
An Interpretation of the Emerald Tablet by Tanya Robinson

Over the centuries there have been many attempts to decipher this text and philosophers, alchemists and magicians have mused over applied and these principals universally to understand and the world around them to great effect.  One such example, physician, alchemist, and astrologer of the German Renaissance, Paracelsus, who applied the hermetical principle of ‘As above so below, the analogy that the universe’s macrocosm was represented in every person as a microcosm. in order to heal and maintain harmony within the body.

It is said, these tablets descended to earth from a meteorite on an emerald tablet. However, the true origins of this text are unknown.  The author of these arcane writings, Hermes Trismegistus himself is said to have been attributed to the Egyptian God Thoth and to The Greek God Hermes. In Renaissance Europe, there was a strong belief that he existed adding power and weight to the influence of these hermetic texts.  I am not going to delve into the history of the Emerald Tablet in this discourse since it has been covered by other researchers in great depth.  I have provided links at the end of this commentary for those wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the origins of the Emerald Tablet, Hermes and Hermetic philosophy.

If we look at this text from the approach suggested in The Emerald Tablet by Martin Faulks, we are able see these include not only instructions guiding the spiritual seeker on his journey but also an attribution of the process of spiritual evolution its self in action. We are able to see a thread weaving through of gentle guidance, at first remote but increasingly directed towards the spiritual seeker as we move through the axioms progressing towards the attainment of the goal –  enlightenment.

In this commentary, I  have made some comparisons of these stages that could be likened to the practices which are laid out in Franz Bardon’s three books. I hope to offer inspiration to those practicing this noble art.

  1.  ‘True without falsehood certain, most true.’
  2. ‘That which is above is like that which is below, that which is below is like that which is above. Know this to make the miracle of the one thing.’

  3. ‘As all things were made from the meditation of one mind, so all things are born of one thing.’
  4.  ‘It is the creator of all works of wonder in the world.’
  5.  ‘Its father is the sun its mother is the moon.
  6. The wind carries it, in its womb, the earth is its nursemaid.’
  7. ‘Separate thou from the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, with great effort and industriousness, success would be assured.’

  8. ‘With great wisdom, it ascends from earth to heaven and again it descends to earth and takes back the power from above and from the below.’
  9.  ‘Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world. All obscurity will flee from you.
  10. ‘This is the whole most strong strength of all strength, for it overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates all solid things.’
  11. ‘Thus was the world created.’
  12. ‘From this comes marvellous adaptations of which this is the procedure.’
  13. Therefore I am called Hermes Thrice-Crowned because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole world.’
  14. ‘And complete is what I had to say about the work of the Sun.’


1. True without falsehood certain, most true.

This phrase is demonstrating a knowing and understanding on all levels, the manifestation of something that is concrete there is no room for ambiguity it states with sanguine authority.

It represents the physical manifestation of matter. If we look at this from a philosophical perspective, we can observe this understanding in our own lives. We know something to be of “Truth” as there is a certain resonance to it, of purity and clarity and there is no room for question. It rings out like a clear bell into the universe. When we hear words spoken of this nature we instantly know that these things are correct since they resonate and connect to something within us and are in harmony with the Divine laws.

In relation to the spiritual path, it is gaining the awareness to differentiate between what is is “false” and what  is “true.” The practitioner learns to separate his own prejudices, doctrines or beliefs that are not in resonance with the Divine laws. He knows this since what is true will create a harmonious and life-giving resonance.

Let us view this process through the analogy of an artist. When he first learns to draw a portrait, in the beginning, the artist is unable to see the subtle shades, tones and contours so well, his drawing is inaccurate and out of proportion. He will need to seek guidance from his teacher in order to correct his mistakes and to show him his errors. Over time with dedication and practice, he continually improves to a point where one day he will draw an object say, an eye on a face. He will know it is in the correct place and at the right size, there is no need to second-guess his decision. Once he has reached that level of understanding he has embodied this knowledge and will be able to repeat the process with ease.

This principle can also be applied in daily life when we listen to the world around us, we begin to discern the truth in what others say, we know if someone is trying to dupe us. In nature, we learn to observe these principals in action we become an observer clear in thought and action. The practitioner becomes aware, he sees manifest this understanding on all levels.

Although this is the first aphorism, it is by no means an elementary exercise in understanding or achievement. It may take many years for the practitioner to come to this level of realisation within himself. It is the unfolding and letting go of old beliefs, childhood programming, societies values and the reshaping of the subconscious mind. It is the beginning of understanding the Divine mind within himself. At this stage, the practitioner has developed his mind and has control over it. No longer is he swayed by fanciful thoughts or emotions he becomes the observer of them and is able to sit in silence free from the hindrances of the mind. But of course, it is greater than that. It is the attunement of Divine thought which often manifests in the form of inspiration.

Once he is able to discern the Divine mind from the personality mind, he enters into a freedom, the vast ocean of oneness where he is able to perceive truth and the universal laws and is not bound by or limited by his own mind or past experiences. He hears the truth of the Divine mind clearly and adheres to it since it brings him great joy and harmony to know this way.


2. That which is above is like that which is below, that which is below is like that which is above. Know this to make the miracle of the one thing.

This is a well-known phrase Hermeticists love to use and perhaps the most popular and straightforward of the axioms. It refers to the microcosm and macrocosm, being a reflection of each other. One of the best ways to demonstrate this is when we look at the body.  It is like a fractal, we can view the body as a whole but also we can also view an individual part and still the whole is contained within it. For example, if we observe a foot it can still be seen as a fractal of the whole body as it is still contained within it, as shown in a discipline of reflexology. In reflexology the body is mapped out on the feet, by massaging them we in-turn affect the organs relating to that area of the body on the foot We see the analogy of microcosm and macrocosm further expressed by Paracelsus:

“That is what philosophy is: [things] are in the human being in the same way that they are outside, intangibly, as if one were looking at oneself in a mirror……”
He further  affirms the theory of microcosm and macrocosm using the parent-child analogy:
“…….it is a wisdom given by the parentes microcosmi [in order for them] to recognize the microcosmus as their son………”
Also if we look more on a cosmic level we can observe the atom is likened to planets in their movements and image.

There are many examples of this principle in place within nature which man has gained understanding and utilised for his own ends especially in science and it is the fundamental process of alchemy. If we look at AI. (Artificial Intelligence) we use can the same principals as the Divine mind to create robots. This principle is very important in terms of understanding how the universe works or how to create things that will work on the physical plane in terms of manufacturing and design as we have seen this the architecture of the Egyptians, something they understood very well. We can also use this principal as a litmus test against ideas or theories if they do not match up to the universal laws or understanding then we know that they are most probably incorrect. Even metaphysical theories can be tested against with this principal.

If we look at geometry, its presence is all around us in the natural world.  It is the formation behind all matter and is ever present in its fractal form. We have only to look at plants or flowers to know this.  Equally fascinating is the importance of numerology, it does not only have symbolic significance as is understood in occultism but also of a very practical one as well. Each number has a very specific resonance, it forms a sound, a shape, this language is universal in its conveyance,  As we move towards Evocation we learn to use these symbols to great effect e.g the circle and triangle to communicate the Divine laws to those beings, they are not only used for protection.

From the view of the spiritual seeker, as he develops, he will naturally attune himself towards the spiritual laws which then work within him. As this occurs, he will notice the increased harmony and blessings increase in his life. As his mind becomes clear and reflects the heavens within himself, like the lake at midnight that reflects the moon in its glory, so the heavens come down to meet the practitioner through his dedicated practice.  The process of these two actions continually support and uplift each other.  This perpetuates the cycle of evolution of the soul. One cannot be in existence without the other. As this process continues they become one, greater than the sum of their parts. Thus the star that shines in the bright clear night sky is a beautiful reflection of the practitioner’s true nature.  For the practitioner, these outward manifestations are evidence of the divine work within him.  He shines forth like the sun in the Divine entity as we know him to be, the sun shines down on him radiating its love and beauty offering life to this dimension and of course is a constant reminder to him on his journey towards the sun.

‘To make this the miracle of the one thing,is a very beautiful and profound statement – It is informing us to know these keys – you too will have the creative power of a God and not only that you will be in complete harmony with the divine plan.

So, at this stage, we understand the practitioner has gained knowledge of this understanding and applies this principal in daily life to great effect.  He has the power to create his own reality.

3. As all things were made from the meditation of one mind, so all things are born of one thing.

This aphorism is indeed speaking of the Divine within all things. It is a beautiful reminder that nothing is separate from the Divine creator All is created by the Divine mind.  So nothing is outside of this. Along our path we may face considerable amount of challenges and sometimes we may feel separate or feel outside of  Divine presence, but this poignant axiom can bring us back into remembrance of the Divine truth, whatever we may experience it does not go unnoticed and it is All within and born of the one thing.’ When we go through suffering we are not alone the Divine also suffers. When we celebrate, the one mind also experiences this. We have only to enter into silence to experience this oneness.

From the viewpoint of the practitioner this becomes evident, we can liken this to Franz Bardon’s practice of the void meditation whereby the practitioner will experience the one mind. We can call this realm the akasha, it is the realm before all created things are made manifest, through the silent mind. As any magician will know, it is where we create in order to make manifest here. Thus the meaning ‘…..so all things are born of the one thing’  All becomes accessible to us, It is also the place where we receive divine inspiration. We can witness throughout history, the arcane mysteries and great advancements have been given to mankind to progress and utilise through the meditation upon the one mind.

From my interpretation, when we understand this in our heart we know that to love another loves the divine and to harm another is to harm the divine. Moreover, since all of the one mind, in reality, it is ourselves that we are loving or harming depending on our actions and intentions because there is no separation.

When we send out love we connect to all beings throughout the universe our beam of light connects joins with the one mind and can be felt throughout the universe.

4. It is the creator of all works of wonder in the world.

This sentence to me is perfect and beautiful. Again reiterating the Divine is the creator of the ALL.  All that we see is in its glory. But also it is a reminder for us to enjoy the wonders of the world that are all around us in daily life. It is when we engage fully we are able to experience its magic. When we go into nature we are able to see the creator at work. His glory is in the sun, the mystery in the moon, his power in waves and thunderstorms. The divine workings in the stars. His nurturing and healing aspects in the plants and animals.

From the view of the practitioner, we learn to read from the book of nature and see the creator in action on this plane and on others. In daily life, he speaks to us in many ways, through the words of a friend, or the kindness of a stranger, the loving embrace of a husband or wife. Through the sun and rain that gives life to all things. It is in the small things where miracles occur. It is when we embrace the oneness of the ALL that it naturally reflects in our lives.


5. Its father is the sun its mother is the moon. 
6. The wind carries it, in its womb, the earth is its nursemaid.

This expression has been reiterated throughout time in various ancient texts and it reminds me of the creation model, of the two primary principals of creation represented through the masculine and feminine. I.e. Yin/Yang, Osiris and Isis. In hermetical terms, they also represent the electric and magnetic forces, from which other forces are generated.

In this case, this text is describing the 4 elements – Father-sun being fire, Mother- moon being the water element. The wind- air and lastly, earth as stated.  This text describes the underlying material of all things within the physical universe.

“The wind carries it, in its womb,……..” This could also be interpreted as the mental sphere perhaps being thoughts that are incubated and carried, then are nurtured and made manifest by the earth aspect of the material plane. The process of an ideation into a manifestation of an action.

Another beautiful yet simple statement ‘……the earth is its nursemaid.  To me, this represents the nurturing aspect of nature of not just the qualities of the earth element but also the physical earth. Nature herself embodies all of the elements and skillfully keeps them in perfect balance. When we spend time in nature we can experience this harmony and peace around us. We can observe her unconditional love, ever-giving nature as she embraces us with arms wide open always ready to receive us. When we learn from the living book of nature she begins to reveal her secrets to us and shows in her eloquent and gentle way how we can be also like her.

When we spend time in nature, her gentle influence has a harmonizing effect upon our own elemental makeup naturally bringing back the elements into balance within ourselves. She is also an incredible healer, in her abundance,  her nurturing and loving kindness is a testimony to this. When we listen to her and befriend her she responds and graces us ever more in her presence. She will speak to us through symbolism offering us a greater insight into her world.

From a practitioners perspective, we learn to observe the elements within our personality and through this analysis of the soul mirrors we begin to harmonize those elements that are exerting a force and bring them back into balance again. In time we develop the skill of elemental equipoise. (To view soul mirror articles please view links at the end of article).

As nature constantly adjusts to accommodate the changing forces of the elements so do we as practitioners do the same. We can also learn from these wonderful qualities the hidden gifts that lie within them. If we observe the sun we can view its divinity and the blessings it offers to us daily, it is also a reminder of the Divinity within ourselves as our goal to shine brightly as the sun, to shine our love upon the world.

Also understanding the quality and quantity of the elements we are able to observe them on other planes. So we have observed them through emotional expression, we can also understand the qualities from a physical and energetic perspective as well, such as when we look at the healing qualities of plants we use this best to heal our bodies. Chinese medicine uses these methods to great effect, however, its expression is more about the analogy of the elements through their various energetic states.

“Who is a better teacher in this than nature itself?”

 – Paracelsus


7.  Separate thou from the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, with great effort and industriousness, success would be assured.

This is the first time there is a direct indication towards the process of enlightenment. In the previous stanzas, the universal laws and principals are laid for the practitioner to follow but now we can observe a direct instruction. It speaks about the refining process that the practitioner will be going through.

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Separate thou from the earth from the fire this could be viewed on a number of levels:

  1. The physical separation of the physical and mental and astral bodies.
  2. The fire could also relate to the mind-spirit and the earth the body, almost the symbolic process transforming from the square to the circle.
  3. The Kabbalah – In the tree of life speaks about the stages of the transformation of man.
  4. We could also liken it to kundalini awakening where the Ida and Pingala unite, the divine consciousness that lies dormant in the base of the spine condenses and awakens and sores up the central channel awakening and purifying all of the chakras. The body becomes fully awakened and is no longer in a slumber.

We can see images of this process echoed in many hermetic images.

‘….with great effort and industriousness, success would be assured.’

The practitioner first develops a regular practice of meditation, then he begins to work on his vices chipping away at old patterns and beliefs that do not serve him. He works on all levels, physically, mentally and astrally. Not a day goes by where he is not conscious and continuing to work on this process. Then as he develops his will and power of concentration his burning desire in his heart to ascend and join with the divine. He then begins to experience the purification process. His mind becomes clear, his heart pure, his concentration more focused than a bird of prey. He creates good intentions and manifests goodness wherever he goes. After many years of arduous practice……

His consciousness begins to condense within the base of the spine, he begins to feel the pressure of this force beginning to rise. He begins to feel renewed an energy of pure awareness awakens in him. As it rises through the chakras it purifies an increasingly his energy increases. He begins to see and feel and sense like he has never done before. As if he were living in a slumber before. He has visions, his heart bursts open, he hears for the first the glory of the heavens. The magic of the dawn of each day as the chorus of angels sing in celebration of the rising the Divine sun. He is almost overwhelmed by its beauty and majesty. He asks himself, “how could I have been so in such a slumber?”

His world is transformed, everywhere he looks he is able to witness the Divine plan at work.

He now has a greater understanding of his place in this physical world, no longer does he feel separate. He is now united and the beginning of living as his real/divine nature is becoming manifest. A beautiful moment for all to witness.


8. With great wisdom, it ascends from earth to heaven and again it descends to earth and takes back the power from above and from the below.

As this forward motion continues onward, he further attunes himself to the heavens and becomes a conduit. He in is total oneness. We witness this in the Book of Enoch when he was taken up to the Heavens and all was revealed to him.

The practitioner brings forth knowledge and power from the Heavens.  In turn, he increases himself and expands thus sending back up to the heavens, greater than the sum of its parts. Thus demonstrating the ever-increasing cycle and power of the universe in action.

9. Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world. All obscurity will flee from you.

For me, this speaks of understanding within the practitioner from the wisdom he will have gained from his practice. He is in the world but is not of it.  He will be privy to the mysteries of the universe, there will be no question that will not be offered an answer.  He will understand the various planes of existence and see the purpose and workings of them all and the interrelatedness of them. He is able to navigate his way free from hindrance or illusion.

He also is able to have a clear separation of the bodies, he understands how to create working terapolarly. The veil has been lifted and he has crossed the abyss.

10. This is the whole most strong strength of all strength, for it overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates all solid things.

In my understanding, the practitioner embodies the power of the divine forces. He has become the Aeon. The practitioner has overcome the limitations of this world, he has moved beyond them. He has mastered himself  “….for it overcomes all subtle things…” My interpretation of this is that he has mastered the unseen forces of the mind and has fully transformed his consciousness to that of the Divine will, and in doing so mastered the workings of the material plane.

‘This is the whole most strong strength of all strength,’ to me suggests a uniting of the Divine the practitioner becomes one and is complete. He is no longer divided within himself he is whole all aspects within himself are harmonised and aligned to the Divine will by doing this he gains the power of the whole. Such is so he has the ability and freedom to move in and out of dimensions to travel to the spheres and beyond. He can soar like a phoenix through the universe.

In The Book of Enoch, we are witness to this state.  Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) demonstrated this level of attainment by making an imprint of his hand into to a rock (view image below). Thus demonstrating the power of all things within the physical realm. Such abilities include to materialise and dematerialise at will, bilocate, to split the bodies up and be in two places at the same time.


Padmassanbhava’s Handprint Outside Asura Cave, Nepal.


11.  Thus was the world created.

In this statement,  the author is referring to the completion of the process that occurs not only in our own development but also explaining the mechanism of the universe in motion. It is the underlying mechanism behind all created things.

I also believe he is offering us a key, we also become Divine creators, Gods. We have the power to create worlds, beings universes. The expression of the divine is infinite in its existence ever expanding and growing.


12.  From this comes marvellous adaptations of which this is the procedure.

This text is not so clear in its delivery, I believe this is referring to the execution of using these principals. So we are able to use these forces and alter them according to our will. This what is meant for us to do. It is speaking about the use of magic.

We develop the skills to have dominion over all things, the practitioner is no longer subject to the physical laws laid down he now is able to shape and manipulate them according to his will.

13. Therefore I am called Hermes Thrice-Crowned because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole world.

Hermes Trismegistus, in which was within contained the knowledge of three parts of the wisdom of the Universe, including Alchemy, Astrology and Theurgy. There is no need to go any further into this phrase since Martin Faulks has covered this in detail in his title, The Emerald Tablet. I believe this sentence is giving authority to the authorship of these writings and perhaps reassurance to the practitioner that this information isTrue without falsehood certain, most true.’

From the practitioner’s perspective, we also see the analogy of the trinity repeated in many different traditions – the mind, body and spirit. The author is stating his completion of all these aspects from a theurgic point of view.


14.  And complete is what I had to say about the work of the Sun.

In just about every religious/esoteric tradition, the sun has been an important symbol of Divinity and perfection. It is the symbol of rebirth, life-giving, glory, radiance and synonymous with the supreme being.

This final aphorism states clearly the purpose of this work and its intention from the beginning to completion. Not only does is it offer a confirmation to the reader of this fact, but also refers to the author’s own journey to perfection. We get the sense he is speaking from his own experience of going through this process.

There is a confidence within the text a sense of permanence, an energy and life to it. Those who tune into it will receive the wisdom from this text as those in the past who have meditated upon these words. I get the sense perhaps the author is with us as we read.

When one reads this text it ignites the heart and mind lifting our consciousness to a  perfected realm of existence –  in tune with the heavens and the one mind of  ALL.  It is a blessing for those who read it and understand its mysteries.

Please enjoy related links  to the origins of  the Emerald Tablet, Hermes and Hermetic philosophy:

A Historical Account  of Hermes
What is Hermetic meditation? by Tanya Robinson
The Emerald Tablet: Lecture by Martin Faulks 
The Emerald Tablet- The Path to True Adepthood by Martin Faulks
Contemplation of the 4 Elements by Martin Faulks 
Franz Bardon’s Soul Mirror:  From the Original German Translation to English by Ray del Sole


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