This book contains:
- This book is part 3, Autumn of 4 volumes containing the 360 beings of the Earth Zone. Due to the size of this work, it was separated into volumes following the seasons, namely, Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter
- This title focuses on beings connected to; Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
- In-depth descriptions and first-hand experiences from Nenad
- Links to connecting to these beings through music and art.
- 90 drawn seals
- 3 original full-colour hand-drawn illustrations representing the archetypal forces of their respective zodiac.
- Each chapter heading includes a colour illustration which has been carefully designed to suit the style of the book.

(Print Replica)
Publication Date: 30th of May 2023 Available on Amazon ASIN: B0C2PPK9P8

Publication Date: 30th of May 2023
Colour: Full Colour
Paper: 150gms gloss coated
Full-Colour illustrations
Page Count:: 262

This book is written for those who wish to understand their purpose in life and our planet’s greatest mysteries. Its intention is to encourage you on your spiritual journey, for those who are dedicated students. It also attracts people whose approach to magic is serious, no matter how experienced at this moment they are. This title explores otherworldly regions of our planet described in detail by Talerman. For those who are interested in expanding their theoretical knowledge on subjects such as occultism, parallel universes and life after death, this book will also be helpful.
This is not a fairy tale promising impossible things, nor is it science fiction written to amuse or entertain readers. It is inspired and based on Bardon’s second book “The Practice of Magical Evocation”. Having theoretically and practically explored this Bardon’s book for some 15 years, Talerman finally wrote his own follow-up on magical evocation with additional information on how to master mysteries of the 2nd tarot card.
The main purpose of Talerman’s grimoire is to help you evoke and become a friend with all or some of the 360 most important spirits from our planet. Their academies and temples are located in the Earth Zone, so their typical students are blessed and advanced human beings who are already beyond the reach of our world’s reality, but Talerman’s grimoire has a goal to guide you to their schools, so that you may learn their subjects while you are still alive.
Live a good life, evolve, learn, teach, and help this humanity grow according to your possibilities! The 360 heads do not ask for more. If you follow nothing but that, you will soon see yourself successfully making your first of the ten steps to Divine providence.
Nenad Djordjevic Talerman is a historian. He considers himself to be a hermetist and a student of Franz Bardon. He recently published a book The Spirits of Tarot, which he wrote in Serbian which is his native language. He is also a published author of several books about the history of Shanghai, the city where he lives with his family. Inspired to experience many aspects of professional life, Talerman has so far been a teacher, archivist, diplomat, humanitarian, singer and consultant living and working in Serbia, Sweden, North Korea, the Philippines, Turkey and China.