Franz Bardon’s Soul Mirror – From The Original German Translation To English by Ray del Sole

Soul Mirror Elemental Attributions, Transcripts – Translated from German into English.

Ray del Sole had been a Franz Bardon Practioner for over 18 years, who has written extensively on the subject (please view below to see  Falcon Books  Amazon Affiliated  books by Ray de Sole).

Ray’s holistic training  includes an impressive and diverse resume from a qualifying as an architect, working within the field of stress management, to hypnosis and spiritual healing to find out  more please go to Author Page. Ray is also the founder  of  Sura Academy a school dedicated to  spiritual growth.

 Ray del Sole and colleague  (Brian ) ardently translated Franz Bardon’s original transcripts on the soul mirrors from German to English to offer greater meaning to the reader.  Ray being a native German speaker and his colleague, a native English speaker  were able to extrapolate the deeper meaning of the qualities that Franz Bardon attributes to each of the elements.

Please enjoy this wonderful work to  aid  practitioners of (IIH)  Initiation into Hermetics. (the understanding and categorisation of the white and black soul mirror training.

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To download please click on  PDF link

Franz Bardon Practitioners may also be interested in works  by Ray del Sole (please click on the book to find out more).(Amazon Affiliated links)

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