Contemplation of The 4 Elements by Martin Faulks
Martin Faulks discusses the 4 Elements
(The list of traits have been extracted from the videos below).
The Earth Element
The qualities of Earth found in Nature
- Cold
- Dry
- Heavy
- Gravity
- Magnetism
- It absorbs things into itself
- Generates from itself
- It also brings momentum
- Associated with cycles – life and death and the seasons
- Physical matter
- Protection
- Growth
- Fertility
- Associated with bones, nails, teeth.
- Associated with taste and smell
- Associated with nature of giving and taking away
- Adhesive, binding healing connective forces
Mental Mastery of the Earth Element
- Grounded
- A good ally
- Reliability
- practicality
- A realistic view of the world
- A loyal friend
- Ability to see and find solutions
- To be it – to own it, to have is what you are.
- Likely to keep fit through doing things, eg walking or gardening
- Good at getting good things and letting go or ignoring negative things
- Tend to have the right things, eg money, friends, habits,
- Slowness and ponderous
- Very practical
- Their physical body may appear to be weighted down
- Very good listeners – however, do only look in terms of solutions
- Use their hands a lot to communicate
- Judge material wealth as a bench mark of who your value
- Value status symbols
- Have a tendency to collect/hoard things that relate to their goals in life
- Objects are seen as talismans – and thought to bring the qualities they wish to seek
- Stoic – they will accept things as a means to cope
- Persistence
- Endurance
- Will use persistence and endurance to achieve their goals
- Appear old for their age and wise before their time
- Like routines
- Have a centred calmness
- Solid and sometimes a bit rigid
The Earth Element out of Balance
- Heavy character
- Stubborn
- Insensitive and trample over others
- Negative judgement of self and others
- Have a preoccupation of their physical body and material possessions
- Get caught up in the details of material things
- Self indulgence
- Never work smart but just work hard
- Expect others to have the same level of persistence and work ethic as they do
- Any level of intuition or short cut will be seen as immoral
- Goals are achieved through stubbornness and those who have legitimate concerns will be ignored
- Incredibly fixed in their approach and cannot change
- They will make the other person change by persistence rather than change themselves
- Their belongings own them, not the other way around.
- Spend a lot of time worrying about their belongings
- Can be very cold in their approach
- Ignore very human problems because it is too much for them
- The healthy barriers can become too strong and they will put up a wall
- Slowness can turn to lethargy
- Heaviness can turn to depression
- An earthy person can sometimes feel the weight upon them in a very real way
- Most people are either in a very positive express or very negative expression and it can take a long time for them to switch from one to another
- The inability of letting go of bad things
- The inability of holding on to good things
- They will have a strong body and good appetite
- Lack of earth will mean a weakness in the bones for example, diseases such as osteoporosis
- Excessive Earth may result in knee and ankle problems, perhaps also be absorbing food or eliminating food/toxins from the body
- Excessive Earth can lead to great lethargy
- Comfort is associated with this element, both material and a tendency to comfort eat
Food associated with the Earth Element
- Fat
- Root vegetables
- A lot of meat
- A sweet taste
The Water Element
Qualities of the Water Element in Nature
- Cold and wet
- Magnetic – attraction and contraction
- Water is connected with all liquids and their qualities
- Associated with birth and life
- Perceived as feminine and connected to women
- The moon controls the tides of the sea and also influences the cycle of a woman
- Water has a purifying, healing and sanitizing effect on many levels
- The ability to carry things
- The ability to dissolve and distill things
- Store, transport and deliver other substances from it
- Cooling properties
- Appears to be deceptive/ illusionary
- Adaptable, flexible and can take on any Manifestation
Mental Mastery of the Water Element
- Effortless excellence
- A cool fresh person who is easy going
- Easily create success
- Very in tune with their own emotions
- Sensitive to their surroundings and can become what ever form is needed
- Great adaptability to achieve what they want
- Seeking emotional fulfillment and using emotions to make decisions they will effortlessly succeed
- Don’t over think and are masters of being at the right place at the right time
- If they want to make money they will observe how and emulate the method that is already successful
- Very intuitive and very empathic
- Make very good artists, healers, actors, also sales people or PR.
- Use their positive emotions to amplify that in others.
- They are masters of creating a story to interact.
- They will emotionally give you what they want while emotionally getting what they want
- These people are versatile and inspired and bring the heart into a circumstance
- The characteristics of kindness is exemplified within a water element person
- Sensual, emotional and are great lovers
- Create atmospheres and utilise them to great effect
- Use repetition and enjoy repetition to achieve things
- Bring out the best in others by amplifying the goodness within them
- Are very versatile and their effects are subtle but have many ripples
- Have an altruistic caring nature
The Water Element out of Balance
- Emotions dictate and sustain our activities
- The senses are not sources of information but commands
- Will be very expressive and will not like it if others are not the same
- When they interact they will be looking for emotional responses
- May have to overcome fear
- Constantly checking their emotions and this can make them very self-centred
- They can be the most selfish people and the most selfless at the same time
- They can be influenced by anything around them that they lose who they are.
- Are impulsive and make decisions only using their immediate circumstances or their emotions
- Will never use memory, reason, duty, ambition or logic
- So caught up with their own emotions and others around them, they will seem very unpredictable and inconsistent
- Will flow from one form to another depending who or what is influencing them at the time
- Will manipulate and lie because they believe in the lies, it is their reality
- Can very nagging and wear people down that way
- Because they are so moved by their internal emotions they will expect others to be motivated in the same way
- If someone comes from a logical perspective or a different aspect they will see it as emotional attacks
- Emotions tend to repeat so they will keep reliving the past
- Will be great at starting projects but will run out energy very quickly because they are using the emotions, once the emotion goes they will stop doing things and let others finish them off if their own agendas are not met
- Tend to rely on others and recruiting others to do the work because is easier than learning to do something for themselves
- Their way of learning to stick to things will be to keep things emotionally driven
- People can become very demanding so they want a lot of stimulation and become thrill seekers
- Can become fixated on happiness or use drugs
- Sometimes mix up affection and unable to separate sexual activity from genuine love
- Maybe become quite heartless because they are seeking love like it is a quantity that can be measured in doses
- All their decisions are being ruled by emotions and believe that yours are too. Anything you do will be seen as result you want of their inner desires
- Tend to run out of energy and this will affect their character is a significant way
- May suffer from ailments such as back problems, reproductive problems, digestive issues etc
- Problems with their feet or circulations problems seem to be quite common
- Tend to process emotions they find themselves wanting to express the same emotions over and over again it may be a sign that the emotions have not internally processed
- Respond to anything that is sensational or tactile
- Will often have activities that seek out sensational or tactile expressions. They will respond very well to massage or subtle therapies like homeopathy which are gentle rather than more aggressive forms of therapy.
- In their spare time, they like to do flexible things like yoga or artistic things that allow flexibility of the mind and body
- Sometimes drugs can be a problem so they like to drink often.
- This connection with the world may lead to eating disorders because they enjoy things so much that it is hard to control them
- One the main things with the water element there will be a lack. It tends to keep the other elements in check, so when they run out of the water element their skin may get worse. Or bad body odour is a sign the water element is too low.
- When they get run down they may get skin rashes and autoimmune responses.
- Rest is very very important for Water Element people
- Effective Water Element people do tend to go with the flow, however, because they are very very influenced by things around them they will resent this, They will resent how their subconscious has an affect them. They will even resent positive influences in their life because they want to be in control
- Water person will do very well to control their environment, they want to control their diet make sure it is the right food. They want to control their mood make sure it is the right people around them. Until they are in a state of balance or in a state of tranquillity and inner harmony.
- Make sure you control where and what you do. then you will be in right place at the right time and the right technique.
Food associated with the Water Element
- Salt and fat
- Dark Purple vegetables
- Salty fish
- Miso
- Seaweed
The Air Element
Qualities of the Air Element in Nature
- Warm and moist
- Lightness
- Diffusion and transfer
- Our first encounter is when we take a breath
- Transportation
- All gases correspond to the Air Element
- Communication through smell and sound
- They will have clear visions of how to improve things and make things happen
- The ability to have a thought and make things into a reality is a good marker of the mastery of the Air Element
Mental Mastery of the Air Element
- Will have a mastery of thought and words
- Will be able to remain silent when necessary
- No barriers to learning
- Will be no egotism or pride
- Will be moved to learning to make things better
- Thought
- Tend shape things in their mind’s eye
- “I think therefore I am” would be a perfect example of this thinking
- They are scientists, inventors, geniuses, tacticians and philosophers and great writers
- All the people who have mastered disciplines of the mind
- Memory
- Ability to reproduce images in their mind
- Very good communicators
- They will be eloquent and think logically
- Very social
- Tend to be very audio
- Like to ask why
- Good planners
- Like to be in groups or forming groups
- Like everyone to be working together
- Have a sense of joy in discovering
- Feel inspired a lot of the time
- Have an uplifting quality about them
- Like to bring new ideas and like to facilitate change
- Will be about to bring effortless change to circumstances
- The expression can be in the arts and creativity
- Ability to create things effortlessly and see things in their mind’s eye very clearly.
- Able to coordinate themselves, both mentally and physically very well
- Tend to be dexterous and coordinate motor skills with ease
- Agile and athletic person
- Bringers of harmony because they can see the big picture
- Have a good memory and the ability to remember what people have said can easily see who would work together well or not
- Enjoy listening to music
- Enjoy being in space and think about big ideas
- Enjoy getting to the edge of what they understand
The Air Element out of Balance
- Being disconnected and not understanding/or being aware of outside circumstances
- Speaking too much and can bore others
- Gossiping
- Boastful
- They will talk louder at dinner parties no one no one else can speak
- Love to tell long stories
- Love to hear the sound of their own voice
- Causing trouble by stirring things up by saying things deliberately or through error not understanding the power of words
- Over thinking – occurs when they go over small details.
- They remember everything and they will keep going over and over the details and their memory is hurting them
- Can also get stuck and detached so it can close in on them as well
- Easily offended and take on the quality of what was said and hold on to it
- Desire to be centre of attention
- They cannot stop lying
- Become pathological
- Inability to feel anything
- Suffer from anxiety
- It is important for them to look after their nervous system
- May experience breathing problems
- Rounded posture
- Will reach out to things and put things are arms length even if they don’t need to
- Tend to make big gestures when they talk
Foods associated with the Air Element
- They like sour things
- Teas made from flowers
- They tend to drink red wine
- Tend to drink a lot of liquids
The Fire Element
Qualities of the Fire Element in Nature
- Heat
- Light
- Expansiveness
- A connection between the fire element of the physical plane with any form of energy, for example, heat from a flame or heat from the sun, or electricity from various sources
- Associated with radiation and other forms of energy
- Some physical things that have connections to fire, for example, materials that are good insulators such as glass
- Flammable materials that can release energy very quickly
- Sun is our greatest ally, allowing man to see and aids in plant growth
- Fire can be a great ally but also a terrible enemy
- Transformative qualities
- Ability to mold things
- Used for weapons or to gain property or power
- Weapons are fire put into them such as a gun
- Hypnotic quality
- Provides safety against cold
Mental Mastery of the Fire Element
- ‘Trial by fire’ is associated with the transformative effects of the personality
- Willpower
- Purpose
- Energy
- Warm-hearted
- Decisive
- Hardworking
- Productive
- Great clarity of mind
- Strong leader
- Protector
- Warrior
- Inspiring
- Out spoken
- Ability to connect with people
- They talk quickly and do things quickly
- This speed is associated with the fire quality in many other respects
- Very good lover, but may have problems controlling that expression
- Very passionate
- Athletic in build, muscular strong build
- Tend to have good health and fight off infections quickly
- Like spicy food
- Stimulating things like caffeine
- Full of energy
- Will often hold their head forwards, this gesture, is used in fighting or a comedian
- They are natural leaders
The Fire Element out of Balance
- They see time differently and if things appear not to be working in the time frame they perceive they can get frustrated.
- Anger
- Impatience
- Bad temper
- Urge for power
- Domination
- Will walk over others to achieve their goal
- Selfish motives
- Put their own goals above others
- Very ambitious
- A power crazed highly critical tyrant is an extreme characteristic
- A bully
- Will have problems with their eyesight
- Stomach ulcers,
- Problems with their Liver and Gall bladder such as, psoriasis of the liver, gout
- Acid reflux
- Because of the fire personality, they will indulge in things that do not help
- They will tend to eat their food very quickly and indulge in too much spicy food
Foods associated with the Fire Element
- Spicy
- Dry
- Bitter foods
- Dark chocolate
- Lamb, meat cooked rare
- Dried foods
- Coffee, tea
- Carbonated drinks
- Wine and beer
To find out more about Martin Faulks you follow him on YouTube, author page to catch up on recent interviews and publications.
Please view his publications below, Enlightened Living and Adepthood: Complete Success on All Levels.