warned that they should be used only in case of real danger. This magician has also mentioned that Emzhom can teach banishing skills which can instantly destroy all enemies. So be warned to only use such formulae when it is absolutely necessary! And that goes without saying, that all can be possible only if the magician can successfully evoke Emzhom in such circumstances.
According to the Picatrix and other older magical scripts, one of Emzhom’s main roles is to prevent thieves from entering into houses and to drive away criminals and all other people with negative intentions. Emzhom can teach the magician certain magical formulae that can instantly drive away or paralyze burglars, block their escape or make them return stolen goods. All in all, Emzhom is one of the best protectors of peoples’ homes and properties.
Traditionally this genius assists with: creating strong foundations in the fields of building/construction, making strong and reliable relationships between people, long-lasting love, stable career, longevity, flourishing, and inspiring romance/ passion that is fading. The last but not least, Emzhom can ground magicians anytime. In that regard, he can protect their legs to prevent injuries. If magicians tend to have any leg/ankle/feet-related issues, they can ask for his help. He will heal leg-related injuries quickly.
Emzhom has also an affinity with regard to water magic. He uses various unseen ways to teach the magician about water, but not as an element. Any advanced magician who seeks further knowledge in this area can ask for his wisdom. This genius is able to help you face your other half, the shadow aspect of yourself. He can also teach you how to use this particular skill any time you need.
Evocation Experiences
My evocation of Emzhom did not last long, but he did teach me quite a lot. First of all, he gave me a proposal on how to conjure all the 28 Lunar angels by taking his own example:
Oh, great angel
at this moment
I am only standing at the gates of the 17th Moon Mansion, and of all that I am now seeing there is nothing but the front door of your Home.
I have some ideas about what might be inside But my thoughts may be wrong,
so let me in,
because I do not want to lie
to myself and others
about you and your great mysteries
So, I am ready to enter
And at this moment, that is actually the only wish I have.
If you find me worthy,
please, open the gates
of the 17th Moon Mansion
so that I can enter in, see, learn, and also touch on mysteries hidden inside.
If you find me worthy, please open the door.
I am not driven by you
by mere curiosity
but rather by the wish to learn
so that I would be more ready to assist. As my capabilities grow,
the more I will be capable to help.
So, open the door for me in the name of IHVH Shaddai El Chai
and great Archangel Gabriel!
But if you do not find me worthy
Don’t reject my honest and humble quest
for all eternity,
but let me improve what I need to improve during the next month and let me try again in 28 day
During my evocation of Emzhop, it felt like it was raining heavily outside, but afterwards, I noticed that it had not. His sigil has obviously something to do with water and rain. Like many other Moon angels, he is clearly also a teacher of water. Interestingly, exactly as the previous head had done, he also invited me to play an interesting board game, which is well known on the Moon, but unheard of on the Earth.
I found myself standing in the snow staring at my feet. Everything looked dim, but there was a triskele symbol hardly visible on the ground. Suddenly it rained, but the rain was blood, so the triskele got also filled with blood. On each of its spirals, there was a line which extended out reaching far away. On the left, it reached the forests, in the middle the urban cities, and on the right the ocean. Then there was a trail of blood leading to my feet. I looked at my hands and noticed that I was covered with blood too. I had the option to follow the lines to each location, but instead, I turned around. Then I saw an ice hole, so I decided to jump in. The water was freezing cold, but I kept swimming in the dark. I didn’t know where I was going, but the entire time there was Emzhom’s vibration in everything.
Suddenly an eye opened in front of me. I was a little scared but I faced the eye. It was golden and alive, but I didn’t see the whole face. Then I swam up to the pupil and noticed I could walk in, so I did. At first, I thought I was falling but I was flying. After a long while, I saw a lake beneath me and I fell right in. After I surfaced, I looked around, and then realized that it was Echotasa’s realm. I told myself that I needed to find Emzhom instead. So I swam in the opposite direction into nothingness. I was swimming until I noticed the water temperature change. It went cold very suddenly. As I dove down, I realized that the lake was connected to an ocean, so I kept swimming until another eye opened. This eye was silver- coloured. I swam right through its pupil and after that, I was sliding through a silver tunnel. During that time, I noticed a change in the vibration of the tunnel because it felt compacted. Very soon I was spat right through a waterfall. I swam up and looked around. There were lots of white flowers around and also a man sitting on a rock doing something. I walked out of the water, ringed out my hair and went up to the man.
He looked homeless and was fishing. I asked him, “Hello, are you Emzhom?” He looked at me and asked, “Do you like fishing?” I sat next to him on a rock and replied, “No, nor have I ever gone fishing”. He asked, “What is it that you dislike about fishing?” I replied, “I think it’s cruel. Even if people let the fish go. To a fish it is traumatizing, to the person it is exciting. I think it is cruel, especially when you are doing it as a sport”. He quietly said, “Ah, a kind heart I see.” I asked him if he liked fishing and he said, “Oh, I don’t fish for fish. I like to see what comes out of that waterfall. Many interesting things come out from there sometimes.” He got up and put away his fishing line which was, to my surprise, nothing more than a stick without the line or the hook. He started to walk into the dense jungle and I followed. I asked him again, “So, are you Emzhom?” He smiled and said that he was.
We came to a grassland. Far away there was a giant rock blocking an entrance to a cave. He said, “Do you recognize this place?” I replied “Yes”. We went up to the rock and then he asked, “Tell me, do you have enemies?” I said “No.” He said, “You must have because in your world everyone seems to have enemies.” Then he turned around and I saw two people setting a nice table with two seats. There were lots of food displayed on the table. He gestured for me to sit, so I did, and he started to eat some pancakes. I noticed he no longer looked rugged but was dressed properly. I said, “Well, if you put it that way, then I do. I have only one enemy, and that is me,” He asked, “Do you like pancakes? They are delicious, by the way, you should try some.” I nicely declined and told him that I gotta avoid wheat, for now, so he told me to have some fruit then. “The berries are divine”. Then there was a cup full of colourful but weirdly shaped berries in front of me. I got some on my spoon and put it in my mouth (let’s just say that inside my mouth there was a party). He swallowed his last bite of the pancake and wiped his mouth clean. He asked if I would like to try some divinely delicious tea and I agreed.
He continued, “So your enemy is yourself? Then, would you like to know how to defeat that enemy?” I replied, “Well, I don’t want to defeat my enemy because that itself carries a negative connotation. I want to be able to face my enemy and see it as who it truly is.” He gestured, “Continue…” I said, “I want to be brave and not run away. I am tired of running away. I am tired of not being able to see the truth. Each chance I get I run away from myself and I’m growing very tired of that. I’ve faced many things in my life. Whatever that was thrown at me I faced it one way or another, but when it comes to myself, I’m completely helpless.” He nodded and said, “Good, when you see this, what do you feel?” And all of a sudden, I saw myself facing a huge tall wave which was about to hit hard. I couldn’t talk. I was stuck at that moment, but when I realized that, I stood up and faced the wave. Still, I felt scared. I turned around. There were lots of people and their homes behind me. I felt worried for them. Then Emzhom walked up to me and quietly said, “You have a lot of water, and it has a very destructive side to it. I can see the horror in your eyes. I can feel your pain and your fear. First tell me, what causes big waves?” I replied with a shaky voice, “There is wind, gravity…I don’t know”. He said, “So there is the element of wind. What is wind associated with?” I replied quickly, “The mental, thoughts…” And he said, “Yes, the mental. When you face a situation with all kinds of thoughts, what happens after that?” I replied, “You react. Your first response is a reaction.” I was still facing this tall disastrous wave. He asked, “But if you go deep and push away the thoughts and the reactions, what do you feel?” I said, “Sadness.” I do not know why, but at that point, I felt relief. He continued, “Yes, sadness, behind all reactions there are emotions.”
I suddenly realized the waves were just a reaction to my emotions. I decided to walk towards them and I felt there was someone standing behind them. I walked and parted the waves when I saw a young teenager. She was so mad, her eyes spoke rage, and her aura was destructive, but beneath all, I felt something else about her. I went to her to calm her down, but my voice soon changed to Emzhom’s voice which was saying, “The physical world is harmonious, but only thanks to some people who bring harmony. Most people go through day-to-day, battling within themselves to survive. All people have their own inner conflicts and they don’t know what to do, so they react. Everyone also feels alone, no matter the situation. When that distortion comes to play, it is time to quieten down the mind, reflect and wait. Somewhere within all creation, there is that faint sound of love. Immerse in it, be it, become it. It might be temporary, but you must remind yourself of that love every time when there is conflict. Humans get hurt easily but also recover miraculously. Beneath all that pain there is love. Just like the waves of your oceans or stormy skies, once they are gone, there will be stillness, beauty, and light. Learn the flow of your surroundings, learn the flow of your adaptations and reconfigure what does not serve. Evolve!”
Black magic can turn the Safe House into the House of Destruction and Confusion.
Magicians may get tempted to use Emzhom’s magical formulae against innocent people, if for nothing else, then for mere curiosity’s sake to check whether they work or not. Since banning formulae are usually given to the magician under the seal of secrecy, if anyone gets tempted to disclose them unauthorized, they will likely lose their powers at once, so they will not work when it is needed. As for another side-effect of working with this angel, the magician might get confused and forget which formulae to use while under a sudden attack.
No magicians should ever take Emzhom’s teachings so lightly and carelessly. Especially his magical formulae to affect certain events or people should be left alone if there is no real reason to use them. Not only can they backfire bringing bad luck to magicians who used them carelessly, but they can also make them seriously ill (either around the brain region or the bottom half of the body).
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