Julia Griffin

Julia Griffin is a Franz Bardon practitioner and is well known for her ability to enlighten others to find their True Self and become conscious co-creators through practical application of Universal Law. Her teachings embody advanced concepts for those who want to deepen their understanding of co-creation and personal “reality”.  She has a deep understanding of energetics based on extensive studies.

She is an alchemist, astrologer, herbalist and Reiki Master. Julia has the ability to communicate with plants and animals. She lived with wolves for nine years, while developing her intuitive abilities.

Julia is a contributing writer for Spirit of Maat, Drunvalo Melchizedek’s online publication,  and she also contributed to Aquarius Magazine, a publication in Atlanta, Georgia. Her notable interviews include Wayne Dyer, don Jose Luis,  son of don Miguel Ruis (The Four Agreements), Lama Surya Das, and Robert Moss.

She has a bi-monthly radio show on Transformation Talk Radio to help in finding a higher vibration and creating a better life.

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