Book Marketing

If you’ve ever produced a book and finally got it published, you will already be aware that authors are usually expected to take on the lion’s share of the marketing. As a result, many independent authors struggle a great deal and what was once their dream job becomes a real challenge as they are forced to spend a great deal of time selling their self-published books, rather than locking themselves away and busily creating new books for their followers to enjoy. This is where we come in, we want you to be doing what you love while we can focus on promoting you. There is no magic involved here and it is a process of consistent work with correct methods0. It takes skill and experience, this is something we have built since we began several years ago. When you work with us, you immediately gain our experience and we will provide detailed instructions of what you can do on your end as an author, everything else we will take care of while tracking carefully the results.

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