Ditch the Mental Junk Food! by Tanya Robinson
Ditch the Mental Junk Food!
Anyone following a program towards self-development will come face to face with dealing with their mind. It is the cause of both great success and failure in our life, the mind shapes our consciousness which feeds through into how we live, and how we treat ourselves and others.
Recently, I stumbled upon a TV reality program which took obese families through a successful weight loss program. What interested me was the fact these people had lost control over their eating habits and also were not aware of how much they were eating. In each case the same issue arose, they were addicted to junk food and couldn’t stop eating, continually snacking on foods that were high in calories and fat.
This made me begin to think of our own mind and mental junk food we are feeding it?
We all know if you eat too much food you will get fat? But, what is the outcome if we feed our thoughts with mental junk food?
Like with the addicted junk food eater we are not even often aware of how much mental junk we are putting into our mind we only know years down the line when we are suffering from depression, anxiety, fear, or in some extreme cases people are driven to suicide.
Negative Thoughts
Often these thought patterns are formed from a trauma or deep injury, the subconscious mind creates a negative association with a particular event in an aim to protect it, thus when a situation is triggered this then creates a reaction from the subconscious mind to avoid or protect itself from being injured. Hence the emotional reaction. The seeds of these thought patterns can often be tracked back to childhood.
Negative thoughts can be viewed in the same way as reaching out for the junk food because it is something that you always have done. It is easy and is convenient. No thinking is required. But like food addicts, a few hours later you are needing another fix. You ask the fat person how they feel and they will say they feel disgusted with themselves and they may be aware that they are endangering their health but, the next day they still go out and buy that Chinese take-a-way.
You ask a depressed person how do the they feel about having negative thoughts, it is the same they will tell you they feel down, low self esteem, they don’t want to do anything, see no future even don’t want to live. The next day they carry on feeding the negative junk that is making them feel terrible. But the difference is they are not aware of the mental damage to their health by having these thinking habits. Have you ever thought about it – thoughts can be addictive also ? Ever tried to cheer someone up, but they seem to enjoy being unhappy?
Thought for Food
When we see an obese person it is very easy to see that there is an issue and with the correct diet and exercise it is possible for that person to transform their life around in a short time
We know that from various systems of training that thoughts have power and lock themselves within the subconscious mind. Often negative behaviors and patterns are results of injuries from the past. But what is not often discussed is the mechanism behind them. When there are cases of chronic forms of negative thoughts and behaviors we can view it like an addiction. It is like the food junky that cannot stop eating even though they don’t want to be fat.
We can clearly see how eating too much goes and turns to fat within the body but what about having continual negative thoughts what happens to them?
Well, we all know if we feel strong negative emotions such as anger, grief or jealousy, we don’t feel good within ourselves and it makes us feel yucky and not a nice person. It changes our outlook on life and we view the world through a black cloud. Like the obese person feels uncomfortable being in a room full of ‘skinnies’, the depressed person feels uncomfortable being in a room full of ‘positives’. The health dangers are real and can lead to death, but not from over eating, in this case too much mental junk through suicide.
Where do these thoughts go?
As we know if we follow a hermetic tradition that all is recorded in the akasha this includes our thoughts, thoughts don’t die. So where do they go?
If a thought, be it negative or positive is ‘charged’ enough it will become ‘alive.’ What do I mean? If we continually are having strong thoughts, such as there is someone at work who really makes you feel angry because they reminded you of the way you were bullied at school. So every Monday to Friday you go into the office and have to face this person. Over a year of daily feeling angry at that person you will slowly have built up a charge, a force of energy that is often called a ‘thoughtform’. You are probably not even conscious why that person bugs you so much they are not doing anything overt to upset you, perhaps it is their tone of voice or the way they express themselves.
So, after one year you decide to change jobs and your problem is solved. Where is that anger now has it disappeared? You don’t feel angry at that person anymore because they are gone. However, these thought forms are now alive! And are hungry for more mental junk food!
So what happens next?
Well, that hungry thoughtform will find a way to express itself be it through creating that anger inside of you. Have you ever observed people who suddenly explode for no reason. You ask them for a cup of tea and out comes a tirade of emotion. It is those kind of extreme emotions that you will often witness a thoughtform present. This force of energy will do anything to live and will try to express itself where ever and when ever it can. This is why sometimes it is so hard to get rid of negative emotions.
Repeating thoughts
Thoughts are like listening to your favorite song over and over again. But the difference is that 90% of the time we are not conscious of it.
There are certain thoughts that will get stuck in and repeat and repeat. Anyone remember playing records as a child? Sometimes the record needle would not play the next song if the record got scratched? Our mind works the same way.
Our mind is habitual by nature and likes playing that same old song over and over again. So it is no wonder the mind junky cannot get rid of their negative thoughts, right?
So how do we rid ourselves of the Mind Junk ?
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Easier said than done. Like with the fat person who wants to lose weight, they have to first see what they are doing to their bodies and the effect that it is having on them. Then make a choice, take responsibility to change it by replacing the bad diet with good food and exercise and reduce the amount they are eating. We can use the same principal for the mind junky.
Sometimes you just have to say STOP! Using your willpower everyday to say NO! I am not going to have a bad day or think negative thoughts about that person who hurt you. Just like the foodie who will resist eating that chocolate cake. It is not easy but you will feel better in the long run. As mentioned in Franz Bardon’s Initiation Into Hermetics, he addresses reprogramming the mind by use of autosuggestion. But it is important only positive and present statements are used because the subconscious mind is not aware of time.
Over time and practice through understanding your thought patterns you will begin to start to know and feel these thoughtforms in your body. They may manifest as certain negative thoughts or they may manifest in a particular feeling within the body. If you have a knee jerk reaction to something that should only require a rational response then you can be sure there is something lurking within your subconscious. Best way to learn is to just observe your thoughts throughout the day. When these strong emotions come up, just sit with them and they will soon pass, most important is not to engage or feed the energy.
5 steps on how to change:
So we first have to acknowledge and become aware of our negative thoughts – Using a method of making a list of our negative and positive thoughts (Franz Bardon’s Initiation Into Hermetics soul mirror books)
We start replacing the mind junk with good thoughts and feelings – throughout the day focus on our successes and the positive aspects in our life
We reduce our thoughts and give the mind a holiday, this can be done through a regular meditation practice. This also helps to breakdown and destroy thoughtforms. Also helps to clear the mind of thoughts in daily life as well.
Take action we do something positive and life giving in our life that brings us joy. Start with small achievable goals and build up.
Taking up exercise – this is a powerful way to break up the mindset and develop our will power and also exercise produces a feel good factor and clears the astral body from junk thus also helping breakdown any thoughtforms lurking around
These are only 5 steps but like the person who wants to lose weight you need to want to change and it takes will power and awareness to break these comfortable habits.
These are some things I have found useful in applying them in my own life I hope they are of use to you. If you do have suffer from mental health problems it is advisable seek out professional advice.
 Among Initiation into Hermetic by Franz Bardon, I can also recommend 4 very useful books that help with working on dealing with these issues please view below to find out more:
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