“I was born in Detroit, Michigan. My parents were extraordinarily dynamic. They were patrons of all the major Christian evangelists in the United States. They had contact with many political and business leaders. When it came to motorboats, sailboats, planes, and cars, they either set new records or owned some of the most famous ones in the world.
In this enchanting environment, you could come down to breakfast in the morning and meet a house guest like Captain Fuchida who led the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. You could hear the Captain and my mother discussing previously undisclosed details about the causes of World War II.
However, surrounded as I was by relatives who were masters of engineering, business enterprise, law, and accounting, I pursued a different path.
I graduated from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois with a BA in philosophy and a minor in economics. At that time, I began studying esoteric, oral traditions. In genuine mythology, individuals come into contact with the creative powers of the human spirit. Words and language possess a symbolic and imaginative quality that is magical. To understand an idea is to experience it from within. This involves a life-long, transforming journey–if you change the self, you change the world.
As part of my field research, I lived in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Berkeley, California. I next studied Hopi Indian culture and language at the University of Arizona where I received a Masters degree in linguistics. At that time I became the only accepted student of a Hopi Indian shaman.